71 Incredible Health Benefits of Clove (Laung)

Last Updated on June 12, 2024 by admin

Introduction :

Clove is cultivated in Zanzibar and Malacca Islands in more quantity. Its height is long. Its 8-9 years old tree gives fruits. It is black. It is a fragrant spice which is used in food for taste. There are two kinds of clove- first is high fragrant and second is blue which oil is extracted with the help of machines. The best clove is which is more fragrant and pungent in taste and seems oily if it is pressed.    

Clove oil is heavier than water. Its oil is red which is used to make cigarette tobacco fragrant. This oil is also used as medicine. Applying this oil on the skin is useful to kill skin worms.

Clove (Laung): Name in Different Languages  

  • Hindi         –           Long
  • English          –           Cloves
  • Sanskrit         –           Lavang, Devkusum
  • Marathi          –           Lavang
  • Bengali          –           Lavang
  • Gujrati          –           Laving
  • Persian     –           Darkhte mehak
  • Arabic           –           Mikhkarkan, Phool
  • Telugu          –           Lambgal
  • Latin              –           Careyafilesairo matices

Clove (Laung) Medicinal & Ayurvedic Properties : 

According to Ayurveda

  • clove is pungent, small, cool natured, tasty and easy digestible. 
  • It is useful for the eyes and increases digestion power. 
  • It quenches thirst and checks blood disorders. 
  • It is used to prevent hiccup, cough and tuberculosis.
  • Taking cloves reduces excessive saliva from the mouth and ends pain and toothache. 

According to Greek Medical Science

  • clove is dry, hot and excitable in nature. 
  • Taking it causes headache.
  •  It increases digestion power and makes the gums strong. 
  • Grind it and rub it on the affected part, it alleviates poisoning.      

According to Scientists

  • clove is hot in nature and provides relief from stomach pain.
  • Soak it in hot water and give this water to the pregnant woman, who feels vomiting, it provides relief. 
  • The effect of massage with clove oil is like camphor oil. Its decoction is used to make many perfumed products.
  • The artificial vanilla asens which is found in coco, chocolate, ice-cream and other eatable products is also prepared with cloves.

Dosage :

 It should be taken in quantity of 1 to 3 grams.

Clove (Laung) Uses and Benefits

1. Unconscious:

  • Apply ground cloves on the affected part; it breaks unconsciousness.
  • Grind cloves with ghee or milk and apply it in the eyes, it breaks unconsciousness caused by hysteria.

2. Catarrh:

  • Drinking cloves decoction cures catarrh.
  • Taking 2 drops clove oil with 25-30 grams sugar is useful to cure catarrh.
  • Apply clove oil on hanky and smell it to cure catarrh.
  • Boil 3 cloves with 100 ml water until remain half water then mix some salt in it. After that, take this mixture, it cures catarrh.
  • Taking 2 cloves with the betel-leaf is useful to cure catarrh.

3. Night blindness: Grind one clove with goat milk and apply it slowly in the eyes like collyrium, it cures night blindness.

4. Fever: Taking one ground clove with warm water thrice a day cures normal fever.

5. Stye: Applying ground clove on stye cures it.   

6. Tooth problems:

  • Keep clove in the tooth hole or apply clove oil, it destroys tooth germs.
  • Immerse a cotton piece in cloves oil and put it under the tooth then throw saliva out from the mouth, it ends toothache.
  • Toast clove on the flame and keep it in the tooth hole, it ends toothache.
  • Mix camphor powder in cloves oil and apply it on the tooth, it ends toothache.
  • Grind 5 cloves and mix lemon juice in it. After that, rub this mixture on tooth. It provides relief in toothache. Or boil 5 cloves with 1 glass of water and gargle with this water thrice a day, it also provides relief.

7. Spermatorrhoea: Make the powder by grinding cloves, nutmeg, pepper 5 grams each, 20 grams black pepper and 160 grams dry ginger together. After that, take this powder with equal quantity of sugar. It cures cough, fever, spermatorrhoea, anorexia, breath problems and checks loose motions.

8. Dry or wet cough:

  • Suck 2-3 cloves twice a day; it provides relief in both types of cough.
  • Fry cloves or pulp of vibhitak fruit with ghee and store it. After that, suck this preparation during cough, it provides quick relief.
  • Make the powder by grinding cloves and pomegranate peels together. Licking ¼ spoon of this powder with half spoon honey thrice a day cures cough.

9. Anorexia: Licking half gram powder of cloves with one gram honey in the morning regularly cures anorexia within some days.

10. Vomiting of pregnant woman:

  • Giving one gram clove powder with pomegranate juice to the pregnant woman checks vomiting.
  • Lick cloves powder with honey many times a day; it checks vomiting and retching. It should be taken in quantity of 120 to 240 milligrams twice a day. 
  • Take one gram ground cloves with honey thrice a day; it checks vomiting of pregnant woman.

11. Over thirst during fever: Boil 4 cloves with a little quantity of water until it remains half water then drink it many times a day, it cures fever.

12. Stomach pain and white diarrhoea: Licking cloves powder with honey is useful to get relief in this condition.

13. Cracked tongue: Keeping one clove in the mouth is useful to cure cracked tongue caused by eating betel-leaf.

14. Headache:

  • Apply ground cloves on the head, it ends headache soon. Its oil is also useful to ends headache. Grind 5 cloves and mix with one cup of water. Boil this water on low flame until it remains half water then filter it and mix sugar in it. After that, take this preparation 2 times in the morning and 2 times at night. It ends headache.
  • Grind 6 grams cloves with water to prepare thick paste and heat it. After that, apply this paste on the temples, it ends headache.
  • Apply cloves oil on the forehead and head or drop it in the both nostrils, it ends headache.
  • Grind 2-3 cloves and about 480 milligrams opium with water. After that, apply this hot preparation on the head, it ends headache caused by air and cold.
  • Take 1-2 grams cloves and cinnamon with marrow of common emetic nut, it ends headache. It should not be taken in much quantity because it may be the cause of vomiting.
  • Grind about 5 cloves and boil it with one cup of water until it remains half cup of water then filter it and mix sugar in it. After that, take this mixture 2-4 times a day, it ends headache.

15. Stomach gas:

  • Grind 2 cloves and mix it with half cup of boiled water then cool it. After that, drink this mixture thrice a day, it eliminates stomach gas.
  • Boil 2 cloves with half cup of water then cool it. After that, drink this water, it provides relief. 

16. Acidity:

  • Several diseases are caused by acidity as- digestion problems, tooth decaying, eye diseases and relapsing catarrh. Tea is very harmful for the acidity patient. In this situation, take one clove or take one clove with syrup after the meals twice a day; it provides relief in all diseases, are caused by acidity and also ends acidity. Or mix 5 ground cloves, one spoon honey and sugar with 15 ml juice of green Indian goose berry. Taking this mixture thrice a day ends acidity within some days.
  • Take one clove after the meals twice a day; it provides relief in acidity.
  • Sucking clove as a tablet after eating the food ends acidity.

17. Sinus: Grind cloves and turmeric together and apply it on sinus, it provides relief.

18. Cholera

  • Taking clove syrup quenches thirst and checks vomiting. It also passes out urine properly.
  • Take 2-3 drops of clove oil with semi-spherical or sugar; it provides relief in vomiting and loose motions caused by cholera. Taking clove oil ends stomach pain and eliminates gas troubles. It also ends surfeited and vomiting.

19. Bilious fever: Grind 4 cloves and mix water in it. After that, give this mixture to the patient. It reduces intensive fever.

20. Typhoid: Drink clove water is beneficial in typhoid. Boil 5 cloves in 2 litre water until it remains half water then filter it. After that, take this water many times a day, it provides relief in typhoid. Drinking only boiled water is also beneficial.   

21. Feeling cold: Make a decoction by boiling cloves. Taking this decoction or taking 2 drops of clove oil with sugar reduces excessive coldness of the body.

22. Mouth offensive smell: Keeping clove in the mouth removes offensive smell of the mouth and breath.

23. Heart inflammation: Grind 2-4 cloves with cold water and mix sugar-candy in it and take; it ends burning sensation of the heart.

24. Nauseate: Grind 2 cloves and boil it with half cup of water and take this preparation. It checks nauseate. Nauseate also can be checked by chewing cloves.

25. Toothache:   

  • Grind 3 cloves and mix 5 ml lemon juice in it. Rub this mixture on the tooth and also apply in tooth hole; it ends toothache.
  • Immerse a cotton piece in cloves oil and apply it on the tooth and also keep in the tooth hole; it ends toothache.

26. Asthma or breath problems:

  • Make a decoction by boiling 2 cloves with 150 ml water. After that, drink some quantity of this decoction, it cures asthma.
  • Sucking cloves regularly cures asthma.
  • Mix equal quantity power of cloves and black pepper with decoction of triphala and acacia tree juice. After that, take 2 teaspoons of this mixture regularly; it cures asthma.
  • Make the powder by grinding equal quantity of cloves, nut grass, galls, beleric myrobalan, triguna and rigani together. Mix juice of aloe vera in this powder and make tablets like gram from this mixture. Taking one tablet twice a day provides relief.
  • Keeping clove in the mouth brings phlegm out easily and removes offensive smell of phlegm. It also ends offensive smell from the mouth and breath.

27. Lungs swelling: Take one gram of cloves powder with honey or ghee twice a day; it ends lungs swelling. It also ends cough and breath problems.

28. Stye: Grind clove with water and apply it on stye, it cures stye but the patient feels some burning sensation in starting.

29. To make tooth strong: Make the powder by grinding 50 grams black pepper and 10 grams cloves together. Brushing with this powder regularly makes tooth strong. It ends tooth looseness and tooth decaying caused by weakness.  

30. Pyorrhoea:  

  • Mix cus-cus and cardamom with cloves oil. After that, rub this mixture on the teeth twice a day; it cures pyorrhoea and removes offensive smell of mouth.
  • Mix 5-6 drops cloves oil in one glass of lukewarm water. Gargling with this mixture cures pyorrhoea.

31. Tooth germs: Immerse a cotton piece in cloves oil and apply it in the hole of damaged tooth, it destroys tooth germs and ends toothache.

32. Whooping cough (Black cough): 

  • Toast clove on a pan and grind it to prepare powder. Licking this powder with honey cures whooping cough.
  • Roast a little quantity of clove on pan and grind these to prepare powder. After that, lick this powder with honey; it cures whooping cough quickly.
  • Give 30 to 60 milligrams gall stone (Golochan) with honey to the child twice a day; it provides relief in whooping cough. Caution: Pure gall stone should be used, because there is also found duplicate gall stones in the markets.

33. Cough:

  • Toast 2 cloves on pan for one minute then grind these to prepare powder. Giving one spoon of this powder with lukewarm milk to the child before sleeping at night cures cough.
  • Make the powder by grinding cloves, nutmeg, long pepper 10 grams each, 20 grams pepper, 160 grams dry ginger and 210 grams ground sugar (bura) together. Make tablets from this powder. After that, take this tablet regularly. It provides quick relief in cough, fever, anorexia, spermatorrhoea, colic pain, asthma, indigestion and sprue.
  • Grind equal quantity of cloves, black pepper, bark of beleric myrobalan and catechu together to make the powder. Mix decoction of acacia tree’s bark in this powder and make small tablets from it. Sucking these tablets cures cough, asthma, fever, cold and catarrh.
  • Make the powder by grinding one part cloves and 2 parts pomegranate peel together. Licking ¼ spoon of this powder with half spoon honey thrice a day provides relief in cough.
  • Make the powder by grinding cloves, cardamom, cus-cus, sandal, dry ginger, long pepper root, nutmeg, pure indian bedelivan, pipal, bamboo manna, lotus seed, indian nard, pauonia odorata (netrabala), Chinese cassia, Indian valerian, kankol, black cumin seed and cobra saffron 10 grams each together. Mix 6 grams camphor in this powder. Taking this powder with honey or sugar-candy twice a day cures hiccup, anorexia, cough and diarrhea.
  • Sucking light toasted cloves provides relief in cough.
  • Make the powder by grinding cloves, pepper, nutmeg, black pepper, dry ginger and coriander 10 grams each together. Mix a little quantity of sugar-candy in this powder and store it in a bottle. After that, take two pinches of this powder with honey thrice a day, it cures cough.

34. Surfeited (Stomach gas):  

  • Boil 3 grams clove with 200 ml water and filter it and take this preparation. It ends surfeited.
  • Taking 120 to 240 ml infusion or powder of cloves twice a day is useful to get relief in this disease.
  • Take 1-3 drops cloves oil or its gum with sugar-candy, it ends surfeited.

35. Tongue and skin numbness: Keeping one clove in the mouth provides relief in tongue cracks caused by eating betel-leaf or any other reason. 

36. Constipation: Make the powder by grinding cloves, black pepper, caraway 10 grams each, 50 grams sodium of chloride and 50 grams sugar-candy together and filter it. Mix lemon juice in this powder and dry it. Taking 5 grams this mixture with lukewarm water after the meals eliminates constipation.

37. Vomiting:

  • Grind 4 cloves and boil it with one cup water until it remains half water then filter it and mix sugar according to taste in it. Drink this preparation 4 times a day and go for sleeping, it checks vomiting.
  • Boil 2 cloves and some cinnamon with one cup of water until it remains half water then filter it. Taking this mixture checks vomiting within some time.
  • If a pregnant woman suffers from vomiting, give 2 ground cloves with honey to her, it checks vomiting. Sucking 2 roasted cloves checks vomiting.
  • Boil 2 cloves with water and mix sugar-candy in it after cooling. Drink this mixture and go to sleep, it checks vomiting.
  • Sucking clove provides relief in retching.
  • Drinking decoction of cloves and cinnamon is useful to check vomiting.
  • Boil about 25 grams toasted rice (Khil), 5 cloves, 5 small cardamoms and 25 grams sugar-candy with half liter water, when it boil 10-12 times then put it down and filter. After that, drink this water in a little quantity of quantity, it checks vomiting. 
  • Taking powder of cloves and celery seeds with honey checks vomiting.

38. Mouth blister: Chewing clove or clove with cardamom cures mouth blister.

39. Mouth taste: Chewing cloves removes bad taste of the mouth.

40. Loose motions: Grind 7 cloves, asafetida, gram and rock salt together and store it. Taking about 2 grams this mixture with cold water in summer season and with lukewarm water in winter season provides relief. 

41. Mouth offensive smell: Chewing light toasted clove prevents offensive smell from the mouth.

42. Impotence: Grind 8 grams cloves, 12 grams nutmeg, 16 grams pure opium and 240 milligrams musk together. Mix honey in this mixture and make tablets of 240 milligrams from it. Taking one tablet with betel-leaf enhances sexual power. If someone suffers from excessive sexual power and sperm does not ejaculate, sour products should be given to him.

43. Hiccup: Chewing 2 cloves regularly provides relief in hiccup.

44. Back pain: Rub cloves oil on the body; it ends back pain and other types of pain. This oil should be used before bathing.

45. Dyspepsia: 

  • Boil clove and myrobalan with one cup of water until it remains half water then mix 1 pinch rock salt in it. After that, drink this mixture; it cures dyspepsia, indigestion, stomach heaviness and sour belching.
  • Make a decoction by boiling 2 cloves and one red cardamom with water. Drinking this decoction provides relief.
  • Make a decoction by boiling 4 cloves and 2 myrobalans with water. Drinking this decoction is useful to cure dyspepsia.

46. Phlegm:

  • Boil 3 grams clove with 100 ml water until it remains ¼ part then put it down and make it lukewarm. After that, take this lukewarm water, it brings phlegm out.
  • Taking 3-4 drops clove oil with puffed sugar cakes or ground sugar (bura) twice a day provides relief.

47. Over thirst:

  • Mix 3 cloves in 2 glasses of boiled water and cold it. Drinking this water quenches over thirst.
  • If the patient feels over thirst during fever or cholera, boil 2 cloves with 250 ml water for 10 minutes. Drink 60 ml this mixture thrice a day or drink it in a little quantity after every 10-15 minutes, it quenches over thirst.

48. Digestion problems: Grind cloves, dry ginger, black pepper, long pepper and caraway 10 grams each together and mix one gram rock salt in it. Keep this mixture in a steel pot and mix lemon juice in it, when it turns into hard then dry in shadow. Taking 5 grams this preparation with water after the meals twice a day ends digestion problems.

49. Urticaria (Cold bile): Grind 4 cloves and mix it with water. Drinking this water is useful to cure intensive fever and fever caused by bile.

50. Nose diseases: Grind clove with warm water and apply it on the forehead, it ends headache and cures catarrh.

51. Migraine:

  • Make a paste by grinding about 5 grams cloves with water and heat it lightly. After that, apply this paste on the temples, it cures migraine.
  • Grind about 10 grams cloves and about 10 grams tobacco leaves with water. Applying this preparation on the forehead cures migraine.

52. Stomach pain:

  • Taking 120 to 240 milligrams cloves powder twice a day is useful to end stomach pain.
  • Sucking one clove after the meals twice a day provides relief in acidity and other diseases caused by acidity. After that, take cloves, it makes the stomach strong and kills stomach worms. It cures anorexia and breath problems. It also brings phlegm out and eliminates vatta.
  • Taking 1-3 drops cloves oil with sugar-candy or its gum provides relief.
  • Grind 10 cloves, 2 pinches black salt and half pinch of asafetida together. After that, take this mixture with lukewarm water twice a day, it provides relief.

53. Arthritis: Grind cloves, toasted borax, alva and black pepper 5 grams each together. Mix aloe vera juice in this powder and make tablets equal the gram from it then dry these in shadow. Taking one tablet twice a day cures arthritis.

54. Vagina disease: Grind clove and mix mare’s milk in it then dry it. Grind this mixture and keep it in the vagina, it shrinks vagina and makes tight.

55. Giddiness: Boil two cloves with two cups of water and cold it. After that, give this preparation to the suffered person from giddiness, it provides benefit.

56. Heart weakness:

  • Mix sugar-candy with ground cloves and prepare syrup from this mixture and take, it ends burning sensation of the heart.
  • Grind 4 cloves with water and mix sugar in it. Taking this mixture checks heart disability.
  • Grind 21 cloves, 7 basil leaves, 5 black peppers and 4 almonds with water and make the syrup from above mixture. Mix some honey in this syrup and drink, it makes the heart strong.

57. Ribs pain: Sucking clove provides relief in cough and brings phlegm out easily. It is also beneficial in cough, asthma and breath problems.

58. Measles: 

  • Grind two cloves with water and give it to the child, it provides relief.
  • Giving 2 ground cloves with honey to the child 2-3 times a day cures measles.
  • If the child suffers from vomiting caused by drinking excessive water and also feels over thirst during measles, boil 2-3 cloves with water and filter it. After that, give a little quantity of this water to the child many times a day. It quenches over thirst.
  • When measles poxes appear properly, grind cloves and mix honey in it. Giving this mixture to the child 2-3 times a day cures measles.

59. Rickets: Grind 7 cloves with water and give it to the child patient; it cures rickets which appears in winter season.

60. Delirium: Boil cloves, indian vulerian, indian penny wort and caraway about one gram each with 16 ml water until it remains ¼ part water then filter it. After that, drink this water 2-3 times a day, it cures delirium.

61. Sciatica: Rubbing cloves oil on the feet ends sciatica pain.

62. Leprosy: Grind 1.20 grams the bark of sage leaved alanguim’s root, nutmeg, mace and clove together. After that, take this mixture with water, it reduces leprosy.

63. Penis problem: Boil 20 grams cloves with 50 ml sesame oil and cool it. Rubbing this mixture on the penis cures all problems of the penis.

64. Navel disease: Mix cloves oil and sesame oil together. Applying this oil on the child navel ends navel pain.

65. Penis size: Mix clove oil with olive oil and rub it on the penis (except front portion of the penis). It increases penis size.

66. Pulse pain: Rub cloves oil on the body; it ends back, pulse, thigh and knees pain.

67. Throat swelling: Boil one spoon husk (Choker) of wheat flour, one teaspoon sodium of chloride and 2 nags clove with water like tea and filter it. Drinking this preparation ends throat swelling.

68. Tonsil enlargement: Make a decoction by boiling one betel-leaf, 2 cloves, half spoon liqourica and 4 seeds of peppermint with one glass of water and take this decoction, it reduces tonsil enlargement.

69. Throat pain and swelling: Take about 120 to 300 ml infusion of cloves twice a day; it provides relief from pain and swelling of the throat.

70. Raynud: Make a decoction by boiling seeds of staff tree and 2-4 flowers of clove tree together. Giving 20 to 40 ml this decoction to the patient provides relief.

71. Neck pain: Mix clove oil with mustard oil. After that, rub it on the neck, it ends neck pain.     

Clove (Laung) Side Effects : 

Precautions: Taking over quantity of cloves may be harmful for the kidney and intestines.

Removing side-effects: The gum of acacia tree removes all side-effects of cloves.

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Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional before starting any new herbal treatment.

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