14 Incredible Uses and Benefits of Cotton Plant

Last Updated on July 22, 2024 by admin


Farming of cotton plants has been cultivating in India since ancient time. It is light in weight and sweet in taste. It eliminates vatta. Its leaves are useful in the treatment of earache, tinnitus aureum, otorrhoea, deafness and urinary problems. There are three kinds of cotton plant.

Cotton Plant Name in Different Languages:

  • English        –        Cotton plant
  • Hindi            –        Kapaas
  • Sanskrit       –         Karpasi, Tundkeri, Samudranta
  • Bengali        –         Karpas
  • Marathi        –         Kaapsi
  • Gujrati         –         Kapas, Bann
  • Telugu         –         Patichettu
  • Persian        –         Kutun
  • Arabic          –         Kutam
  • Latin            –         Gosepiyum hervesiyum

Cotton Plant Structure:

Generally, cotton plants are found everywhere. Its flowers are yellow but red in centre. Its fruit has three pieces (portions). Its fruit contains cotton. Cotton comes out when its fruits burst after ripening. When cotton seeds are separated from its fruit by using a spinning wheel (Charkha) then we get seeds and cotton separately. Its seeds are called binaula in Hindi.

Cotton Plant Medicinal & Ayurvedic Properties:

  • Nature: Cotton is hot and cool in nature.
  • Cotton increases milk in the breast. 
  • It enhances the strength of the body and eliminates bile and phlegm.
  • It is used to end burning sensation, illusion and unconsciousness.

Cotton Plant Uses and Benefits:

1. Fever: Drink a decoction of cotton seeds to the patient of fever. This medicine should be taken before the attack of fever. By following this formula a person does not become the victim of fever that comes on a definite time.

2. Bascillary dysentery:

  • Mix cotton seeds in tea and drink. Its use provides relief a lot in bascillary dysentery.
  • Extract the juice of 10 to 20 grams leaves of cotton plant. Taking this juice with whey twice a day gets rid of bascillary dysentery.

3. Disturbances during menstrual excretion:

  • Drink the decoction of cotton plant’s bark twice a day. Its use is beneficial in scanty menses because of cold or menses with pain and the woman does not suffer from pain during menses. Its use regulates to the menses.
  • Drink 40 ml decoction of cotton plant’s bark twice a day. There is no problem in the period of menses by its use.
  • Grind about 40 grams root of cotton plant and boil in 1 liter water until 1\4 water remains. Drink this preparation twice a day after filtering. Its use provides relief if there are disturbances in the period of menstrual excretion. It also makes to the menstrual excretion normal.
  • Mix 24 grams pulp of cotton plant, 30 grams pulp of cassia fistula, aniseed, carrot, soya and gulbanfasa 10 grams each and 30 grams old jiggery (gur) together. Boil this mixture in 750 ml water until 250 ml water remains. Drink this preparation after filtering to get relief in amenorrhoea and make menstrual excretion normal. It should not be given to the pregnant woman because it may be the cause of abortion. If menstrual excretion is not normal, its use proves beneficial. Menses become normal by drinking this decoction for three days regularly.
  • Boil 100 grams leaves of cotton plant in half liter water until 250 ml water remains and filter it. Mix a little jiggery (gur) in this preparation. All the disturbances during menstrual excretion disappear by drinking this decoction.

4. Paralysis: Grind dry root of cotton plant and mix 6 grams honey in it. Lick this mixture regularly to get rid of paralysis.

5. Leucorrhoea:

  • Take 1-2 grams powder of cotton plant’s root with fresh water twice a day. Its use is very useful if a woman has been suffering from blood leucorrhoea.
  • About 2-4 grams bark of cotton plant’s root with rice water twice a day. Its use provides relief in leucorrhoea.

6. Stone: Drink the decoction of cotton plant root. Its use breaks the stone of the stomach. A person gets rid of flatulence by using it.

7. After pains: Give the decoction of cotton plant’s bark to the parturient after parturition. All disturbances pertaining to uterus disappear soon by its use.

8. Lack of milk in the breast of a parturient:

  • Give the powder of cotton seeds to the parturient twice a day. Its use increases milk in the breast.
  • Make the fine powder by grinding 2 to 3 grams kernels of cotton plant’s seeds. Mix milk in this powder and prepare pudding (Khir) of this preparation. Give this pudding to the parturient. Its use increases milk in the breast.

9. Depression and laziness: Drink the syrup of cotton plant’s flowers 3-4 times a day. A person gets rid of depression and laziness by its use.

10. Urinary problems: Grind the leaves of cotton plant or Ban cotton plant with milk. Take this preparation to get relief in strangury. It should not be given to the pregnant woman because it is hot in nature and stimulant.

11. Heart problems: Soak 4 fruits of cotton plant in one cup water for 4-5 hours then crush them in the same water and mix a little sugar-candy in it. Take this mixture regularly to get rid of heart problems.

12. Jaundice: Soak 8 grams kernels of cotton plant in water at night. Crush these kernels with water and filter it in the morning. Mix a little rock salt in this preparation. Take this preparation to get rid of jaundice.

13. Insanity: Make a decoction by boiling the flowers of cotton plant, rose water and water about 10 grams each together. Mix 20 grams jiggery (gur) in this decoction and make treacle. Take 6 grams this treacle twice a day. Its use gets rid of insanity.

14. For strength: Prepare pudding (Khir) by taking 10 grams kernels of cotton plant and milk. Eat this pudding regularly. Its use enhances physical power and ends thinness. 

इस लेख का हिंदी अनुवाद यहाँ पढ़ेंकपास बीज (बिनौला) के 7 चमत्कारी फायदे और उपयोग

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional before starting any new herbal treatment.

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