76 Impressive Health Benefits Of Cardamom (Elaichi)

Last Updated on June 14, 2024 by admin


Cardamom is mostly found in India and in hot region hereabout India. Cardamom is not found in cold region. Cardamom is grown widely in Malabar, Cochin, Mangloor and Karnataka states. Cardamom plants are like turmeric. Cardamom grows itself in Malabar. Cardamom is exported to England and other countries from Malabar every year. It is tasty and normally, is used in eatable products.

 There are two kinds of cardamom- small and big. Small cardamom is bitter, cool, dry, pungent, small and fragrant. It is helpful in abortion and increases bile. It eliminates gas trouble and phlegm. It cures piles, tuberculosis, navel diseases, throat diseases, strangury and wounds. It removes stones and alleviates poisoning.

 Cardamom should not be taken at night. Eating cardamom at night causes leprosy. Big cardamom is pungent, dry, tasty, fragrant, easy digestible and cool. It increases digestion power and eliminates bile disorder and phlegm. It cures blood disorders, heart problems, vomiting, burning sensation and headache. It ends mouth pain and alleviates poisoning.

Cardamom (Elaichi) Name in Different Languages:

  • English        :      Cardamom
  • Sanskrit       :       Eila
  • Hindi            :       Elayachi
  • Marathi        :       Baelchi
  • Gujrati         :           Eialchi
  • Bengali        :       Ealach
  • Latin            :       Aleteria cardemomam

Cardamom (Elaichi) Plant Structure: 

Structure: The bushes of small cardamom are like ginger. Its flowers are white and red.

Cardamom (Elaichi) Medicinal & Ayurvedic Properties:

  • Nature: Small cardamom is cool.
  • Colour: The peel of small cardamom is white and its seeds are green and black. The seeds of big cardamom are dark black.
  • Taste: Big cardamom is pungent and fragrant. Small cardamom is pungent, tasty and fragrant.
  • Small cardamom brings phlegm out and keeps mind happy.
  • It cures cough, asthma, piles and strangury. 
  • It makes wound pure and removes filth of the heart and throat. 
  • Small cardamom makes the heart strong and breaks stones.
  • It cures insanity, vomiting and retching. 
  • It prevents offensive smell from the mouth and makes mouth fragrant. 
  • The properties of big cardamom are like small cardamom. Big cardamom is useful to cure jaundice, indigestion, urinary problems, chest inflammation, stomachache, yawn, hiccup, asthma and rheumatism. It also breaks stone and throws them out.


Small cardamom can be taken 1 to 3 grams in quantity.

Cardamom (Elaichi) Uses and Benefits:

1. Headache:

  • Apply ground cardamoms on the forehead or smelling ground seeds of cardamom; it provides relief in headache.
  • Grind small cardamom with water and apply it on the head like paste, it cures headache.
  • Smelling fine powder of small cardamom is useful to cure headache.
  • Grind peels of red cardamom with water and apply it on the head like paste; it cures headache quickly.
  • Mix cardamom oil, peppermint, camphor and cow’s ghee together. Apply this mixture on the front part of the head; it cures intensive headache.
  • Mix 1 big cardamom, 2 small cardamoms and half gram camphor with rose water. Apply this mixture on the head or forehead like a paste; it cures headache.

2. Stone:

  • Mix cardamom powder, kernels of musk-melon’s seed and sugar-candy together. Taking 2-3 grams this mixture daily is useful to get relief in kidney stone.
  • Make the powder by grinding cardamom, long pepper and mineral pitch together and mix sugar-candy in it powder. Take 1 teaspoon of this powder with water twice a day; it breaks stone and throws them out within some days.
  • Grind cardamom, long pepper, contry borage elloopatree, caltrop, malabar nut tree and castor root 10 grams each together. Make decoction by boiling above mixture. Drinking this decoction twice a day is useful to break stone.

3. Liver problems:

  • Taking 2-3 grams cardamom powder regularly is useful to get relief in liver problems and blood accumulation.
  • Take 1-2 grams cardamoms powder daily; it cures liver enlargement.

4. Vatta pain: Take 1-2 grams cardamom powder thrice a day; it provides relief from pain due to vatta.

5. Mouth swelling: Eat 2-3 grams peels of cardamom regularly; it cures mouth swelling, headache and tooth problems.

6. Fever: Make the powder by grinding 20 grams cardamom seeds and 10 grams bark of cardamom tree’s root together. Boil 1 teaspoon of this powder with water and milk until remain only milk and after that take its 20 milliliters quantity thrice a day, it provides relief in all the types of fever.

7. Indigestion: If someone suffers from indigestion caused by eating over quantity of banana, give cardamom to him, it digests banana.

8. Scorpion poison:

  • Chew cardamom seeds and whiff fast in the patient’s ears, it provides magical relief from pain and alleviates poison effects.
  • If scorpion has bitten to someone, give 5 to 10 cardamom seeds to him to chew and whiff mouth’s steam in the patient’s ears (with take name of god), it provides quick relief.

9. Vomiting: Taking cardamom with equal quantity of mint is useful to prevent vomiting.

10. Tooth disease: Mix cardamom oil with equal quantity of cloves oil. Rubbing this oil on the teeth is useful to get relief.  

11. Breath disease: Take sugar-candy with cardamom oil; it provides relief in breath disease.

12. Ptyalism (Excessive spittle): Make the powder by grinding equal quantity of cardamom and betel-nut together. Sucking 1-2 grams this powder many times a day is useful to reduce excessive spitting.

13. Night-fall: Mix equal quantity of cardamom seeds and spogel seeds in juice of Indian gooseberry. Take 1 teaspoon of this mixture twice a day; it prevents night fall.

14. Eyes inflammation and glaucoma: Make the powder by grinding cardamom seeds with equal quantity of sugar. Mix castor powder with 4 grams above powder. Taking this powder provides coolness to the eyes and brain. It also enhances eyesight.

15. Blood leucorrhoea and bloody piles: Make the powder by grinding equal quantity of cardamom seeds, saffron, nutmeg, bamboo manna (vanshlochan), cobra saffron and shankhjra together. Taking 2 grams this powder with 2 grams honey, 6 grams cow ghee and 3 grams sugar twice a day for about 14 days is useful to get relief in the diseases of blood leucorrhoea and bloody piles. Take it at night then mix sugar into half kilogram milk of cow and boil it on fire. Drink this preparation and sleep, it cures blood leucorrhoea, bloody piles and hematuria. Jaggery, seeds, etc. hot products should not be taken during this process.

16. Phlegm: Take cardamom seeds, rock salt and honey with ghee, it provides relief.

17. Sperm count: Mix cardamom seeds, mace, almond, cow’s butter and sugar-candy together. Take this mixture daily in the morning; it makes sperm thick.

18. Anuria and dysuria: Take powder of cardamom seeds with honey; it provides relief.

19. Constipation: Toast a little quantity of cardamom seeds on ghee’s lamp. Make the powder by grinding toasted cardamoms and mix honey in it. Licking this mixture is useful to get relief in constipation.

20. Mouth diseases: Mix powder of cardamom seeds and powder of toasted alum together. Keep this powder in the mouth and throw saliva out after that wash mouth with fresh water. This process should be continued regularly for 4-5 times a day, it provides relief.

21. Pain: Make a decoction by boiling cardamom seeds, asafetida, holarrhena antidysentrica wall (Indrajav) and rock salt together and mix castor’s oil in it. Drinking this decoction is useful to end all the types of pain like- back pain, heart pain, stomachache, navel pain, womb pain, forehead ache, ears and eyes pain.

22. Fever: Boil cardamom seeds, beel and vishkhapra with water and milk until remain only milk then cold it and filter. Drinking this milk is useful to cure all the types of fever.

23. Strangury due to phlegm: Mix cow urine or honey or juice of banana’s leaves with cardamom powder. Taking this preparation is useful to get relief.

24. Vomiting:

  • Burn cardamom peels and mix honey in its ash. Licking this mixture is useful to vomiting.
  • Mix ¼ spoon cardamom powder in pomegranate’s syrup. Drinking this syrup cures vomiting quickly.
  • Mix 4 pinches cardamom powder in half cup of pomegranate syrup. Drinking this syrup is beneficial to prevent vomiting.

25. Cholera:

  • Taking 5 to 10 drops cardamom juice is useful to get relief in vomiting, cholera and diarrhoea. 
  • Boil 10 grams cardamom with 1 litre water until it remains 250 ml water then put it down and cold. Drinking this water as quaff at an interval of little time is beneficial to end bad effect of cholera and retention of urine. It also quenches thirst.

26. Poison of purgative croton: Grind cardamom seeds with curd and give it to the affected patient, it provides relief.

27. Indigestion: Grind 10 cardamoms and boil it with 500 ml water until remain about 60 ml water then mix sugar in it and drink, it provides relief.

28. Cough with phlegm: Taking half gram slender powder of cardamoms and half gram powder of dry ginger with honey many times a day is useful to get relief.

29. Dry cough: Burn cardamom half with its peel and filter it with a cloth to prepare powder. Taking this powder with ghee and sugar cures dry cough.

30. Flatulence: Mix 240 milligrams toasted asafetida with half gram filtered powder of cardamom. Take this mixture with lemon juice; it cures flatulence caused by any reason.

31. Anuria and dysuria: Grind 10 cardamoms finely and mix 250 ml water and 250 ml milk in it. Make a decoction by boiling above mixture. Taking this decoction 4 times a day is beneficial to end retention of urine and anuria and dysuria.

32. Retention of urine: Grind 5 cardamoms and 11 seeds of water-melon together. Boil this powder with 250 ml water and 250 ml milk until remain its half quantity then filter it and drink, it passes out urine properly and ends burning sensation while urinating. It also prevents sperm with urinating.

33. Forehead pain: Grind 20 cardamoms and filter it with a cloth. Mix 2 pinches filtered powder of small pepper in it. After that, again mix as much honey quantities in it that wet it completely. Taking this preparation is useful to end headache.

34. Mouth offensive smell: Chewing cardamoms many times a day prevents offensive smell from the mouth and breath. By taking cardamoms after eating onion or garlic, offensive smell in the mouth does not occur.

35. Stammering and lisping: Make the powder by grinding small cardamoms, greater galangal, pyllitory root, orris root and clove 25 grams each together. Mix 5 grams musk mallow in it powder and store it. Taking half spoon this powder with juice of Indian penny wort twice a day for about 2-3 months is useful to get relief.

36. Bile disorders: Take 2 to 4 teaspoons castor oil to make stomach clean. After that, grind small cardamoms, cinnamon and long pepper 10 grams each together. Mix 25 grams sugar-candy in it and grind it again. Taking this preparation with half spoon butter thrice a day is beneficial to get relief.

37. Memory power: Grind slender 50 grams cardamom and 25 grams bamboo manna (vanshlochan) together. Taking half spoon of this mixture with juice of Indian penny wort or cubeb twice a day is useful to enhance memory and brain power.

38. Throat and chest inflammation: If someone suffers from acidity and inflammation of the throat and chest, grind equal quantity of small cardamom, bamboo manna, small myrobalan, cassia, nut grass, orris root, indian gooseberry and pyllitory root together to make the powder. Give 1 teaspoon of this powder to him with fresh water twice a day; it provides relief.

39. Stomach pain:

  • Make the powder by grinding equal quantity of cardamom, celery seeds, pinnak, dry ginger, Indian gooseberry and black salt together. Take 1 spoon this powder with warm water; it cures indigestion and dyspepsia. It provides relief from stomach pain and eliminates gas trouble.
  • Taking ground small cardamoms with honey is useful to get relief.
  • Take ¼ teaspoon ground red cardamom thrice a day; it end stomach pain.
  • Make the powder by grinding seeds of red cardamom and aniseed together. Giving 1 pinch of this powder with mother milk to the child provides relief from stomach pain.

40. Liver swelling: Make the powder by grinding 10 grams cardamom, 25 grams Indian gooseberry and 25 grams cumin seeds together. Take 1 teaspoon of this powder with cow’s milk twice a day; it provides relief in liver swelling and jaundice.

41. Body strength: Make the fine powder by grinding equal quantity of cardamom, almond, nutmeg and mace together. Mix equal quantity of sugar-candy in the above powder. Take half spoon of this powder with milk twice a day; it ends all the types of weakness. It also makes the body strong and powerful.

42. Amoebic dysentery: Make the powder by grinding 20 grams cardamom and 5 grams rock salt together. Taking half teaspoon of this powder with fresh water twice a day is useful to get relief.

43. White leucorrhoea: Grind slender bamboo manna (with blue lines), small cardamom and cobra saffron 50 grams each together. Mix 150 grams ground sugar-candy in above mixture and store it. Taking 1 teaspoon of this mixture with creamy milk twice a day for about 2 months is useful to cure white leucorrhoea.

44. Depression: Take cardamom decoction; it checks depression. Make the powder by grinding cardamom seeds and boil it with water to prepare decoction. Mix a little quantity of honey in it decoction and drink, it provides relief.

45. Toothache: Mix big cardamom in the water and boil it. Gargling with this water twice a day ends toothache and gums swelling.

46. Asthma:

  • Taking about 2 grams staff tree with 2 grams cardamom seeds regularly is useful to cure asthma caused by phlegm.
  • Take cardamom, date-palm and grapes with honey; it cures asthma and cough. It also makes the body powerful.

47. Whooping cough: Toast seeds of big cardamom on pan and mix equal quantity of aniseed, liqourica and dry grapes (without seeds) in these. Make the powder by grinding above mixture. Take 12 milligrams this powder with honey 2-3 times a day; it provides relief.

48. Cough:

  • Grind toasted red cardamom to prepare powder. Giving 2 pinches of this powder with honey to the child twice a day provides relief.
  • Eating small cardamom is useful to get relief in cough.
  • Toast seeds of small cardamom on pan and make the powder from these. Take this powder with pure ghee or honey twice a day; it provides relief.
  • Make the powder by grinding big cardamoms, sat liquorice, gum of acacia tree, sat jujub, almond seeds, pumpkin seeds, seeds of water-melon, musk-melon seeds, puffed borax, saffron, marsh mint 10 grams each, 50 grams bamboo manna (vanshlochan) and 100 grams sugar-candy together. Mix a decoction of malabar nut tree in this powder and make tablets as the shape of pea from this mixture. Taking these tablets is useful to get relief in cough.
  • Take half spoon cardamom powder and half spoon powder of dry ginger with honey 3-4 times a day; it cures cough due to phlegm. Taking 1 to 2 grams this powder twice a day is useful to get relief in this condition.  Suck 1 tablet after every 3 hours; it cures cough. It is also beneficial for child’s cough and whooping cough.

49. Dentition: Make the fine powder by grinding cardamom, sugar-candy, bamboo manna and lotus seeds (kamalgatta) together. Give 240 milligrams powder with breast milk to the child; it makes dentition easily.

50. Anus pain: Grind 240 milligrams big cardamom or 60 to 180 milligrams small cardamom and make the powder. Taking this powder with quinine twice a day is beneficial to end pain due to anus twist.

51. Cold, catarrh and cough: Put tej ilayachi on hanky and smell, it cures cold, catarrh and cough.

52. Anorexia: Grind seeds of small cardamom, cassia, cinnamon 6 grams each and 40 grams liqourica together to make the fine powder. Filter this powder and mix honey in it. Make tablets equal the straw berry from the above mixture and store. This tablet is called “Aeladi Vati”. Taking 1 tablet twice a day is useful to cure anorexia, asthma, cough, vomiting, unconscious, hoarseness, blood-vomiting, giddiness, spleen enlargement, rheumatism and hiccup. It quenches thirst and ends tiredness or laziness. It also provides relief from ribs pain. These tablets are harmful for the hard worker men and patient of the chest wound.

53. Constipation: Grind 250 grams seeds of big cardamom and 10 grams kernels of bitter-gourd (without seed) together and make small tablets from it. Taking this tablet twice a day is useful to cure constipation and eliminates gas trouble.

54. Stomatitis (Mouth blisters):

  • Make fine powder by grinding 3 grams white cardamom, 2 grams sugar and 3 grams catechu together with the help of a mortar. Apply this powder on the mouth blisters; it provides relief.
  • Grind cardamom and mix honey in it. Applying this mixture on mouth blisters is useful to get relief. 
  • Make the powder by grinding sona ruddle, sugar-candy, catechu and cardamom 5 grams each together. Mix 3 grams puffed blue-vitriol in it powder. Rub this powder on the blisters 3-4 times a day after that gargle with tea water, it provides relief in mouth blisters.

55. Catarrh:

  • Make the powder by grinding big cardamom and seeds of long pepper together. Lick 1 gram of this powder with honey; it cures cough caused by catarrh within 3-4 days.
  • Make the thick powder by grinding cardamom, black pepper, cinnamon, dry ginger and coriander together. Boil 2 teaspoons this powder with 250 ml water until remain half water then filter it. Drinking this lukewarm water is useful to cure intensive catarrh.

56. Heart pulsation of the pregnant women: Grind small cardamom, coriander, bamboo manna and 10-15 grams flowers of saveti together. Filter above mixture and mix 40 grams sugar in it. Give 5 grams this mixture to the pregnant woman twice a day; it makes heart pulsation normal.

57. Hiccup:

  • Grind 5 cardamom seeds with peels and boil it with 250 ml water until remain half water then put it down and cold. Drinking this water as 1-1 quaff twice a day is useful to prevent excessive hiccup.
  • Grind 2 grams cardamom and boil with water until remain half water and make it lukewarm. After that, taking it is useful to get relief in hiccup.
  • Eating cardamoms after every 2 hours checks hiccup.
  • Grind 4 small cardamoms with peels and boil it with 500 ml water until remain 200 ml water then put it down and filter with a clean cloth. Drinking this lukewarm water checks hiccup quickly. Its only one dosage should be taken.
  • Take 1-2 grams powder of white cardamom with sugar; it checks chronic and incurable hiccup.
  • Boil 5 cardamom seeds with 100 ml water. Drinking this water checks hiccup. Sucking cardamom is beneficial to prevent hiccup too.

58. Urinary problems:

  • Take cardamoms powder with honey; it cures anuria and dysuria. Mix powder of small cardamom, coconut water, nirmali and sugar together. Taking this mixture provides quick relief in strangury.
  • Grind slender big cardamom and saltpeter 10 grams each together. Taking 4 grams this mixture with milk twice a day is beneficial to cure anuria and dysuria.

59. Piles: Grind small cardamom and mix with half cup of water and take this water regularly for 4 weeks; it cures piles.

60. Menstrual excretion problems: Make the powder by grinding cardamom, flowers of downy grislea, black berry, runia cardifolia, lajvanti, gum of silk cotton (mochras) and resin 10 grams each together. Boil this powder with 2 litre water and filter it. Washing vagina with this water; it ends vagina flabbiness and removes offensive smell within some days. It makes menses normal.

61. Indigestion: Make fine powder by grinding equal quantity of red cardamom, celery seeds, lead wort, dry ginger and rock salt together. Take half spoon of this powder with water twice a day; it provides relief.

62. Leucorrhoea:

  • Make the powder by grinding 5 grams big cardamom and 5 grams gall-nut with 10 grams sugar-candy. Taking 2 grams this powder with water twice a day is beneficial to cure white leucorrhoea.
  • Mix powder of big cardamom with equal quantity sugar-candy. Taking 3 grams this mixture is useful to cure white leucorrhoea.
  • Make a powder by grinding 10 grams big cardamom, 5 grams small cardamom and 1 gram cinnamon together. Divide this powder into 4 parts and mix sugar-candy in it. Take this preparation with water; it provides relief in white leucorrhoea.
  • Grind 5 grams seeds of big cardamom, 5 grams gallnut and 10 grams bark of ashoka tree together to make the powder. Take 2-3 grams this powder with fresh water twice a day; it provides relief.
  • Make the powder by grinding equal quantity of big cardamom and gallnut together. Mix equal quantity of sugar-candy in this powder. Take 2 grams this powder twice a day; it cures white leucorrhoea.

63. Pain and swelling: Apply ground cardamom on the suffered part; it provides relief.

64. Over thirst: Boil peels of 12 small cardamoms with 1 glass of water until remain half water then divide into 4 parts and drink one part of this medicine at an interval of every 2-2 hours, it quenches thirst and prevents over thirst caused by any diseases.

65. Herpes: Take 2 grams powder of big cardamom’s seeds with honey twice a day afterwards drink 25 ml decoction of  cassia fistula, cassia angustifolia (Sanay) and big myrobalan, it provides relief. 

66. Gynecology: Grind seeds of small cardamom, 20 grams small pepper and bamboo manna together and mix 60 grams sugar in it. Giving 5 grams this powder with honey or unboiled milk to the women twice a day is beneficial to cure all the diseases of the women.

67. Giddiness: Taking decoction of small cardamom (with peels) with jaggery twice a day is beneficial to end giddiness.

68. Illusion (Mind disability):

  • Grind about 1 gram seeds of small cardamom and about half gram bamboo manna together to make fine powder. Taking this powder with butter is useful to end brain disability.
  • Grind about 10 grams seeds of small cardamom and about 50 grams bamboo manna together to make the powder. Mix about 60 grams sugar in the above powder. Take 5 grams this preparation with milk; it increases brain power.

69. Heart pulsation:

  • Take about 500 milligrams to 2 grams powder of small cardamom with pepper root and ghee twice a day; it provides relief.
  • Licking powder of cardamom seeds with half spoon honey is useful to cure nervousness.
  • Take 3 grams powder of white cardamom with cow’s milk; it provides relief.

70. Heart problems: Make the powder by grinding equal quantity of cardamom seeds and pepper root together. Taking this powder with honey or cow’s ghee twice a day is beneficial to cure heart disease.

71. Epilepsy: Make the powder by grinding cardamom, lignum vito, about 3 to 6 grams mastangi and cinnamon together. Take this powder twice a day; it provides relief in epilepsy. Lignum vito should be boiled with milk before making this powder.

72. Child liver disorder: Fry 480 milligrams powder of small cardamom and give it to the child twice a day; it provides relief from swelling and pain of the liver.

73. Cracked lips: If someone suffers from lips layers and pain caused by removing these layers, grind cardamom and mix butter in it. Apply this mixture on the lips twice a day minimum for 7 days; it provides relief.

74. Navel disease (Navel maturation): Grind 5 grams seeds of small cardamom, 3 grams cinnamon, 10 grams small pepper and 20 grams bamboo manna with 40 grams sugar to make the powder and filter it. Giving 5 grams this powder with 10 grams honey and 20 grams ghee to the suffered child twice a day is useful to get benefit.

75. Nerve pain: Take 240 milligrams powder of big cardamom with quinine twice a day; it ends nerves pain.

76. Tiredness: Take about 180 milligrams cardamom powder with quinine twice a day; it ends neural pain and ends mentally tiredness.

Cardamom (Elaichi) Side Effects:  

Precautions: Taking over quantity of small cardamom is harmful for intestines. Cardamom should not be taken at night. Eating cardamom at night causes leprosy.

Removing side-effect: Sterculia urens (katira) and bamboo manna remove all the side-effects of cardamom.

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Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional before starting any new herbal treatment.

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