Shatavari: 45 Medicinal Uses and Health Benefits

Last Updated on November 13, 2023 by admin

What is Shatavari?:

The creeper of shatavari is found all over India but mostly it is found in North India. Shatavari creeper is grown in gardens and bungalows for decoration. Its creeper climbs with the help of a tree which has many thorns. Its branches and sub branches spread all around and transform into a bush. Its thorns are 6 to 12 millimeters long with a little curvature. Its leaves are 4 to 6 inches long, small, sharp in clusters. Shatavari flowers are small, fragrant, in 3 to 5 mm diameter and blossom in clusters on the stems of flower (manjri). 

Its creeper looks complete white because of thousands of flowers in November month. Shatavari fruits are round like pea and turns into red after ripening. Each fruit has 1-2 black seeds. Its root is long, round like fruit, thick like finger, white, dusty, yellow and hundred in numbers. These roots are used as medicine. The taste of shatavari is vapid.

Shatavari: Name in Different Languages

EnglishButtermilk root, climbing asparagus, wild asparagus
BiologyAsparagus racemosus Willd.

Ayurvedic Indications of Shatavari:

Shatavari is good for brain. It is cool by nature and useful for the eyes. It increases breast’s milk, physical power and sperm count. It ends stomach inflammation, loose motions and swelling. It eliminates vatta and pitta. It also purifies the blood. Its use remains far a person from old age to some extant. 

  • Improves digestion and metabolism (Deepana, Pachana, Rochana, Amahara)
  • Relieves nausea and vomiting (Vamana, Vamanopaga)
  • Anti-aging effects (Vayasthapana, Rasayani, Balya)
  • Reduces fever (Jvara)
  • Relieves cough and breathing difficulties (Kasahara, Shwasha, Anulomana)
  • Manages diabetes (Prameha)
  • Relieves excessive thirst (Trutahara)
  • Benefits the urinary tract (Mehahara)
  • Improves muscle strength and nutrition (Balya, Pushtida)
  • Treats abdominal tumors (Gulmajit)
  • Controls hiccups (Hikkanigrahana)
  • Soothes sore throat (Kantya)
  • Treats false satiety (Triptighno)
  • Benefits the heart (Hridaya)
  • Improves eyesight (Chakushya)
  • Enhances fertility (Garbhaprada)
  • Stops bleeding (Shonitasthapana)
  • Treats anemia (Pandu)
  • Treats diarrhea (Sangrahini)
  • Treats skin disorders (Kustha)
  • Protects the liver (Kamala)
  • Enhances intellect (Medhya)
  • Improves complexion (Varnya)
  • Treats tuberculosis (Kshayajit)
  • Kills intestinal worms (Krimihara)
  • Improves voice and throat (Kanthya)
  • Treats piles (Arsha)
  • Treats painful urination (Krichra)

According to Scientists: After several reasearches the chemical structure of shatavari it has been found that it contains 7 percent sugar, mucilage pichhil liquid and saponin amino acid etc.   

Shatavari: Dosage

  • Tuber-root juice        –          10 to 20 milliliters
  • Fruit’s powder      –           3 to 6 grams
  • Root decoction         –           50 to 100 milliliters

Shatavari: Uses and Benefits

1. Catarrh: Grind 10 grams ground shatavari and 5 black peppers with water. Taking this mixture twice a day gets rid of catarrh. 

2. Vatta disorders: Grind shatavari and long pepper 20 grams each together. Taking 5 grams this preparation with milk after filtering in the morning checks vatta disorders. 

3. Impotence:

  • Make the powder by grinding shatavari, bamboo manna, winter cherry, eila and greater galangal together. Take 3 grams this powder mixing with 6 grams sugar followed by milk. Its use ends impotence within a few months.
  • Boil 4 grams powder of shatavari and winter cherry in milk. Drinking this preparation ends impotence.
  • Boil shatavari in milk for a long time drink by mixing sugar-candy in it. Drinking this milk ends impotence within a few months.
  • Boil 3 grams powder of shatavari in milk and mix sugar-candy in it. Drinking this milk ends sexual weakness.

4. Headache: Grind the fresh root of shatavari plant and extract its juice. Mix equal quantity of sesame oil in the above juice and boil. Rubbing this mixture on the head ends headache and migraine.

5. Dry cough:

  • Boil shatavari, leaves of malabar nut tree and sugar-candy 10 grams each in 150 ml water. Drinking this mixture thrice a day ends dry cough.
  • Boil shatavari, leaves of malabar nut tree and sugar-candy in water. Drinking this mixture ends dry cough.

6. Choked milk of the breast: Grind shatavari, aniseed and Indian kudzu 50 grams each together then sieve it. Taking 5 grams of this mixture with water or milk eliminates choked milk of the breast.

7. Leucorrhoea: Grind 150 grams shatavari and filter. Boil its 20 grams quantity in 200 ml milk and 200 ml water until it remains half.  Then mix loaf-sugar in it. Drinking this preparation twice a daygets rid of leucorrhoea.

8. White leucorrhoea: Take the powder of shatavari mixing with honey. Its use gets rid of white leucorrhoea.

9. Bleeding from the vagina:

Boil 20 grams root of shatavari and caltrop root in 160 ml milk of goat and one kilogram water until it remains a little. Give it to the woman. Its use stops bleeding from the vagina.

10. Sperm deficiency: 

  • Take the juice of whether shatavari or Indian goose berry or caltrop’s decoction mixng with honey. Its use purifies the sperm.
  • Make the powder by grinding equal quantity of shatavari, white musle, winter cherry, caltrop, Indian goose berry and seeds of cow hedge together. Taking 3 grams this powder twice a day enhances sperm count.
  • Make syrup by mixing 10 to 20 grams powder of shatavari in sugar mixed milk. Drinking this syrup twice a day enhances sperm count and makes the sperm thick.
  • Chop wet shatavari and throw its middle straws. Grind sugar-candy and mix in it. Takie the above preparation with this milk. Its use enhances sperm count. 

12. Arthritis: Massage the oil of shatavari on the knees regularly. This medicine cures the disease arthritis.

13. Guineaworms: Drinking the syrup of shatavari provides relief in guineaworms.

14. Insomnia: Mix ghee in the pudding (khir) of shatavari and take. Its use gets rid of the disease named insomnia.

15. Night blindness: Cook sabji of shatavari’s leaves with ghee. Eating this sabji cures night blindness.

16. Cough caused by vatta: Mix one gram powder of long pepper in lightwarm decoction of shatavari. Taking this mixture thrice a day is beneficial to stop cough caused by vatta and the patient feels no trouble.

17. Asthma and unconsciousness: Boil one gram powder of shatavari, one gram ghee and 4 ml milk together. Boil this mixture again mixing with pure ghee then put it down. Giving this preparation to the patientbreaks unconsciousness and this medicine is useful in acidity, asthma and disturbances in the blood caused by bile. It checks vatta and vatta disorders. It also quenches thirst. 

18. Breast’s engorgement:

  • Take 10 grams powder of shatavari mixing with milk. Its use increases the milk of the breast.
  • Grind shatavari with cow milk and take. It makes the breast milk sweet and nutritive.

19. Blood diarrhoea: Grind wet shatavari with milk and filter it. Taking this mixture 3-4 times a day is useful to prevent blood diarrhoea.

20. Strangury: (retention and inflmmation of urine): Boil caltrop’s panchang and shatavari 20 grams each with 500 milliliters water and filter it. Mix 10 grams sugar-candy and 2 spoons honey in it and take some quantity of this preparation. It cures strangury.  

21. Sexual power: Make pudding (khir) with the powder of shatavari and milk. Taking this pudding or boiled shatavari enhances sexual power. 

22. Wound: Make the powder by grinding 20 grams leaves of shatavari plant. Fry this powder with double quantity of ghee and grind it properly. Apply this mixture on the wounds regularly. Its use heals chronic wounds up.

23. Night-fall: Grind 250 grams powder of fresh root of shatavari plant and 250 grams sugar-candy together. Taking 6 to 7 grams this mixture with 250 ml milk twice a day prevents night-fall and makes the body powerful.

24. Urinary problems: Make syrup by taking shatavari and caltrop. Drinking this syrup ends urinary problems.

25. Stone: Mix 20 to 50 ml juice of shatavari in equal quantity of cow milk. Drinking this mixture breaks stone of the kidney and throws it out with urine.

26. Spermathorrhoea: Take 20 ml shatavari juice with 80 ml milk to get rid of spermathorrhoea. 

27. Internal warts of hemorrhoids: Take 2 to 4 grams powder of shatavari with milk daily. Its use destroys the internal warts of hemorrhoids.

28. Bilious leucorrhoea: Take 10 to 20 ml juice of shatavari mixing with one spoon honey twice a day. Its use gets rid of leucorrhoea caused by bile.

29. Fever caused by vatta: Mix a little jiggery (gur) in 10 ml juice of shatavari and 10 grams tinospora juice then take. Prepare decoction by boiling shatavari and tinospora then and take 50-60 ml decoction mixing with 2 spoons honey. The patient gets rid of fever caused by vatta.

30. Poisoning: Mix milk in the juice of shatavari’s root and give it to the patient to drink. Its use alleviates poisoning.

31. Body strength:

  • Eat cooked shatavari or pudding (Khir) of shatavari’s powder to enhance body power. 
  • Make the powder by grinding shatavari and winter cherry about 200 grams each together. Boil about 6 grams of this powder in 500 ml milk until milk remains half then mix 20 grams sugar-candy in it. Drinking this milk regularly for 40 days enhances the body power.
  • Massaging with the ghee of shatavari makes the body strong.

32. Acidity: Taking 14 to 28 milliliters fresh juice of shatavari’s root mixing with honey twice a day ends acidity.

33. Epilepsy:

  • Take 12 grams powder of shatavari’s root with milk twice a day. This medicine gets rid of epilepsy.
  • Take 2 spoons juice of shatavari’s root mixing with one cup of milk twice a day. Its use provides relief within a few months.

34. Peptic ulcer: Take 3-6 grams powder of shatavari’s root mixing with milk twice a day to get rid of pain.

35. Fever: Taking 6 milliliters juice of shatavari root mixing with equal quantity of tinospora juice and jiggery (gur) thrice a day abates fever quickly.

36. Retention of urine: Take 25 grams powder of shatavari’s root mixing with 250 milliliters milk twice a day. Its use stops the fluid of sperm with urine.

37. Eye troubles: Boil 12 to 24 grams shatavari in 100-200 milliliters milk. Taking this preparation mixing with ginger juice twice a day cures all diseases of the eyes.

38. Disturbances in blood caused by bile: Boil 100 to 200 milliliters milk with shatavari’s root and caltrop. Drinking this milk twice a day provides relief in this disease.

39. Impotence: Mix 10 to 20 grams powder of shatavari in milk and add sugar in it. Drinking this milk twice a day gets rid of impotence and the weakness of the body disappears.

40. Loose motions:

  • Take 10 to 20 grams powder of shatavari mixing with milk and suga. Its use stops loose motions and the victim gets rid of the fluid of sperm with urine.
  • Mix 10 to 20 grams powder of shatavari in milk and sugar to prepare syrup. Drinking this syrup twice a day is useful to get relief in sprue.

41. Leucorrhoea:

  • Take the juice of shatavari mixing with honey. Its use gets rid of leucorrhoea caused by bile.
  • Taking 14 to 28 milliliters juice of shatavari twice a day provides relief.

42. Problems in 7th month during pregnancy: Grind equal quantity of shatavari and lotus pipe (Kamal naal) together and take it with cow milk. Or mix wood apple, root of betel-nut, toasted rice (Kheel) and sugar or sugar-candy in water and prepare decoction by boling this mixture. Mix milk in it. All problems during 7th month of pregnancy disappear.

43. For stout penis: Mix shatavari, winter cherry, costus root, Indian nard and fruit of wild egg plants (Kantakari) in 4 folds milk or boil this mixture with oil. Applying this mixture on the penis increases the size of the penis and makes the penis long and stout.      

44. Breast’s Engorgement: Make the powder by grinding the root of shatavari with equal quantity of sugar-candy. Taking one spoon of this powder with one cup of milk thrice a day increases breast’s milk and ends the weakness caused by menstrual excretion.

45. Hysteria: Take 2 spoons juice of shatavari’s root with one cup of milk twice a day. Its use provides relief.

Shatavari: Potential Adverse Effects   

Excessively high doses of shatavari may potentially cause headaches. Stick to recommended dosages and consult an ayurvedic doctor. As with any herb, moderation is key.

Removing side effects: Taking shatavari with honey removes its all side effects.

 इस लेख का हिंदी अनुवाद यहाँ पढ़ेंशतावरी के 55 दिव्य फायदे, गुण, उपयोग और नुकसान

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional before starting any new herbal treatment.

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