Ajwain (Carom Seeds): 127 Incredible Uses, Benefits and Side Effects

Last Updated on May 9, 2024 by admin


       Normally, ajwain (carom seeds) plant is found in all over India but mostly it grows in Bengal, South Zones and Punjab State. Its plant is 2-3 feet high and leaves are small and some thorny. Its flowers are white, which grow in bunches on the branches. They turn into ajwain (carom seeds) seeds after ripening and drying. These seeds are used in our homes as spices and medicines.

Ajwain (Carom Seeds) Name in Different Languages :

  • English             –    Bishops Weed Seed
  • Hindi            –    Ajwain
  • Sanskrit           –    Yawani, Yawanika Azmodika, Deepyka
  • Marathi            –    Ova
  • Gujarati           –    Azmo, Zwine
  • Bengali           –    Ymanee
  • Latin               –    Keram Copticam, tycotis Azowan

Structure :

 Ajwain (Carom Seeds) is a type of seed, which is like parsley.

Ajwain (Carom Seeds) Medicinal & Ayurvedic Properties :

According to Ayurveda –

  • Nature: It is hot and dry in nature.
  • Color:  Ajwain (Carom Seeds) is brown mixed with black.
  • Taste: It is bitter and spicy in taste.
  • It is said in Ayurveda about the admiring of ajwain (carom seeds) that “Eka Ymani Shatmann Pachika” in other word ajwain (carom seeds) has ability to digest one hundred types of grains.
  • According to Ayurveda, the ajwain (carom seeds) is easy digestible, hot in nature, bitter and spicy in taste and increases appetite it. 
  • It is useful for the treatment of sperm deficiency, phlegm, fever, worms, vomiting, pain, stomach diseases, joints pain, colic pain, piles and spleen disorders etc. diseases. 
  • It increases sperm and urine quantity and is useful for the heart.
  •  It provides excitement to the uterus and keeps sperm thick.   

According to Unani

  • ajwain (carom seeds) provides warmth to the stomach, liver and kidney. 
  • It increases sexual power and ends gas disorders, constipation.
  •  It increases sexual power and causes sweat.
  •  It increases urine quantity and breast milk. 
  • It is warm and dry of third class. 
  • It also ends humid and makes menstrual excretion normal.

According to Scientists

after researching the chemical of ajwain (carom seeds), it is found that it contains 7.4 percent dryness, 24.6 percent carbohydrates, 21.8 percent fat, 17.1 percent proteins, 7.9 percent minerals, calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, sodium, riboflavin, thymine, little quantity of nicotinic acid, some iodine, sugar, seponin, tannin, cerotic and 14.8 percent stable oil. It has 2 to 4 percent fragrant oil too. This oil has 35 to 60 percent main thymol. Basically, ajwain (carom seeds) oil has forty percent thymol.

Ajwain (Carom Seeds) : Dosage

 2 to 5 grams seeds or 1 to 3 drops of oil of ajwain (carom seeds) can be used.

Ajwain (Carom Seeds) Uses and Benefits :

1. Stomach worms:

  • Mix about half gram ajwain (carom seeds) powder with equal quantity of black salt and give it to the child with lukewarm water at night. Using this process destroys stomach worms. 5 ml juice of ajwain (carom seeds) leaves is also useful in this disease.
  • Stomach worms are destroyed by taking 1-2 grams powder of ajwain (carom seeds) with whey as dose.
  • Stomachache is cured by taking 4 grams fine powder of ajwain (carom seeds) with one glass whey and or using 7 drops oil of ajwain (carom seeds).
  • One should give fourth tbsp. salty ajwain (carom seeds) seeds to child thrice a day, it destroys stomach worms. Taking 4-5 drops of ajwain (carom seeds) oil at bed time provides relief.
  • Mix half to one gram fine powder of ajwain (carom seeds) with jiggery and prepare small tablets from it.
  • Mix half gram fine powder of ajwain (carom seeds) with a pinch of black salt and give 2 grams to the patient with water before going to bed; it destroys stomach worms.
  • Give half gram ajwain (carom seeds) powder to children with 60 ml whey and 2 grams to the elder with 125 ml whey to kill stomach worms.
  • The patient should take 3-7 drops ajwain (carom seeds) oil because it cures cholera and destroys stomach worms.
  • Soak 25 grams ground ajwain (carom seeds) in 500 ml water at overnight. In the next morning, boil this mixture until ¼ parts remains then filter it after putting down. After that, give this decoction to the patient after cooling to destroy stomach worms. This is a dose of elders. Two doses should be prepared from this dose to children. Using this process twice a day kills stomach worms.
  • Take two grams ajwain (carom seeds) powder with equal quantity of salt twice a day to end chronic indigestion, joints pain, stomachache and surfeited caused by stomach worms.
  • If any person suffers from hookworms named worms, give about half gram fine powder of ajwain (carom seeds) to him after every one hour thrice a day on empty stomach as well as give some quantity of julab (castor oil should not be given). Using this process kills stomach worms. This process should not be used in jaundice and weak person. 

2. Rheumatism (Joints pain):

  • Rubbing ajwain (carom seeds) oil on the affected parts provides relief in the rheumatism.
  • Make poultice of ajwain (carom seeds) powder and foment the affected part with it, it provides relief in rheumatism.
  • Grind savage ajwain (carom seeds) with castor oil and apply it on the affected part to cure rheumatism.
  • Mix ajwain (carom seeds) juice with half cup water and give it to the patient as well as rub ground dry ginger on the affected part, it cures rheumatism.  
  • Mix 3 drops ajwain (carom seeds) oil with one gram ground cinnamon thereafter give it to the patient twice a day, it ends pain.

3. Habit of eating soil or coils: The patient should take one spoon ajwain (carom seeds) powder at bed time for three weeks regularly; it ends bad habit of eating soil or coils.

4. Stomachache: One should take one gram black salt and two grams ajwain (carom seeds) with lukewarm water.

5. Women diseases: Mix one spoon ajwain (carom seeds) with two spoons jaggery and give it to the delivered woman thrice a day, it ends back pain of and purifies the uterus too. It also increases appetite and body strength. Taking this medicine is also useful to end many types of problems of menstrual excretion. Note: Putting ajwain (carom seeds)’s packet in the vagina can not enter the germs in the uterus after delivery or if the germs are entered in the vagina, they become destroy. Ajwain (Carom Seeds) smoke also can be given in the vagina to end vagina germs. Its oil is used to end swelling.

6. Cough:

  • Chew one spoon ajwain (carom seeds) properly and drink lukewarm water on it. It provides relief in cough.
  • If someone suffers from night cough, warp half spoon ajwain (carom seeds) with betel-leaf, and give to him to chew it and suck its juice. Using this process provides relief in night cough.
  • Put one gram clean ajwain (carom seeds) in betel leaf and give it to the patient at bed time regularly because it provides relief in cough.
  • Mix juice of savage ajwain (carom seeds), vinegar and honey together and thereafter give it to the patient thrice a day regularly, it provides relief in chronic cough, asthma, breathing problems and whooping cough.
  • Mix a pinch of black salt with ajwain (carom seeds) juice and take it and drink lukewarm water on it. Using this process is useful to cure cough.
  • Take 2-3 grams ajwain (carom seeds) powder with lukewarm water or hot milk twice or thrice a day to get relief in catarrh, headache and destroy stomach worms.
  • If the phlegm discharges in excessive quantity or someone suffers from relapsing cough, mix ¼ grams fine powder of ajwain (carom seeds), 2 grams ghee and 5 grams honey together. After that, give this medicine to the patient thrice a day. It discharges the stomach worms in less quantity and provides relief in cough. 
  • If someone suffers from cough and fever caused by phlegm, make a decoction by boiling 2 grams ajwain (carom seeds) and half gram small peppers with water. The patient gets relief by taking 5-10 ml this decoction.
  • Make a decoction by boiling one gram ajwain (carom seeds), 2 grams liqourica and one grams lead-wort root with water. Giving this hot decoction to the patient at night provides relief in cough.
  • Boil 5 grams ajwain (carom seeds) with 250 ml water until half water remains then filter it and mix salt. Cough is cured by taking this decoction at night.
  • If someone suffers from chronic cough, weakness of digestive system or discharges the yellow offensive phlegm, he should take ajwain (carom seeds) juice thrice a day because it provides relief.

7. Bed wetting: Giving one gram ajwain (carom seeds) powder to the patient at bed time for some days regularly provides relief in above symptoms.

8. Diabetes Mellitus:

  • Grind 2 grams ajwain (carom seeds) with equal quantity of jiggery and prepare 4 tablets from it. After that, take 1-1 tablet with water after every 4 hours to cure diabetes mellitus.
  • Mix ajwain (carom seeds) with sesame and give it to the patient because it cures diabetes mellitus.
  • Mix equal quantity of jiggery and raw ground ajwain (carom seeds) together and give one spoon this mixture to the patient 4 times a day regularly, it ends kidney pain too.
  • The child, who suffers from the bad habit of urinating at night, he should take about half gram ajwain (carom seeds) at night.

9. Acnes: Grind two spoons ajwain (carom seeds) with four spoons curd and rub it on the face at bed time and wash the face with lukewarm water in the next morning. Using this process provides relief in acnes.

10. Toothache:

  • Apply ajwain (carom seeds)’s oil on the affected tooth. After one hour, mix 1 spoon ground ajwain (carom seeds) and one spoon salt with lukewarm water thereafter gargle with it. Using this process provides relief in toothache.
  • Grind fine equal quantity of ajwain (carom seeds) and sweet flag together then prepare a paste from it. Press half gram this paste between the jaws at bed time and take sleep. Using this process destroys the teeth germs and ends pain.

11. Indigestion and lack appetite: The patient should chew one spoon toasted ajwain (carom seeds) with rock salt after meals regularly because it ends indigestion and increases appetite.

12. Louse or tiny lice: Grind one spoon alum and two spoons ajwain (carom seeds)s together and mix it with one cup whey. Apply this preparation in the hair root at bed time and wash in next morning. Using this process destroys louses and dandruffs.

13. Chronic fever and low fever: Soak fifteen grams ajwain (carom seeds) in one cup water in a soil pot in the morning. Put this pot in the house in day and under the dew at the night. Second day, filter this water and make the patient drink. This process should be used for 15 days regularly. If the fever does not subside completely, this process can be used for many days. Using this process reduces chronic low fever and the enlargement of the spleen and liver. It is also useful to increase appetite.

14. Sterility: After eight days of menstrual excretion, soak 25 grams ajwain (carom seeds) and equal quantity of sugar-candy in a soil pot with 125 ml water at overnight. In the next morning, grind or shuffle this mixture like syrup and give it to the suffered woman. The woman should take pulse of green gram and meal without salt. Using this process ends sterility.

15. Bugs: Bugs runs away by tying four packet of ajwain (carom seeds) on the legs of cot.

16. Mosquito: Mix equal quantity of ground ajwain (carom seeds) and mustard oil together and soak pieces of paper cover (gatta) in it. By hanging these pieces on the fours corners of house all mosquitoes run away from the house.

17. Food stuff: If you want to prepare Poori, Parathe and other puddings, ajwain (carom seeds) should be mixed in it before preparing. Eating such types of food stuff increases the strength of the digestive system and digests food easily. Ajwain (Carom Seeds) is useful to end the disorders of digestive system.    

18. Digestive powder: Grind equal quantity of ajwain (carom seeds) and myrabalan with asafetida and salt (according to taste). The patient should 1 spoon this mixture with lukewarm water after meal.

19. Headache:

  • Make warm 200-250 grams ajwain (carom seeds) and prepare poultice from it with muslin cloth. Heat this packet and smell it, it causes sneezing and reduces headache and catarrh.
  • Make the fine powder by grinding clean and fresh ajwain (carom seeds) and store it. Smelling 2-5 grams this powder from the nose provides relief in catarrh, headache and destroys the brain worms. It also brings out blocked phlegm from the nose.
  • Grind ajwain (carom seeds) with castor root and coat it on the forehead to end headache.
  • Headache ends by coating paste of ajwain (carom seeds) leaves on the head.

20. Ears pain: Cook 10 grams ajwain (carom seeds) with 50 ml sesame oil and drip 2 drops this oil in the ears, it ends ears pain. 

21. Dropsy:

  • Soak about 200 grams ajwain (carom seeds) in one liter water and give some quantity of this powder to the patient with cow urine. It is useful for the treatment of dropsy.
  • The stomach gurgle and sour belching are stopped by taking ajwain (carom seeds) with water.
  • Mix some asafetida with ground ajwain (carom seeds) and coat it on the stomach, it provides relief in dropsy and surfeited.
  • Mix equal quantity of ajwain (carom seeds), rock salt, cumin seed, lead-wort and juniper berry together and thereafter give it to the patient with whey, it provides relief in dropsy.
  • Make the fine powder by grinding ajwain (carom seeds), juniper berry, trifala, black cumin seed, pepper root, sweet basil, poison nut, soya, sweet flag, cumin seed, trikuta, chock, lead-wort, impure carbonate of potash, barilla, orrisa root, cactus root, five salts and barbering 10 grams each and 30 grams danti, 20 grams turpeth root, 20 grams colocynth and 40 grams satla together. This powder is useful for the treatment of all the types of stomach disorders as- indigestion, colic pain, vatta disorders, sprue and fever, and alleviates all the types of fever. 3-4 grams this powder can be taken in the stomach disorders with whey, in stool disorders with curd, in colic pain with plum decoction, in indigestion and surfeited with lukewarm water and in piles with pomegranate.

22. Cold and catarrh: Fill ten grams mint powder, ten grams ajwain (carom seeds) and ten grams pure camphor together in a bottle and cork it thereafter put in sunlight. After sometimes, prepared mixture will be turned into water after melting. Drip 3-4 drops this medicine in handkerchief and make the patient smell or drip 8-10 drops of this medicine in lukewarm water and take its stem, it provides relief quickly.

23. Vomiting and Loose-motion: Fill ten grams mint powder, ten grams ajwain (carom seeds) and ten grams pure camphor together in a bottle and cork it thereafter put in sunlight. After sometimes, prepared mixture will be turned into water after melting. Drip 4-5 drops of this medicine on sugar-cake (Batasha) in lukewarm water and give it to the patient according to need, it provides relief in vomiting and loose motions quickly. If the patient doesn’t get relief in first dose, he should take 2-3 times after every sometime.

24. Diarrhoea: Fill ten grams mint powder, ten grams ajwain (carom seeds) and ten grams pure camphor together in a bottle and cork it thereafter put in sunlight. After sometimes, prepared mixture will be turned into water after melting. Drip 5-7 drops of this medicine on sugar-cake (Batasha) thereafter give it to the patient, it provides quickly relief in spasm, stomachache, breathing problems, colic pain, vomiting, etc. diseases.                 

25. Warm or insects biting: Fill ten grams mint powder, ten grams ajwain (carom seeds) and ten grams pure camphor together in a bottle and cork it thereafter put in sunlight. After sometimes, prepared mixture will be turned into water after melting. After that, apply this medicine on the affected part to get relief in biting of scorpion, wasp, black bee, bee, etc. poisonous insects.

26. Stomach twisting, Stomachache, Lack of appetite and Acidity:

  • Mix three grams ajwain (carom seeds) and half gram black salt together and thereafter give it to the patient with lukewarm water; it ends stomachache and eliminates gas from the stomach.
  • Mix equal quantity of powder of ajwain (carom seeds), black salt, myrabalan and dry ginger together. One should take 1-2 grams this powder with lukewarm water to cure stomachache. Make a decoction by boiling this powder and orrisa root, dry ginger, black pepper and long pepper with 100 ml water until it remains ¼ parts then put it down. After that, give this hot decoction to the patient at night to end colic pain and brings out phlegm.
  • Delivered women should eat spherical sweetmeat (Laddu) of ajwain (carom seeds) thereafter two grams ajwain (carom seeds) after meal. Using this process destroys intestinal worms and increases digestive power. It also increases appetite and saves from progeny disorders.
  • If someone feels inflammation in the chest after meal, he should chew one gram ajwain (carom seeds) with one almond seed or grind both together and eat it.
  • One should take 2 drops ajwain (carom seeds) juice with betel-leaf in above symptoms.
  • Grind ten grams ajwain (carom seeds), five grams black pepper and five grams black salt together. The patient should take 3-4 grams this mixture with water twice a day to end above disorders.
  • Grind fine 80 grams ajwain (carom seeds), 40 grams black salt, 40 grams black pepper, 40 grams black salt, 40 grams impure carbonate of potash and 10 ml milk of raw papaya together. Fill this mixture in a lead pot and spread one ml lemon juice in this pot thereafter dry this pot in sunlight (this pot should be shacked after every little interval) for one month. This medicine will be turned into dry after one month. After that, take 2-4 grams this medicine with water to end lack of appetite. It is also useful to increase digestive power and end indigestion, diarrhoea and acidity etc. disease.
  • If any baby suffers from stomachache during the traveling, put clean ajwain (carom seeds) in a thin clean cloth and make the child lick. It ends stomachache of the baby quickly.

27. Loose-motion:

  • If someone suffers from blocked urine and light loose motions, he should take three grams ajwain (carom seeds) and about half salt with fresh water because it provides relief in above symptoms. If the patient doesn’t get relief with one dose, he should take 2-3 times after every 15 minutes. 
  • Give about ¼ grams to half gram powder of ajwain (carom seeds) to the patient with mother milk to stop vomiting and loose motions.
  • Make the powder by grinding ajwain (carom seeds), black peppers, rock salt, dried ajwain (carom seeds) and big cardamom together. After that, take one spoon this powder with water as dose to prevent light loose motions, which occurs due to digest food improperly.

28. Stomach diseases:

  • Mix one kilogram ajwain (carom seeds), one liter lemon juice and 50-50 grams five types of salts together. Fill this mixture in a lead pot and put it in sunlight. When this mixture turns into dry, store it. After that, give 1 to 4 grams this medicine to the patient twice a day to end all the types of stomach disorders.
  • Fill one gram ajwain (carom seeds) in colocynth fruits dry it. Grind fine these fruits and mix black salt in it according to taste. The patient gets relief in stomach disorders by taking this mixture with lukewarm water.
  • Three grams ajwain (carom seeds) powder should be taken with lukewarm water twice a day to end stomach disorders.
  • Boil one and half liters water on fire until 1.25 liters remains then put it down and put half kilogram ground ajwain (carom seeds) in this water thereafter close the pot. Filter this mixture after cooling and fill it in a bottle. 50 grams this medicine should be taken thrice a day to cure stomach diseases.
  • If someone suffers from stomach gas, mix 125 ml curd or whey, two grams ajwain (carom seeds) and half gram black salt together. After that, give this medicine to him according to need to eliminate gas from the stomach.

29. Piles:

  • Grind fine equal quantity of ajwain (carom seeds) deshi, savage ajwain (carom seeds) and hen bane seeds together and thereafter mix butter in it. After that, apply it on the piles consequently, piles becomes dry and fall down within some days.
  • Grind ajwain (carom seeds) and old jiggery together then give 4 grams to the patient with lukewarm water in the morning, it provides relief in piles.
  • Mix ajwain (carom seeds) powder and rock salt with whey thereafter give it to the patient, it eliminates constipation.
  • Mix forth part ground ajwain (carom seeds) and one gram black salt with one glass of whey, and thereafter give it to the patient after lunch consequently; piles do not occur again.  

30. Spermatorrhoea: The patient should take three grams ajwain (carom seeds) with ten ml sesame oil thrice a day because it provides relief in spermatorrhoea.

31. Kidney pain: This pain ends by taking three grams ajwain (carom seeds) powder with hot milk twice a day.

32. Ringworm, Scabies and Itching:

  • Coating thick paste of ajwain (carom seeds) on the affected parts provides relief in ringworm, itching, burnt and sores with worms.
  • Put ajwain (carom seeds) in water while boiling and wash the affected part with it, it is useful for the treatment of wounds, ringworm, pimples and wet itching etc. skin diseases.

33. Menstrual excretion disorders:

  • Boil ten grams ajwain (carom seeds) and fifty grams old jaggery with 200 ml water thereafter give it to the suffered woman twice a day; it purifies the uterus and makes menstrual excretion normal.
  • Mix equal quantity of juice of ajwain (carom seeds), mint, cardamom and aniseed together. Pain caused by menstrual excretion is cured by taking about 50 ml this mixture.
  • Give three grams ajwain (carom seeds) powder to the suffered woman with lukewarm water twice a day to end retention of menses and make menses normal.

34. Impotency: Mix three grams ajwain (carom seeds) with ten milliliters juice of white onion thereafter give it to the patient with 10 grams sugar thrice a day, it provides relief in impotency within 21 days. It is also useful to end impotency, early ejaculation (coming out sperm earlier) and lack of spermatozoon.

35. Gonorrhoea: Mix five grams loaf-sugar and three drops ajwain (carom seeds) oil together there give it to the patient twice a day with rule, it provides relief in gonorrhoea.

36. Addict of drinking wine:

  • If the patient wants to drink wine, he should chew ten grams ajwain (carom seeds) twice or thrice a day, it abolishes the addict of wine.
  • Boil half kilogram ajwain (carom seeds) with 400 ml water until it remains half water then put it down and filter. Fill this decoction in a bottle and put it in freeze. After that, give one cup of this decoction to the groggy before the meal to abolish the addict of wine. This treatment is very useful like boon for the groggy.

37. Anuria-dysuria:

  • Take 3 to 6 grams ajwain (carom seeds) with lukewarm water to end retention of urine.
  • Prepare s paste by grinding ten grams ajwain (carom seeds) and coat it on the abdomen, it ends surfeited and reduces swelling. It helps in urination clearly.

38. Fever:

  • If someone suffers fever caused by indigestion, soak ten grams ajwain (carom seeds) with 125 ml water at overnight. In the next morning, crush this ajwain (carom seeds) and give it to him to drink after filtering. It is useful to cure fever caused by indigestion.
  • Feeding two grams ajwain (carom seeds) to the patient twice a day reduces fever caused by cold.
  • If the excessive sweat discharges in fever, grind fine 100 to 200 grams toasted ajwain (carom seeds) and rub it on the whole body. It provides relief in fever.
  • Grind fine toasted ajwain (carom seeds) and rub it on the whole body, it discharges the excessive sweat and provides relief in fever.
  • Soak 10 grams ajwain (carom seeds) in 100 ml water at overnight. In the next morning, filter this mixture and give it to the patient to drink, it reduces fever.
  • Boil 5 grams ajwain (carom seeds) with 50 ml water and filter it. Fever and mystification are reduced by taking 25 ml this decoction after every 2 hours. 

39. Influenza:

  • Boil ten grams ajwain (carom seeds) in 200 ml lukewarm water or prepare infusion from it. After that, give 25 ml this infusion to the patient after every two hours to end mystification quickly and get relief in influenza within 24 hours.
  • Boil 2 grams ajwain (carom seeds) and 2 grams cinnamon with 50 ml water thereafter filter it after cooling. The patient, who suffers from influenza, should take this decoction twice a day.
  • Boil 12 grams ajwain (carom seeds) with 2 cups of water until one cup water remains then filter it after cooling. The patient should take this decoction 4 times in a day regularly.  

40. Swelling caused by hurt: Heat fifty grams ajwain (carom seeds) and tie it with double fold packet of cloth. Fomenting the affected part with this packet provides relief from pain. If the patient feels inflammation while fomenting, put a cloth on it. Ajwain (Carom Seeds) is very useful to cure any type of wounds.

41. Malaria: If someone suffers from light fever after malaria fever, soak 10 grams ajwain (carom seeds) in 100 ml water at overnight. In the next morning, boil this mixture and mix some salt in it. The person gets relief in fever by using this preparation for some days regularly.

42. Thorn pricking in child feet: Mix ten grams ground ajwain (carom seeds) with melt jaggery and heat it. After that, tie this mixture on the affected part, thorn comes out by itself.

43. Urticaria: Grind fifty grams ajwain (carom seeds)s and fifty grams jaggery together properly thereafter prepare tablets equal of 5-6 from it. After that, take 1 tablet with fresh water twice a day for one week regularly consequently, all the types of urticaria will be cured.

44. Flue (Cold and catarrh):

  • Boil three grams ajwain (carom seeds) and three grams cinnamon with water thereafter give it to the patient, it provides relief in flue.
  • Boil twelve grams ajwain (carom seeds) with two cups of water until it remains half water then filter it after cooling. After that, give this decoction to the patient 4 times in a day regularly to cure flue quickly.

45. Catarrh:

  • Smoking ajwain (carom seeds) with cigarette or biri of ajwain (carom seeds) provides relief in catarrh.
  • Grind ajwain (carom seeds) and prepare poultice from it. After that, give this poultice to the patient to smell, it opens blocked noise.
  • Tie six grams ajwain (carom seeds) with thin cloth and rub it on palm and smell again and again. It will cure catarrh.
  • Boil one spoon of ajwain (carom seeds) and four fold jaggery of it in one glass of water until it remains half water then filter it. The patient should take this hot decoction at bed time and take sleep after covering the body by blanket. It will provide relief in catarrh.

46. Joints pain (Aamvaat): Rubbing the ajwain (carom seeds) juice on the affected part provides relief in joints pain.

47. Digestive powder: Grind equal quantity of ajwain (carom seeds), small myrabalan, asafetida and black salt together. After that, take half spoon this mixture with lukewarm water twice a day.

48. Heart pain: Give ajwain (carom seeds) to the patient to end heart pain and excite the heart.

49. Swelling of the ulcer and pimples: Grind ajwain (carom seeds) with lemon juice and coat it on the affected part to end swelling caused by ulcers and pimples.

50. All the types of toothache: In this case, ajwain (carom seeds) is useful to end all the types of toothache. Spread ajwain (carom seeds) on the fire and give smoke on the affected teeth. Put salt and one spoon ground ajwain (carom seeds) in water. Fill the lukewarm water in the mouth for sometimes thereafter spit it after gargling. Gargle should be done from such type. Keep two hours distance between ajwain (carom seeds) smoking and gargling. Using this experiment thrice a day ends toothache. If the patient suffers from throat pain, he should gargle with this water.

51. Progeny:

  • Soak twenty five grams ajwain (carom seeds) and equal quantity of sugar-candy in 125 ml water in a soil pot at overnight. In the next morning, drink this mixture and make the patient drink like cold-drink for first day of menses to 8 days. He should take pulse of green gram and chapatti (without salt) in meals. Woman becomes pregnant by having sexual intercourse while using this treatment.
  • After menstrual excretion, the woman should take 10 grams ajwain (carom seeds) with water for 3-4 days regularly because it helps in conceiving.

52. Intestinal enlargement: Mix twenty drops ajwain (carom seeds) juice and twenty drops mint juice in water thereafter make the patient drink; it provides relief in intestinal enlargement.

53. Breathing problems or Asthma:

  • Take ¼ grams hen bane seed twice a day to end the contraction of trachea and get relief in breathing problems.
  • Mix half cup ajwain (carom seeds) juice and water in equal quantity together and thereafter give it to the patient twice a day after meal, it cures asthma.
  • One should foment the heart with warm packets of ajwain (carom seeds) because it provides relief in asthma.
  • Mix fifty grams ajwain (carom seeds), fifty grams thick aniseed and black salt (according taste) together. Soak this mixture in lemon juice and mix it with the help of spoon thereafter dry it under the shadow. Toast this mixture on grid and store it. When the patient wants to smoke with cigarette or biri, he should take (chew) half spoon this mixture. It abolishes the addict of smoking. This medicine is also useful to eliminate stomach gas and increase digestive power and appetite. It is very useful remedy to eliminate gas from the stomach.

54. Fever caused by Vatta and Pitta: Make a decoction by boiling ajwain (carom seeds), small pepper, Malabar nut tree and opium fruits 6 grams each with decoction. After that, give this decoction to the patient to cure cough and asthma and fever caused by phlegm.

55. Light fever with catarrh: Soak five grams pure ajwain (carom seeds) and one gram tinospora in 150 ml water at overnight. In the next morning, crush this mixture and filter it. Mix salt in this preparation and give it to the patient thrice a day, it provides relief in fever.

56. Lungs swelling: One should take about one gram powder of hen bane seed with honey twice a day because it provides relief in pain and swelling of the lungs.

57. Whooping cough: Mix equal quantity of seseli indicum juice, vinegar and honey in together. Whooping cough is cured by giving one spoon this mixture to the patient twice or thrice a day.

58. Stye: Dissolve ajwain (carom seeds) juice in water and wash the stye with this water, it cures stye quickly.

59. Unwanted hair: Shuffle half gram hen bane seeds and half gram opium with vinegar thereafter apply it in the hair, it removes unwanted hair.

60. Stomach gas:

  • Mix five grams ground ajwain (carom seeds) with twenty grams jaggery thereafter give it to the patient with whey, it provides relief in stomach gas.
  • Grind one spoon ajwain (carom seeds) and some black salt together and thereafter mix it with whey. After that, give this mixture to the patient to eliminate gas from the stomach.

61. Sour belching: Make the fine powder by grinding equal quantity of ajwain (carom seeds), black salt, Senchar salt, impure carbonate of potash, asafetida and powder of dried Indian gooseberry together. Sour belching is stopped by licking one gram this powder with honey twice a day.

62. Eyesight: The patient should take sauce of seseli indicum to increase eyesight.

63. Constipation:

  • Make the powder by grinding ajwain (carom seeds), Triphala (a mixture of three kinds of myrabalan) and black salt 10 grams each together. Chronic constipation is eliminated by taking 2 to 5 grams this powder with lukewarm water regularly.
  • Soak five grams ajwain (carom seeds), ten black peppers and two grams long pepper in water at overnight. In the next morning, mix honey in this mixture and give it to the patient with 250 ml water, it ends colic pain.
  • Grind twenty grams ajwain (carom seeds), ten grams black salt and ten grams rock salt with 120 milligrams mint juice thereafter filter it. Constipation is eliminated by taking 5 grams this mixture with lukewarm water twice a day after the meal.
  • Constipation is eliminated by taking about 120 milligrams fine powder of ajwain (carom seeds) with lukewarm water.
  • Make the powder by grinding ajwain (carom seeds) and black salt together. After that, take this powder with water to get relief in stomachache.

63. Gum diseases: Make the powder by grinding toasted ajwain (carom seeds) and brush with it, it cures gum diseases.

64. Overeating: Grind twenty grams ajwain (carom seeds), twenty grams dry ginger and five grams sal-ammoniac together and thereafter filter it.  Mix this mixture with lemon juice and prepare tablets equal of pea from it and thereafter dry under the shadow. One should take 2-2 tablets with water twice a day because it reduces overeating.

65. Stomach gas:

  • Give ajwain (carom seeds) and black salt to the patient with whey to eliminate gas from the stomach.
  • Make a decoction by boiling one spoon ajwain (carom seeds) and two pieces of red cardamom with water thereafter give black salt and asafetida in it. The patient gets relief in gas disorders by taking this mixture.
  • Taking one spoon ajwain (carom seeds) with one glass of water in the morning eliminates gas from the stomach.
  • Mix six grams ground ajwain (carom seeds) with two grams black salt and give it to the patient with lukewarm water, it eliminates gas from the stomach. Keep attention that ajwain (carom seeds) must be taken in any condition because gas does not occur in the stomach by using it.

66. Cancer: Fill 300 ml water in a soil pot and soak twelve grams ajwain (carom seeds), twelve grams big aniseed and two pieces of almond in it at overnight. In the next morning, filter this mixture and grind this mixture on stone piece to prepare a paste. Soaked and filtered water should be used while grinding. After that, wash 21 leaves of basil and grind it fine with this paste thereafter filter it. Dissolve ground sugar-candy (according to need) in water and mix paste in it. Filter this mixture with the help of cloth and give it to the patient to drink. This process should be used before sunrise because if the patient uses this process (grind, mixing and drinking) after sunrise, he can’t get benefit. This process should be used for 21 days. If the patient does not get relief, he can use this process many days. It provides relief in all the types of cancers.

67. Abdomen swelling: Give a decoction of savage ajwain (carom seeds) to the patient with vinegar and honey to end pain and swelling of the abdomen.

68. Hiccups: Grind ajwain (carom seeds), powder of cumin seed and black salt together. After that, take two pinches of this powder with fresh water to get relief in hiccups.

69. Back Pain:

  • Put ajwain (carom seeds) in a packet and make it warm. Fomenting the affected part with this packet provides relief from back pain.
  • Make the powder by grinding ajwain (carom seeds)s, fenugreek and dry ginger 50 grams each together. The patient should take two grams this powder with water twice a day to end back pain caused by cold air.

70. Deafness: This disease is cured by dripping ajwain (carom seeds) oil in the ears regularly.

71. Dysmenorrhoea: Make pudding of ten grams ajwain (carom seeds) and 100 grams jaggery with ghee in iron cauldron. Dysmenorrhoea is cured by taking this pudding twice or thrice a day.

72. Sprue (Diarrhoea): Make the powder by grinding equal quantity of ajwain (carom seeds), bengle quince root, wood-apple root, root of Indian trumpet tree, root of Katai Premna, wild eggs plant, root of horse radish, dry ginger, long pepper, a female ruddy goose, marking nut, root of long pepper tree, impure carbonate of potash and five types of salts together. Sprue (diarrhoea) is cured by taking two pinches this powder twice a day.

73. Strokes: Heat fifty grams ajwain (carom seeds) and cast in a packet of double fold cloth. One should foment the affected part with this packet. If the patent feels inflammation while fomenting, put a cloth piece on the affected part. This process should be used for an hour regularly. If it is necessary, this process can be repeated again.  It is useful for the treatment of any types of strokes.

74. Chronic swelling of the ears: Wash the ear with ajwain (carom seeds) decoction or mix ajwain (carom seeds) extract with water and wash the ears with it 2-3 times or drip 2-3 drops of the medicine in the ears regularly. Using these processes is useful to end ear swelling.

75. Foreign body in ear: Dripping ajwain (carom seeds) juice in the ears destroys worms and insects of the ears.

76. Paralysis:

  • Soak twelve grams pure hen bane seed in 125 ml water in a soil pot at overnight. In the next morning, filter this mixture and make the patient drink for one weak regularly. It increases the blood of the liver.
  • Take 1/3 cup of ajwain (carom seeds) juice with water after the meal to get relief in paralysis.

77. Strokes (Wound):

  • Take about ¼ grams powder of hen bane seed twice a day to get relief in pain.
  • Dissolve fine powder of ajwain (carom seeds) in water and wash the affected part with it or ajwain (carom seeds) decoction. It is useful to cure wound quickly.

78. Amoebic Dysentery: Grind three grams ajwain (carom seeds) with water and prepare tablet from it. Dysentery is cured by taking this tablet.

79. Dyspepsia:

  • Mix some black salt with toasted ajwain (carom seeds) and take 1 spoon this mixture with water twice a day after meal, it ends indigestion.
  • Make the powder by grinding two spoons ajwain (carom seeds), two small myrabalan, half pinch asafetida and black salt according to taste together. After that, take this powder with lukewarm water after meals to get relief in dyspepsia.
  • Make the powder by grinding ajwain (carom seeds), aniseed and seeds of red cardamom together and thereafter give it to the patient of indigestion.
  • Make the powder by grinding equal quantity of ajwain (carom seeds) and aniseed together and thereafter mix black salt in it. The person, who suffers from indigestion, should take this mixture.
  • Make the powder by grinding forty grams ajwain (carom seeds) and ten grams black salt together then store it. After that, take 3 grams this powder with some vinegar twice a day to end indigestion.
  • Make the powder by grinding 100 grams ajwain (carom seeds), 100 grams aniseed, fifty grams small fennel and half spoon black salt together. Dyspepsia is cured by taking half spoon this powder with water twice a day.

80. Liver diseases: Soak two grams ground ajwain (carom seeds) and one gram ground dry ginger with one cup water at overnight. In the next morning, crush this mixture and make it warm after filtering. This process should be used for fifteen days regularly to get relief in liver diseases.

81. Stone:

  • Make the powder by grinding five grams ajwain (carom seeds) and 4 grams cumin seeds together and thereafter give it to the patient with lukewarm water twice a day; it brings out all the types of stones after melting.
  • Taking six grams ajwain (carom seeds) twice a day regularly brings out stone of bladder and kidney after breaking.

82. Acidity: Mix one spoon ground ajwain (carom seeds), one glass of water and one glass lemon juice together. Acidity is cured by taking this mixture.

83. Liver enlargement:

  • Mix 1.5 grams ajwain (carom seeds) powder and five ml juice of intoxicating hemp together and thereafter give it to the patient, it reduces the enlargement of spleen.
  • Make the powder by grinding ajwain (carom seeds), impure carbonate of potash, leadwort, root of long pepper, croton polyandrum’s root (Danty) and small pepper 5 grams each together. After that, give a pinch of this powder to the suffered child with curd water to end liver disorders.

84. Disturb of digestive system: Mix 1/3 cup of water with ajwain (carom seeds) juice or hogweed juice or juice of prickly plant and fruit thereafter give it to the patient twice a day after meals, it makes digestive system strong.

85. Urticaria:

  • Mix fifty grams ground ajwain (carom seeds) with fifty grams jaggery and prepare tablets equal of 6 gram from it. One should take 1 tablet with fresh water twice a day for one week regularly because it cures urticaria.
  • Mix half spoon ajwain (carom seeds) with one spoon jiggery and take it to cure urticaria.
  • If someone suffers from urticaria, he should take one spoon ajwain (carom seeds) and black salt with water on empty stomach in the morning, it provides relief in urticaria.
  • Mix ajwain (carom seeds) and ochre together and thereafter give it to the patient with jiggery to cure urticaria.
  • Make the powder by grinding equal quantity of ajwain (carom seeds) and pure sulphur together. Urticaria is cured by taking one gram this powder with honey.
  • Grind ajwain (carom seeds) and ochre with vinegar thereafter apply it on the affected part to cure urticaria.
  • Make the powder by grinding ajwain (carom seeds), dry ginger, black pepper, long pepper and impure carbonate of potash half spoon each together. One should take two pinches this powder with lukewarm water to cure urticaria.

86. Obesity: Grind ajwain (carom seeds), black salt, cumin seed and black pepper 20 grams each together and thereafter filter it. One should take one packet with whey on empty stomach in the morning regularly. Using this process reduces obesity (fatness).

87. Blood disorders caused by bile: Mix five grams ajwain (carom seeds), ten seeds of peppermint and ten grams jaggery together and thereafter prepare two doses from it. These doses should be taken twice a day to end blood disorders caused by bile.

88. Sleeplessness:

  • If someone suffers from senselessness, he should rub ajwain (carom seeds) oil behind the ear (temple) because it provides good sleep.
  • The patient gets good sleep by taking about ¼ parts powder of hen bane seeds twice a day.

89. Nose wound: Washing the nose wound with decoction of hen bane seed reduces nose pain.

90. Spleen enlargement:

  • Put 15 grams ajwain (carom seeds) in two cups of water in a soil pot and put this pot in the house in day and in opened place at night. In the next morning, filter this mixture and give it to the patient to drink. Using this process for fifteen days regularly reduces the enlargement of spleen. Only ajwain (carom seeds) can be used too.
  • Make the powder by grinding ajwain (carom seeds), lead-wort root, tusky (Danty) and sweet flag together. After that, take three grams this powder with curd water or take six grams impure carbonate of potash with cow urine regularly to make spleen normal.

91. Nose diseases:

  • Boil ten grams ajwain (carom seeds) and forty grams old jaggery with 450 ml water until it remains only 250 ml water then put it down and make cold. After sometimes, take this decoction and take sleep with covering a bed sheet. It prevents sneezing.
  • One should wash the nose with ajwain (carom seeds) decoction or ajwain (carom seeds) juice properly because it cures nose pimples.

92. Hoarfrost: Rubbing ajwain (carom seeds) powder on the body, hands and feet is useful to increase the body warmth.

93. Disorder caused by vatta: Hen bane seed is useful remedy to end rheumatism (Gathiya) and knee swelling.

94. Convulsion: Take about ¼ grams hen bane seed twice a day to get relief in convulsion, epilepsy and insomnia.

95. Colic pain: Mix ajwain (carom seeds) powder and some rock salt with whey thereafter give it to the patient to drink; it provides relief in colic pain caused by phlegm.

96. Catarrh and Common cold: Tie ten grams ajwain (carom seeds) with a cloth piece to prepare packet and heat it on grid. Smelling this packet opens the blocked nose and cures catarrh. Using this process blows the dirty water from the nose ends head heaviness too.

97. Stomachache:

  • Grind ajwain (carom seeds) and black salt in equal quantity together to make the powder. Stomachache ends by taking three grams this powder with lukewarm water.
  • Grind twenty grams ajwain (carom seeds) with ten grams sal-ammoniac and store it. After that, take two grams this powder with lukewarm water to get relief in stomachache.
  • Stomachache ends by taking two grams ajwain (carom seeds) and one gram salt with lukewarm water.
  • Grind fifteen grams ajwain (carom seeds), five grams black salt and half gram asafetida together properly then fill it in a bottle. After that, take half gram this powder with lukewarm water twice a day to get relief in this disease.
  • Grind two spoons ajwain (carom seeds), eight spoons cumin seed and two spoons black salt together and thereafter fill it in a bottle. Mix two spoons this mixture with one glass water and squeeze lemon in it. Giving this medicine to the patient provides relief in indigestion.
  • Mix one spoon ajwain (carom seeds) with jaggery and give it to the patient to lick, it provides relief in stomach.
  • Grind equal quantity of ajwain (carom seeds), peel of tamarisk tree, coriander, Triphala, long pepper, black cumin seed, parsley, root of tree long pepper and barbering together properly. Mix four folds milk of milk hedge in this powder to prepare mixture. Using a little quantity of this mixture provides relief in all the types of stomach diseases.
  • Make the fine powder by grinding one spoon ajwain (carom seeds) and half spoon cumin seed together and thereafter mix juice of half lemon and some black salt in it. After that, give this mixture to the patient to get relief in indigestion. It also eliminates gas from the stomach.
  • Stomachache is ended by taking some quantity of ajwain (carom seeds) twice a day.
  • Take sixty grams ajwain (carom seeds) powder and ten grams black salt with water to get relief quickly in stomachache, surfeited and colic pain etc. disease.
  • Grind twelve grams ajwain (carom seeds), six grams dry ginger and black salt according to taste together then filter it. Stomachache is ended by taking this mixture.
  • Take 300 grams ajwain (carom seeds) powder and fifty grams black salt with lukewarm water cures cough, stomach stretch, tumours, spleen disorders and many disorders of gas. It brings out phlegm too.  
  • Make the powder by grinding ajwain (carom seeds), black salt, rock salt, impure carbonate of potash, asafetida and dried Indian gooseberry together. After that, lick 5-10 grams this powder with honey twice a day to get relief in stomachache.
  • Make the powder by grinding ajwain (carom seeds), black salt, cumin seed, leadwort or juniper berry together and thereafter give it to the patient with water, it reduces dropsy and pain caused by flatulence.
  • Tie ajwain (carom seeds) powder in a packet and foment the stomach with it, it provides relief in pain.
  • Mix 3 to 5 grams ajwain (carom seeds) powder with one gram black salt and take it with lukewarm water, it provides relief in stomachache.
  • Grind fine one spoon ajwain (carom seeds) and half spoon cumin seed together and thereafter mix juice of half lemon and little quantity of black salt in it. After that, take this mixture to eliminate stomach gas. It ends many disorders caused by indigestion.
  • Toast 300 grams ajwain (carom seeds) and 300 grams asafetida until turn into red thereafter grind it fine with 250 grams rock salt. After that, take eight grams this powder with lukewarm water twice a day regularly to get relief in stomachache, stomach gas and constipation.
  • Mix about ¼ grams ground ajwain (carom seeds) with milk thereafter give it to the patient twice a day, it provides relief in stomachache.
  • Stomachache is ended by taking 3 grams ajwain (carom seeds) and one gram rock salt with lukewarm water.
  • Take 2 grams ajwain (carom seeds) and one gram salt with lukewarm water to end stomachache and fit the digestive system. It is also useful to stop watered loose motions and end liver disorders.
  • Grind 15 grams ajwain (carom seeds), 5 grams black salt and half gram asafetida together and thereafter fill it in a bottle. One gram this medicine should be taken with lukewarm water twice a day because it ends stomachache and increases appetite.

98. Hematuria (Bleeding with urine): Mix 3 spoons ajwain (carom seeds) syrup with half cup water and give it to the patient at bed time, it provides relief in hematuria. 

99. Retention of urine: Cold natured person should take half spoon ground ajwain (carom seeds) with honey and warm natured person should take half spoon ground ajwain (carom seeds) with vinegar because it ends retention of urine. It helps in urination clearly.  

100. Inflammation and Itching of the vagina:

  • Boil five grams ajwain (carom seeds) with 400 ml water and filter it. Itching and inflammation of the vagina are ended by washing the vagina with this preparation.
  • Burn ajwain (carom seeds) and give its smoke in the vagina twice a day for three days regularly, it ends vagina itching.

101. Eczema: Grind ajwain (carom seeds) with water and coat it on the affected parts. It cures eczema within some days.

102. Urinating disorders:

  • Make the powder by grinding two spoons ajwain (carom seeds) and four spoons black sesame together and thereafter mix 150 grams old jaggery in this mixture and prepare small tablets from it. The patient should take 1 tablet with fresh water twice a day because it ends urinating disorders.
  • If someone suffers from anuria-dysuria, he should take 40 ml decoction or ¼ grams powder of hen bane seeds twice a day because it provides relief.

103. Vagina diseases: Burn twenty grams ajwain (carom seeds), twenty grams suaa (a type of remedy), some barbering, 10 grams vanykumba and five grams dry garlic together. After that, give its smoke in the vagina is useful to cure vagina diseases.

104. Syphilis: Grind ajwain (carom seeds), mustard and black pepper 20 grams each together and thereafter shuffle it with water and prepare tablets equal of plum from it. Syphilis is cured by taking these tablets.

105. Face pimples: Mix ground ajwain (carom seeds) with water and apply it on the face, it ends face shadow.

106. Cholera:

  • One should take four spoons ajwain (carom seeds) juice after every three hours until gets relief. If the patient gets relief, he should take this powder twice a day for some days.
  • Mix ajwain (carom seeds) juice with mint juice and give it to the patient to drink many times. The patient should drink aniseed water again and again to save from lack of water in the body.
  • If the ajwain (carom seeds) powder is mixed with peppermint powder and camphor, it turns into a type of liquid. Drip 3-4 drops of this mixture on sugar-cake (Batasha) and give it to the patient in the beginning of cholera, it helps to cure this disease. It is also useful to stop vomiting and loose motion etc. diseases. Amritdhara named medicine has same qualities.
  • Fill ten grams mint powder, ten grams ajwain (carom seeds) powder and ten grams pure camphor in a bottle and cork its mouth. Putting this bottle in sun light will be turned into water. 4-5 drops of this medicine should be taken in this disease because it is beneficial. This medicine should be taken in beginning of cholera. If the patient does not feel relief by taking one dose, it can be taken after every 15 minutes twice or thrice a day.
  • Rubbing ajwain (carom seeds) powder on the feet soles increases the warmth in the body.

107. Itching and Scabies:

  • Boil twenty grams ajwain (carom seeds) with 100 ml water and filter it. Itching is cured by washing the affected part with it.
  • Grind ajwain (carom seeds) with water and apply it on the affected part because it ends itching.
  • Grind ajwain (carom seeds) with lukewarm water coat it on the affected part, it ends itching.
  • Cook seseli indicum (Jangli Ajwain) with oil and apply it on the itching parts, it provides relief.

108. Head ulcer: Make ash by burning ajwain (carom seeds), leaves of Neem tree and leaves of dalbergia sisso (sheesham tree) together on grid. Mix small cardamom and ghee in this ash thereafter apply it on the affected part, it cures ulcers and pimples.

109. Skin disease:

  • Mix ground ajwain (carom seeds) with lukewarm water and coat it on the affected part, it cures ringworm, scabies, itching and pimples.
  • Boil ajwain (carom seeds) with water and wash the affected part with it, it provides relief in this disease.

110. Heart diseases:

  • If someone suffers from chest pain caused by heart weakness, boil one spoon ajwain (carom seeds) with two cups of water until it remains half then filter it and make the patient drink at night. It is useful to end heart pain. This decoction should be taken for 40 days regularly and jam of Indian Gooseberry should be taken after it too.
  • Taking 3 grams powder of ajwain (carom seeds) is useful to end heart pain.

111. Hysteria: Grind about half gram hen bane seeds and 48 grams orrisa root together and take it with pomegranate juice because it cures hysteria.

112. Black spots of the face: Mix twenty five grams ground bishop’s weed (Deshi Ajwain) with 25 grams curd and apply it on the face at bed time thereafter wash the face with lukewarm water in the morning. It removes all the types of black spots of the face.

113. Ringworm:

  • Grind ajwain (carom seeds) with lukewarm water and coat it on the affected part, it provides relief in ringworm. Boil ajwain (carom seeds) in water and wash the ringworm with it, it provides also relief.
  • Coat ground seseli indicum on the affected part after scratching destroys the ringworm bacteria and to end ringworm.
  • Mix toasted ajwain (carom seeds) with some blue vitriol and ghee thereafter apply it on the affected part. It is useful to cure ringworms.

114. Ribs pain: Boil 250 grams ajwain (carom seeds) with water until it remains fourth parts water then filter it. After that, take two spoons this warm decoction at bed time regularly to get relief in pain within 2-4 days.

115. Insanity: Grind half spoon ajwain (carom seeds) with four dry grapes and dissolve it with half cup of water. After that, give this mixture to the patient twice a day regularly for long period to get relief in insanity.

116. Erysipelas (Group of small pimples): Boil ajwain (carom seeds) with water and wash the pimples with this water. Grind ajwain (carom seeds) with lukewarm water and coat it on the pimples, it will cure erysipelas.

117. Children liver problems:

  • Grind hen bane seeds with wine and coat it on the liver to get relief in pain. It ends liver swelling.
  • Grind ajwain (carom seeds) with water and mix black salt in it. After that, take one spoon this medicine to end many types of liver disorders of children.

118. Children diarrhoea and bloody diarrhoea: The patient should take one spoon ajwain (carom seeds) juice twice a day regularly in this condition.

119. Penis disorders: Grind fine 10 grams hen bane seeds and equal white Indian mustard together and thereafter filter it. Soak this mixture in 200 ml water at overnight. In the next morning, crush this mixture with this water with the help of hands and wash the penis with this water, it ends penis disorders.

120. Burn from fire: Mix juice of hen bane seeds with ghee and apply it on the affected part, it provides relief in inflammation.

121. Collapsing stage: Rubbing ajwain (carom seeds) powder on the hands and feet `provides relief in this disease and reduces body sweat.

122. Nerves pain: This disease is cured by taking about ¼ grams ground hen bane seeds twice a day.

123. Tonsil enlargement: Boil one spoon ajwain (carom seeds) with one glass of water and make it cold. Tonsil enlargement is reduced by gargling with it.

124. Scrofula: Grind two pure marking nuts, two ajwain (carom seeds)s and one part Parad together properly thereafter prepare tablets equal of gram from it. After that, take one tablet with curd twice a day regularly to get relief in scrofula.

125. Neck pain: Make a poultice by tying ajwain (carom seeds) with a cloth and heat it on grid. Neck pain is ended by fomenting neck.

126. Throat diseases:

  • Boil Tijara fruit and ajwain (carom seeds) with water and gargle with this water. Hoarseness is cured by using this process.
  • Boil about ten grams ajwain (carom seeds) with 200 ml water then filter and make cold. After that, gargle with this mixture twice or thrice a day to cure throat diseases.

127. Hoarseness:

  • Boil ajwain (carom seeds) and loaf-sugar with water and gargle with it twice a day regularly, it cures hoarseness.
  • Mix equal quantity of staff tree, orrisa root, ajwain (carom seeds), khurasani greater galangal and long pepper together and thereafter mix honey in it. Hoarseness is cured by licking 3 grams this mixture thrice a day regularly.
  • One should chew ajwain (carom seeds) powder (equal to gram pulse) with betel leaf and swallow its juice because it provides relief in hoarseness.

Ajwain (Carom Seeds) Side Effects :   


  • Bile natured person should not take ajwain (carom seeds) because it causes headache and reduces breast milk too.
  • Only fresh ajwain (carom seeds) should be used because old seeds have lost their oil because of that sperm count becomes reduce. Juice or infusion of ajwain (carom seeds) should be used instead of decoction.
  • Taking juice or syrup is the best than decoction.

इस लेख का हिंदी अनुवाद यहाँ पढ़ेंअजवाइन के 129 चमत्कारी फायदे, उपयोग और दुष्प्रभाव 

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional before starting any new herbal treatment.

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