Chopchini (China Root): Health Benefits, Uses, Dose & Side Effects

Last Updated on August 7, 2024 by admin

Chopchini (China Root) Plant Structure:

Chopchini (China Root) leaves are like winter cherry leaves. Its tree has burls. Its color is little white, yellow and changes into red after ripening.

Chopchini (China Root) Medicinal & Ayurvedic Properties: 

  • Color: Chopchini (China Root) is pink.
  • Nature: It is hot in nature.
  • Taste: Its taste is bitter and pungent.
  • Chopchini (China Root) enhances body strength and purifies the blood.
  • It is useful to cure paralysis, mentally diseases, anus diseases and leprosy. 
  • It ends itching and uterus disorders.
  • It keeps menstrual excretion and urine normal.
  • It is very useful medicine to cure syphilis, leprosy and itching.
  • Food stuffs full of sourness, non-veg and spicy should be abandoned while this treatment.  


6-9 grams chopchini should be used.

Chopchini (China Root) Uses and Benefits:

1. Asthma or breathing problems: Boil 100 grams chopchini with 800 ml water until it remains 300 grams then filter it. Taking 25 to 75 ml this decoction 3-4 times a day regularly cures asthma.

2. Body numbness: Mix chopchini and long pepper root 5 grams each with 4 grams butter. Taking this preparation with milk is useful to end numbness of the body.

3. Sperm disorders: Make the powder by grinding equal quantity of chopchini, dry ginger, gum of silk cotton (mochrus), cholorophytum arundinaceum baker and aspagarus abscendens, black pepper babereng and aniseed together. Take 10 grams this powder and drink mixed milk of sugar candy regularly. Using this process is useful to end sperm disorders.

4. Syphilis:

  • Taking 3-4 grams powder of chopchini twice a day is useful in syphilis.
  • If there is excessive effect of poison, a decoction of chopchini should be taken after mixing with honey.

5. Rheumatism diseases:

  • Boil chopchini with milk and mix 3-6 gram mastangi, cardamom and cinnamon in it. Giving this preparation twice a day to the patient provides relief from rheumatism pain.
  • Make a decoction by boiling chopchini and onosma bracteatum with water. Rub this decoction on the knees, ends the weakness and pain of bones.

6. Pain from hip to feet: Grind thick 60 grams chopchini and store it. Soak 6 grams from this thick powder in 200 ml water at overnight. Boil this preparation until it remains half quantity then put it down. Taking this decoction after cooling is useful to get relief in the pain from hip to feet.

7. AIDS: Take 40 ml decoction of root of big chopchini twice a day, cures ulcer and pimples caused by sex.

Chopchini (China Root) Side Effects:  

Taking over quantity of chopchini is harmful for hot natured persons.

Bad effects removal: Pomegranate removes the bad effects of Chopchini (China Root).

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Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional before starting any new herbal treatment

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