Top 27 Health Benefits of Cinnamon oil

Last Updated on September 14, 2024 by admin

Cinnamon oil:

Cinnamon oil contains best qualities. It is found on Medical Stores. Its oil has fragrant like cinnamon. Its new oil is light yellow and turns into red and brown after becoming chronic. Its oil is heavy digestible, so it sinks in water. Cinnamon contains two percent flying oil. This oil has gum, sinemic acid, resin, tannin, sugar, starch, ash and others liquids. Cinnamon oil is useful to cure wounds, swelling and pain.


1-4 drops of cinnamon oil can be used as a dose. Its oil is pungent and hot, so one should not use it nearby eyes

Cinnamon oil Uses and Benefits:

1. Stomach gas: Taking cinnamon oil with one spoon sugar is useful to get relief in stomach gas. Avoid the excessive quantity of cinnamon, because it may be harmful.

2. Loss of hair: heat olive oil and mix one spoon honey and one spoon powder of cinnamon in it to make a paste. One should apply this paste in the hair roots and on skin then take bathe after fifteen minutes. The people who are suffering from alopecia and bald, they get quick relief by this treatment.

3. Toothache: Applying cinnamon oil on the painful teeth is useful to end toothache. Taking fourth spoon powder of cinnamon with warm water thrice a day provides quick relief. Patient may take this medicine with one spoon honey.

4. Catarrh: Taking 1-3 grams cinnamon oil with sugar-candy 2-3 times a day regularly is useful to get relief in catarrh. Smelling some cinnamon drops by handkerchief is also useful.

5. Deafness: Dripping cinnamon oil in the ears is useful to end deafness.

6. Hiccups: Mix three drops of cinnamon oil with half cup of water and give this mixture to the patient. it prevents hiccups.

7. Typhoid: One should take half cup of water and three drops of cinnamon oil with the medicine once a day for the treatment of typhoid. It is very useful remedy to cure typhoid.

8. Scorpio or poisonous insects bite: Applying cinnamon oil on the affected parts is useful to ends pain, poison, swelling and burning sensation.

9. The medicine that provides warm: If one is suffering from senselessness, weakness and coolness in body, he should mix half spoon cinnamon oil with three spoons sesame oil and take this mixture. It increases body warmth and excitement.

10. Dyspepsia: Mix 2-3 grams ground pure sugar and 5-6 drops of cinnamon oil together. Taking prepared medicine twice a day at bed time regularly for one week is useful to cure dyspepsia.

11. Some other easy experiments: 2 to 3 drops of cinnamon oil can be used with one cup of water for getting relief in influenza, fever, tongue diseases, loose-motions, intestinal pain, hiccups and vomiting.

12.. Teeth worms: Immerse a cotton piece in cinnamon oil. Put this piece in teeth hole, it kills teeth worms and cures toothache.

13. Belching: Put 1-3 drops of cinnamon oil on sugar-cake (Batasa) or sugar and take it twice a day; it ends stomach gas trouble and sour belching.

14. Senselessness of tongue and skin: If one is suffering from tongue paralysis or tongue senselessness, he should take 1-3 drops of cinnamon oil with sugar-candy 2-3 times a day regularly. One should keep cinnamon powder into mouth frequently. It provides benefit.

15. Travel disease: Drip 1-3 drops of cinnamon oil on puffed sugar cake in mouth. It prevents yawning during journey.

16. Vomiting: Stomachache and vomiting can be ended by taking five drops of cinnamon oil after mixing it in sugar candy or sugar cake.

17. Cancer: Cinnamon is used more to cure cancer. Take three drops of cinnamon oil thrice a day. One should chew it regularly. If wound is outside then one should apply its oil continually. It cures sore, wound and bacteria..

18. Pregnant woman vomiting: If pregnant woman is feeling vomit, giving 1 to 3 drops of cinnamon oil with sugar candy to her twice a day in the morning and evening checks vomiting.

19. Physically and mentally disorders after ending menses: One should take 1-3 drops of cinnamon oil after putting it on puffed sugar cake twice a day for protecting physically and mentally weakness caused by menses disorders.

20. AIDS: Cinnamon is very useful to cure AIDS, because it increases white cells in blood. Loss of white cells in blood causes of AIDS because of which many disease can be. It also kills stomach worms and cures wounds. One should take ¼ gram powder of cinnamon or take 1 to 3 drops of cinnamon oil thrice a day to get relief.

21. Blood leucorrhoea: One should take 1-3 drops of cinnamon oil with every dose of Ashokarishta twice a day regularly. It decreases uterus looseness and cures blood leucorrhoea too. Chewing cinnamon is useful to cure blood leucorrhoea.

22. Sperm diseases: Mix cinnamon oil with three parts of olive oil. Rubbing with this mixture on the penis increases sexual power. Note: Do not pour cold water on the penis.

23. Vagina pain: One should take 1-3 drops of cinnamon oil after mixing it on puffed sugar cake twice a day to end vagina pain.

24. Stomachache: Taking 1-3 drops of cinnamon oil with sugar-candy provides relief in stomachache.

25. Hands and feet twisting: Taking 1-2 drops of cinnamon oil regularly provides relief.

26. Headache: Mix about 5-6 drops of cinnamon oil with 2-3 spoons oil of sesame. Rub with this mixture on the head, it ends headache.

27. Vein pain: 1 to 3 drops of cinnamon oil should be taken after mixing sugar-candy twice a day. One should also rub with this mixture on the veins to ends all the types of pain.

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Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional before starting any new herbal treatment.

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