Cinnamon (Dalchini) 87 Amazing Uses, Benefits, Dosage and Side Effects

Last Updated on May 31, 2024 by admin


Cinnamon is used as a spice in all over world. It is a bark of tree.

There are two kinds to cinnamon –

Thick Cinnamon:  It is small, hot, pungent, sweet, bitter and dry. It ends phlegm, gas trouble, itching, and indigetion and cures dyspepsia, heart diseases, bladder disorder, piles, and chronic catarrh, and kilss stomach worms. It increases sperm count and bile.

Thin Cinnamon:  Thin cinnamon is sweet, bitter, pungent and fragrant. It increases sperm count and improves skin color. It cures Vaata and Pitta disorders and mouth swelling. It also quenches thirst.

Cinnamon (Dalchini) Name in Different Languages :

  • English          –   Cinnamon
  • Hindi         –   Dalchini
  • Sanskrit         –   Twak
  • Bengali          –   Daroochini
  • Gujarati         –   Taj, Bael Balchi
  • Tamil             –   Karooya
  • Arabic           –   Darchini
  • Parsian         –   Darchini, Kirpha
  • Kannada       –   Lavang Patte

Cinnamon (Dalchini) Tree Structure : 

Cinnamon tree is grown in Sinhal, Malabar and other states. Its leaves are equal as cinnamomum tamala leaves (Tamaal). Its leaves are fragrant like clove. Its flower’s fragrance is like rose flowers. Its fruits are like Carissa carandas (Karounda). Its fruits are used to make oil. The perfume (Sent) is also made by its flowers.

Cinnamon (Dalchini) Medicinal & Ayurvedic Properties : 

  • Color: Cinnamon is brown tinge with light redness.
  • Taste: It is pungent, sweet and fragrant.
  • Nature: It is hot.
  • Cinnamon keeps brain happy. 
  • It cures all the type of diseases. 
  • It makes normal to urine and menses
  • It increases sperm count.
  • It ends insanity or madness.
  • Its oil is useful to cure swelling, pain and the diseases caused by winter.
  • It is the best medicine to cure headache.
  • Cinnamon affects to breathing system. It is useful to cure phlegm disease, catarrh, tuberculosis and pain. 
  • It excites ligaments and increases appetite.
  • It ends anorexia, vomiting, loose-motion and eliminates gas and constipation. 
  • It kills stomach worms and ends foul smell.
  • It brings urine easily and increases power of heart and liver power.
  • It provides freshness to the body.
  • It provides excitation to reproductory organs and enhances sperm.
  • It makes the skin charming and ends itching.  

Potential Uses of Cinnamon : 

  • Cinnamon is used as a spice. 
  • It is also used to make oil.
  • It is used to make sweets fragrant. 
  • To make tooth-powders, pastes, chocolates and perfume etc., it is used. 
  • It is contractible and clears to stomach.
  • It kills worms, mildew and ends nausea, stomach gas, Vaata disorders and vomiting.
  • If one mixes cinnamon in tea or coffee, it becomes more delicious and also cures catarrh.
  • Cinnamon is some bitter, sweet and fragrant.
  • It increases sperm count and skin beauty.
  • It ends Vaata and Pitta disorders and provides relief in mouth dryness and over thirst.
  • Spinach (Palak) is also cool. If one mixes cinnamon and spinach together, it becomes cool nature. Thus the nature of other substances becomes change if you mix cinnamon with their.
  • Cinnamon ends Pitta (bile) disorders. 
  • It is hot in nature and pungent, so it excites to the kidney, ligament system and heart. 
  • It is contractible, so it is useful for the sexual sensible male and female. 
  • It is harmful for pregnant women. Pregnant women should not take cinnamon, if you need to it, cane take a little quantity of it.

Identity of the best cinnamon qualities :

 The best cinnamon is thin, soft, glossy and fragrant. Chewing it gives spicy and sweet taste.

Cinnamon oil : 

Cinnamon oil contains best qualities. It is found on Medical Stores. Its oil has fragrant like cinnamon. Its new oil is light yellow and turns into red and brown after becoming chronic. Its oil is heavy digestible, so it sinks in water. Cinnamon contains two percent flying oil. This oil has gum, sinemic acid, resin, tannin, sugar, starch, ash and others liquids. Cinnamon oil is useful to cure wounds, swelling and pain.

Cinnamon (Dalchini) Dosage : 

Cinnamon is hot, so one should take a little quantity of it afterwards increase its quantity slowly. If someone has been suffering from any harm or bad effect, he should not take cinnamon till next some days. After that, one should start on taking cinnamon in a little quantity of it.

Using 1-5 grams cinnamon powder is useful. It quantity or a little quantity of it should be given to children to cure the diseases.  1-4 drops of cinnamon oil can be used as a dose. Its oil is pungent and hot, so one should not use it nearby eyes.


Weather: Cinnamon is hot, so one should take it in a little quantity in the summer. Do not use cinnamon for a long time. The nature of all is difference. If any thing is useful for ninety nine persons, it may be harmful for one person. If we feel harm, should stop the use of it immediately.

Outer use of it: Mix cinnamon with sesame oil, water and honey together. Apply this mixture on the painful parts and massage and after that do not touch these parts overnight. If someone uses this mixture in day, should wash after 2-3 hours.

Cinnamon (Dalchini) Uses and Benefits :

1. Stammering: Chewing cinnamon is useful to end stammering.

2. For enhancing sperm:

  • Grind cinnamon to make fine powder and take 4 grams this powder with milk in the morning and before to sleep at night. It digests milk and increases sperm count.
  • Cinnamon is useful to eliminate stomach gas and also increases digestive power.
  • Two pinches cinnamon powder can be used with water to get relief in stomach gas trouble.
  • Taking cinnamon oil with one spoon sugar is useful to get relief in stomach gas. Avoid the excessive quantity of cinnamon, because it may be harmful.

3. Bile vomiting: Taking ground cinnamon with honey is useful to check bile vomiting.

4. Constipation: Grind cinnamon, dry ginger, cumin seed and cardamom together. Taking prepared mixture regularly is useful to get relief in constipation and indigestion.

5. Influenza: Grind five grams cinnamon, two pieces clove and ¼ spoon of dry ginger together. Boil prepared mixture with one liter water until remain fourth water then put down and filter it. One should make three doses with this mixture. Taking it thrice a day is useful to cure influenza.

6. Elongation of the Uvula (Throat disease): One should apply ground cinnamon on the affected parts by the thumb, afterwards fall saliva from mouth. It will cure this disease.

7. Indigestion: Take two grams powder of cinnamon bark with water twice a day, it cures indigestion.

8. Loss of appetite: Mix two grams cinnamon with equal caraway and then make three doses. Taking this medicine is useful to increase appetite.

9. Cough:

  • Chewing cinnamon is useful to get relief in dry cough. This medicine is also useful to cure hoarseness.
  • Boil fourth tbsp. cinnamon powder with one cup of water. Taking prepared medicine thrice a day is beneficial to cure cough and ends phlegm.
  • Grind 20 grams cinnamon, 320 grams sugar-candy, 80 grams piper, 40 grams small cardamom and 160 grams bamboo manna (Vanshlochan) together then filter with flour-sieve. One should take half spoon of this powder with one spoon of honey twice a day. The people who can’t take honey, they should take with water. Keep safe prepared mixture in home.
  • Grind 50 grams cinnamon powder, 25 grams ground liquorices, 50 grams dried ginger, 15 grams almonds seed and 50 grams loaf-sugar together then make tablets in shape of pea seed. One should take or suck one tablet at an interval of every 3-3 hours. It cures cough and normalizes mouth taste.
  • Taking gall-nut powder with cinnamon is useful to cure chronic cough and whooping cough of child. 

10. Asthma: Grind a small piece of cinnamon, fourth parts of figs or basil leaves, sal-ammoniac, one big cardamom, four black dried grapes and some sugar-candy together. Taking prepared medicine is very useful to cure asthma.

11. How to make asthma medicine (Rule): Boil above things with one cup of water until remain half water then put down and filter it. After that, take this medicine in the morning and evening daily. Do not take water or some food after half hour of taking meal. It ends asthma-attack.

12. Rheumatism:

  • Mix one part honey, two parts lukewarm water and one small spoon of cinnamon powder together. One should massage with prepared mixture on painful parts gently. It eliminates pain within some time.
  • Mix one glass of water, one glass of milk , one spoon of ground 4 pieces small pepper, one spoon dry ginger, one spoon of myrabalan chebulie and 3 buds of garlic together. After that, boil this mixture until remain half part and take it and swallow garlic. It cures rheumatism.

13. Loss of hair: heat olive oil and mix one spoon honey and one spoon powder of cinnamon in it to make a paste. One should apply this paste in the hair roots and on skin then take bathe after fifteen minutes. The people who are suffering from alopecia and bald, they get quick relief by this treatment.

14. Double mouth of the hair:

  • A safe and shiny layer is found on hair, which is called cuticle.  If this layer breaks because of which the last parts of the hair also break. Often, dry and weak hair causes of double mouth of hair. Sometimes, the protection layer of the hair is injured by combing in wet hair resulting the problems of double mouth of the hair occur. Thus, tightly combing and fast sunlight is also cause hair weakness.
  • One should cut double mouth hair. Cutting hair continuously is the best idea to protect hair. It makes hair strong and safe.

15. Bladder infection: Taking two spoons of cinnamon powder with one spoon honey and one glass of lukewarm water is beneficial to cure all the diseases of bladder.

16. Toothache:

  • Mix one spoon powder of cinnamon and five spoons honey together and make the tooth-powder. Brushing with this powder thrice a day regularly makes the teeth strong. It also ends toothache. If one’s toothache is not being well, should use this tooth-powder.
  • Applying cinnamon oil on the painful teeth is useful to end toothache. Taking fourth spoon powder of cinnamon with warm water thrice a day provides quick relief. Patient may take this medicine with one spoon honey.

17. Catarrh:

  • Grind one gram cinnamon, three grams liquorices and seven small cardamoms together. Boil prepared mixture with 400 ml water until remain half then mix twenty grams sugar-candy in it. Taking this mixture is useful to cure catarrh.
  • Taking one big spoon of honey with fourth spoon powder of cinnamon once a day regularly is beneficial to cure fast and chronic catarrh, chronic cough and sun-sage. One should take this medicine thrice a day until get relief. Use this medicine twice a day in fast sickness.
  • Taking 1-3 grams cinnamon oil with sugar-candy 2-3 times a day regularly is useful to get relief in catarrh. Smelling some cinnamon drops by handkerchief is also useful.

18. Shoulder pain:

  • Often, one is suffering from shoulders pain, he should take cinnamon. It eliminates pain.
  • Mix honey with equal cinnamon powder. One should take one spoon of prepared medicine in every morning. It increases power against viral infection and bacteria. It also keeps the body safe from diseases. One should rub with this mixture on the shoulders afterwards apply this mixture.

19. Sterility:

  • The person who is unable to produce baby, should take two big spoons of cinnamon at bed time regularly. It increases sperm count and provides relief.
  • The woman who can not be mother should apply one pinch powder of cinnamon mixed with one spoon honey upon gums. One should not spit. It will go in body with saliva. Consequently, The woman becames pregnant after some months by using this treatment.

20. Abortion: If one has been suffering from abortion again and again caused by the weakness of uterus, should mix cinnamon with equal honey and take one spoon of this mixture regularly.

21. Foul breath:  If one feels offensive smell with breathing caused by the reason of evaporation and sulphur elements, hydrogen sulfide, methyl, marcapten etc. Its source is such bacteria which can alive without Oxygen. These bacteria live in mouth inside wall cells, tongue, gums and teeth middle parts. For the treatment, mix two cups of water, one spoon honey and half spoon powder of cinnamon together in the morning and gargle with prepared mixture.

22. Foul smell of the mouth: Chew a piece of cinnamon and lick it. It ends foul smell of the mouth and makes teeth strong.

23. Smoking: Mix one spoon honey and one spoon powder of cinnamon together and fill into bottle. If one feels like to take biri, cigarette and zarda, immerse the fingers into this bottle and suck it. It abolishes the habit of smoking and the habit of taking intoxicant things. If one wants to leave smoking confidently, he can leave completely.

24. Cholesterol: Mix two big spoons of honey, three spoons powder of cinnamon and 400 ml tea boiled water together and take it. After two hour of taking it, ten percent cholesterol will decrease from blood. Taking it thrice a day regularly makes cholesterol normal in the human body.

25. Heart-attack: Mix honey with equal quantity of cinnamon and take with bread or chapatti in the breakfast. It decreases the cholesterol of arteries. This medicine makes heart strong and ends fear of heart-attack.

26. For long age:

  • Boil one spoon powder of cinnamon with three cups of water. Filter this mixture and mix with four spoons honey. Take prepared medicine four times a day; it makes the skin fresh and soft. It also removes the bad effects of old age.
  • Senior citizens who take cinnamon with equal honey regularly, their body is freshness and flexible.

27. Obesity: Boil half spoon powder of cinnamon with one cup of water and after that mix one spoon honey in this mixture. One should take prepared medicine before breakfast in the morning and before sleep at night. It decreases body weight and fatness.

28. Deafness:

  • Mix honey with equal cinnamon powder. Taking 1 spoon of this mixture twice a day is beneficial to increase listening power and cures deafness.
  • Dripping cinnamon oil in the ears is useful to end deafness.

29. Acnes:

  • Mix three spoons honey, one spoon powder of cinnamon and some drops of lemon juice together and make a paste. Apply this paste on the face and wash after one hour. It removes face acnes completely.
  • Mix fourth spoon powder of cinnamon with some drops of lemon juice then make a paste. Apply this paste and wash after one hour. It will remove acnes completely.

30. Face marks: Mix milk cream and one pinchful of cinnamon powder together. Apply prepared paste on the face, it removes face marks.

31. Skin infection: Mix honey with equal cinnamon to make a paste. After that, apply this paste on affected parts regularly. It cures ringworm and skin infections.

32. Diabetes: Taking cinnamon regularly keeps safe the body from tiredness, eyes light dimness, kidney disease and others.

33. How to take prepared medicine: Boil one cup of water with cinnamon powder and filter it and take it. It can take after mixing it in coffee and other eating foods. Scan diabetes to get benefit after ten days of using this treatment. Cautions: One should take cinnamon as a little dose. It’s over quantity may be harmful.

34. Bacillary dysentery: 

  • Taking approx two grams powder of cinnamon with cold water is useful to prevent loose-motion. If one takes this powder with lukewarm water, it prevents bacillary dysentery.
  • Grind cinnamon and white catechu in equal quantity and take half spoon of it thrice a day regularly. It checks loose motion that occurs again and again caused by indigestion. It can be also taken with honey.
  • Grind two grams cinnamon and two grams cloves together. Boil this mixture with half glass of water. Give two swallow of this preparation to the patient at an interval of one-one hour. It provides relief. Using this experiment sets the motion right and cures loose-motion. It is also useful for bacillary dysentery and loose-motion.

35. Hiccups:

  • Mix three drops of cinnamon oil with half cup of water and give this mixture to the patient. it prevents hiccups.
  • Chewing cinnamon is useful to prevent hiccups.

36. Stomach worms: Mix one spoon honey and fourth spoon powder of cinnamon together. Take this mixture once a day regularly, it kills stomach worms.

37. Piles:

  • Taking fourth spoon of cinnamon powder and one spoon honey once a day regularly is useful to cure piles.
  • Boil half spoon powder of cinnamon with one cup of water and take this prepared mixture after half an hour of taking meal twice a day. It cures bloody piles.

38. Boil: Grind cinnamon with water to make a paste and apply it on the boil. It checks occurring boil and cures it.

39. Skin disease and Swelling: Grind cinnamon with warm water and apply it on the affected body. It ends swelling and all the diseases of skin.   

40. Tonsillitis:

  • Taking one pinch powder of cinnamon with one spoon honey thrice a day is beneficial to cure tonsilits.
  • Apply cinnamon ground with honey on the tonsil by fingers. It provides relief.

41. Typhoid: One should take half cup of water and three drops of cinnamon oil with the medicine once a day for the treatment of typhoid. It is very useful remedy to cure typhoid.

42. For getting memory power: Taking half spoon powder of cinnamon with water twice a day is beneficial to end brain weakness and enhances memory power.

43. Hydrocoel: Taking half spoon powder of cinnamon with water twice a day is useful to cure hydrocoel.

44. Retention in urine: Taking cinnamon brings urine easily and cures urine disorder. It brings urine easily without any pain. It ends pus of urine. One should take half spoon powder of cinnamon with water thrice a day.

45. Scorpio or poisonous insects bite: Applying cinnamon oil on the affected parts is useful to ends pain, poison, swelling and burning sensation.

46. Tuberculosis (T.B): Mix two spoons sugar-candy with four drops of cinnamon oil. Taking this mixture thrice a day is useful to get relief in tuberculosis. Take half spoon powder of cinnamon with water twice a day regularly. It provides relief in bleeding from lungs caused by tuberculosis.

47. Blood disorders: Cinnamon purifies blood. It increases white cell in blood. One should take fourth spoon powder of cinnamon with one spoon honey regularly.

48. The medicine that provides warm: If one is suffering from senselessness, weakness and coolness in body, he should mix half spoon cinnamon oil with three spoons sesame oil and take this mixture. It increases body warmth and excitement.

49. Sperm weakness: Cinnamon is dry and hot. Grind about ¼ gram cinnamons with equal white catechu. Taking prepared medicine with water thrice a day checks loose-motions and stomach twisting. One should take 1 gram ground cinnamon with hot milk twice a day regularly for 15-20 days. It makes sperm strong.

50. Dyspepsia:

  • 2-4 grams cinnamon powder can be used with water twice a day to cure dyspepsia.
  • Mix 2-3 grams ground pure sugar and 5-6 drops of cinnamon oil together. Taking prepared medicine twice a day at bed time regularly for one week is useful to cure dyspepsia.

51. Some other easy experiments:

  • Boil cinnamon, black pepper and ginger together to make a decoction and take, it is useful to cure catarrh.
  • Taking cinnamon is beneficial to eliminate indigestion, vomiting, saliva, stomachache and flatulence. It also makes menses normal and shrinks to uterus.
  • Mix one gram cinnamon and five grams small myrobalan (Harar) together and make the powder. Take prepared powder with 100 ml lukewarm water twice a day, it clears loose-motion and cures stomach gas trouble.
  • Mix approx ¼ gram powder of cinnamon and white catechu with honey. Taking prepared medicine is useful to prevent loose-motion caused by dyspepsia.
  • Taking 1.20 grams cinnamon powder with fresh water is useful to prevent bacillary dysentery.
  • 2 to 3 drops of cinnamon oil can be used with one cup of water for getting relief in influenza, fever, tongue diseases, loose-motions, intestinal pain, hiccups and vomiting.
  • Immerse a cotton piece in cinnamon juice and put it in painful gums or teeth. It provides quick relief.
  • Mix cinnamon, catechu, nut-meg and alum together to make a poultice. Putting this poultice in the vagina is beneficial to cure leucorrhoea and make the vagina loose.

52. Diabetes mellitus (Bahumootra):

  • Cinnamon ground with water should be taken at bed time to cure diabetes mellitus.
  • Mix ten grams ground cinnamon with ten grams sugar. Take approx two grams of the medicine with water at bed time. It ends diabetes mellitus.

53. Teeth worms: Immerse a cotton piece in cinnamon oil. Put this piece in teeth hole, it kills teeth worms and cures toothache.

54. Flatulence: Giving one to three drops of cinnamon with sugar candy to the patient in the morning and evening provides benefit in flatulence.

55. Belching: Put 1-3 drops of cinnamon oil on sugar-cake (Batasa) or sugar and take it twice a day; it ends stomach gas trouble and sour belching.

56. Senselessness of tongue and skin: If one is suffering from tongue paralysis or tongue senselessness, he should take 1-3 drops of cinnamon oil with sugar-candy 2-3 times a day regularly. One should keep cinnamon powder into mouth frequently. It provides benefit.

57. To normalize tongue taste: If one feels bitterness in mouth, he should take powder of cinnamon or orris root (Bach) with honey. Rubbing also with this mixture on tongue regularly ends tongue bitterness.

58. Travel disease: Drip 1-3 drops of cinnamon oil on puffed sugar cake in mouth. It prevents yawning during journey.

59. Vomiting:

  • Taking ground cinnamon after mixing a little honey in it is useful to prevent vomiting.
  • Ground cinnamon can be used with honey to prevent vomiting caused by warmth.
  • Divide two grams powder of cinnamon into three parts and take one part of it with honey thrice a day, it prevents vomiting.
  • Stomachache and vomiting can be ended by taking five drops of cinnamon oil after mixing it in sugar candy or sugar cake.

60. Cancer:

  • Cinnamon is used more to cure cancer. Take three drops of cinnamon oil thrice a day. One should chew it regularly. If wound is outside then one should apply its oil continually. It cures sore, wound and bacteria.
  • Taking 350 grams decoction of cinnamon regularly is useful to get relief in cancer.
  • Take two spoons honey with one spoon powder of cinnamon thrice a day regularly, it cures cancer.

61. Impotence: Grind 75 grams cinnamon and filter it to make the fine powder. After that, grind five grams this powder with water to make a paste and apply it on the penis and take 2 grams of this powder with milk twice a day in the morning and evening. It ends impotence within some time.

62. Loose-motions:

  • Grind ten grams cinnamon, ten grams catechu and five grams soaked alum together to make the fine powder. Taking approx two grams of this mixture with water 2-3 times a day provides quick relief in loose motions.
  • Take two grams cinnamon powder with fresh water, it provides relief in diarrhea or loose-motions.
  • Cinnamon decoction can be used twice a day regularly to cure loose-motion.
  • Taking two grams cinnamon powder and five grams aniseed is useful to prevent loose-motions.
  • Grind cinnamon, gall-nut and catechu with water and make small tablets of it. These tablets can be used to end weakness caused by loose-motions.
  • Take 2 grams fine powder of cinnamon with water, it checks loose motion or grind equal quantities of cinnamon and catechu and take half spoon of this powder thrice a day daily to checks loose motion.
  • Mix cinnamon, chuniya, gum and opium together and make the small tablets and take it as a dose. It provides benefit in loose motion.

63. Pregnant woman vomiting: If pregnant woman is feeling vomit, giving 1 to 3 drops of cinnamon oil with sugar candy to her twice a day in the morning and evening checks vomiting.

64. Amoebic dysentery (Aamatisar): One should take cinnamon decoction 2-3 times a day regularly to cure amoebic dysentery.

65. Sprue: Cinnamon decoction should be taken thrice a day to cure sprue.

66. Physically and mentally disorders after ending menses: One should take 1-3 drops of cinnamon oil after putting it on puffed sugar cake twice a day for protecting physically and mentally weakness caused by menses disorders.

67. Kidney diseases: Taking one gram cinnamon powder with water is beneficial to cure kidney diseases.

68. Kidney Swelling: Cinnamon should be taken to cure kidney diseases.

69. AIDS: Cinnamon is very useful to cure AIDS, because it increases white cells in blood. Loss of white cells in blood causes of AIDS because of which many disease can be. It also kills stomach worms and cures wounds. One should take ¼ gram powder of cinnamon or take 1 to 3 drops of cinnamon oil thrice a day to get relief.

70. Catarrh (Nazla): Boil seven black peppers and seven puffed sugar cakes with 250 grams water until remain fourth water then fill into bottle. Taking prepared medicine in empty stomach in morning and before sleeping at night for two days cures catarrh. It is also useful to cure catarrh, cough and low fever or body pain. Drink this water, it brings much sweat and cures body heaviness. It also makes body light.

71. Blood leucorrhoea: One should take 1-3 drops of cinnamon oil with every dose of Ashokarishta twice a day regularly. It decreases uterus looseness and cures blood leucorrhoea too. Chewing cinnamon is useful to cure blood leucorrhoea.

72. Disturbance in blood caused by bile: If someone is suffering from disturbance in blood caused by bile and blood is flowing form the mouth and lungs, you should give cinnamon decoction to such patient regularly. It provides benefit.

73. Insomnia: Boil three grams cinnamon in 125 ml. water and then filter it to make a decoction. Put lukewarm this decoction on three pieces of puffed sugar cake and take them in the morning, it provides deep sleep.

74. Sperm diseases:

  • Mix twenty grams ground cinnamon with twenty grams sugar and milk. After that, 2 grams of this mixtiure should be taken in the morning and evening to increase sperm count.
  • Grind 5 grams cinnamon and equal black sesame with honey and make tablets as the shape of gram. Dry these tablets in shade. Take one tablet with lukewarm milk before tow hours of sexual intercourse. It provides benefit.
  • To increase sperm count, 3 grams powder of cinnamon should be taken with lukewarm milk before going to the bed at night.
  • Mix cinnamon oil with three parts of olive oil. Rubbing with this mixture on the penis increases sexual power. Note: Do not pour cold water on the penis.
  • Taking one spoon powder of cinnamon with milk twice a day after the meal is useful to increase sperm count.

75. Easy delivery: Boil 1 spoon cinnamon and one spoon aniseed with 200 ml water until remain fourth water and make it slight coolness. Prepared mixture should be drunk for easy delivery.

76. Vagina pain: One should take 1-3 drops of cinnamon oil after mixing it on puffed sugar cake twice a day to end vagina pain.

77. Stomachache:

  • Taking 1-3 drops of cinnamon oil with sugar-candy provides relief in stomachache.
  • Mix fine powder of cinnamon and a little quantity of asafetida (Heeng) together. Boil this mixture with 250 ml water after that make it slight coldness. Taking a little quantity of medicine 3-4 times a day is useful to get relief in stomachache.
  • Grind two grams cinnamon, a little quantity of asafetida and black salt together. Taking prepared medicine ends stomachache.
  • Boil a little quantity of cinnamon and asafetida with one glass of water to make the syrup. Taking 4 spoons of prepared syrup twice a day is useful to cure stomachache.
  • Make a decoction by boiling cinnamon and Nagdon leaves with water and take this decoction. It cures stomach disease.
  • Taking little quantity of cinnamon provides relief. One should not take its excessive quantity.
  • Take one spoon of equal quantities of honey and cinnamon cures after mixing, it ends stomachache, cures wounds and eliminates gas completely. 

78. Diabetes Mellitus: Mix ten grams ground cinnamon and ten grams sugar together. Taking this medicine with water twice a day is useful to get relief in diabetes mellitus.

79. Cholera: Mix cinnamon, cassia, Indian ground sel, eagle wood, hoarse-radish, bitter costus root, sweet flag root and asparagus (Shatawari) together. Grind prepared mixture with lemon juice and apply it on the patient stomach. It cures cholera and eliminates pain.

80. Hands and feet twisting: Taking 1-2 drops of cinnamon oil regularly provides relief.

81. Children diseases: If any small child is suffering from loose-motion, you give one pinch powder of cinnamon to it after mixing it in lukewarm milk. It checks loose motion.

82. Headache:

  • Grind cinnamon with water to make a paste and apply it on the head. It provides relief in headache caused by cool air or walking in winter.
  • If someone has been suffering from headache caused by syphilis Pittaz, grind cinnamon, sugar-candy and cassia with rice water and smell it to the patient. It is useful to end headache.
  • Mix about 5-6 drops of cinnamon oil with 2-3 spoons oil of sesame. Rub with this mixture on the head, it ends headache.
  • Grind cinnamon in water and apply it on the forehead. It ends headache and tension.
  • If someone has been suffering form headache caused by cold, grind cinnamon with water and apply it on the forehead and the temple. It provides benefit. 

83. Vein pain: 1 to 3 drops of cinnamon oil should be taken after mixing sugar-candy twice a day. One should also rub with this mixture on the veins to ends all the types of pain.

84. Memory weakness: Grind cinnamon with equal sugar-candy and make the powder after that filter it. Take 3-4 grams of this powder with milk regularly, it makes the memory strong and cures illusion.

85. Diphtheria: One should take a decoction of cinnamon and also gargle with it to end throat burning sensation and infection.

86. Children medicines: Grind cinnamon, cardamom, cassia and cobra’s saffron (Nagkesar) together to make the fine powder and then filter it. Mix cow-dung’s juice and honey in this mixture. Taking prepared medicine is useful to cure children vomiting.

87. Tonic (Powerful and healthy body): Grind cinnamon to make the fine powder. Take two grams powder with 250 ml milk and one spoon honey twice a day, it increases body power and sperm count.

Cinnamon (Dalchini) Side Effects :

Excessive quantity of cinnamon may be harmful for urinary system.It is harmful for pregnant women. Pregnant women should not take cinnamon, if you need to it, cane take a little quantity of it.

Removing bad effects: Mastagi and sterculia urens (Kateera) remove its bad effects.

इस लेख का हिंदी अनुवाद यहाँ पढ़ेंदालचीनी के 79 दिव्य फायदे

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional before starting any new herbal treatment.

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