20 Impressive Health Benefits Of Cucumber (Kheera)

Last Updated on July 18, 2024 by admin


Cucumber is a very alkaline edible product, which contains good quantity of vitamin-A and vitamin-C. It also contains 97 percent water. Eating cucumber calms appetite too. It is very useful for the diabetes patients and person of the loose body.

     Specially, cucumber is used as lettuce (salad). It helps in urination clearly and ends urinary problems. Cucumber is cool in nature. Eating cucumber in the summer season quenches over thirst. It is also called “Qukumis setaevas” in Latin language.

Cucumber (Kheera) Medicinal & Ayurvedic Properties:

  • Nature: It is cool in nature.
  • Cucumber calms bile and blood warmth. 
  • It ends stomach inflammation and reduces warmth.
  • It is useful for the treatment of mental problems, insomnia and fever caused by warmth. Headache is cured by smelling small pieces of cucumber.

Cucumber (Kheera) Uses and Benefits:

1. Stone: If someone has been suffering from stone, he should drink cucumber juice regularly because it brings out stones after breaking. After that, take 250 ml cucumber juice thrice a day to cure retention of urine and anuria-dysuria. It is also beneficial for the diabetes patients. 

2. Knee pain: The patient should eat cucumber’s lettuce (salad) with meals because it provides relief in knees pain. If the patient takes one pieces of garlic with cucumber salad, it is very beneficial.

3. Blackness around the eyes: Immerse a cotton piece in cucumber juice and put it around eyes and eyelids for sometime thereafter clean it. Using this process for 2 to 3 weeks regularly ends black circles from the around eyes.

4. Constipation: By eating cucumber daily gas does not occur in the stomach and constipation ends. Constipation is also eliminated by taking raw cucumber (Khira), carrot, tomato, cucumber (Kakdi), spinach and cabbage.

5. Face appearance: Apply cucumber juice on the face regularly to end face freckles and make the face beautiful.

6. Kidney stone: Give 150 ml cucumber juice to the patient twice or thrice a day to break the kidney stones.

7. Stomachache: Mix 2-4 drops juice of Balam cucumber in lukewarm water and give it to the patient to drink. It is useful to end stomachache.

8. Ulcer: Mix salt with ground cucumber and apply it on the affected part, it reduces ulcer swelling and brings pus out because of that ulcer becomes dry.

9. Arthritis (Rheumatism): The patient should eat cucumber in enough quantity because it gets rid of rheumatism pain.

10. Face freckles: Grind 4 pieces of cucumber and extract juice from them. Mix half spoon lemon juice and half spoon rose water with this juice thereafter apply it on the face for 15 minutes. Using this process ends freckles and increases shiny on the oily face.

11. Skin diseases: All the types of skin disorders are cured by taking cucumber regularly.

12. Giddiness:

  • If someone suffers from giddiness caused by warmth, he should eat cucumber because it ends giddiness due to warmth.
  • Giddiness ends by taking lettuce (salad) of cucumber, tomato, radish and beet after mixing lemon juice with meals twice a day.

13. Low blood pressure: Sprinkle lemon juice and rock salt on 200 grams cucumber salad and give it to the patient twice a day, it makes blood pressure normal and provides strength to the body.

14. Face appearance: Boil pieces of 100 grams cucumber with 500 ml water until it remains half quantity then put it down and filter. Washing the face with this water improves face colour.

16. Body inflammation: This disease is cured by drinking cucumber juice regularly.

17. Anemia (Blood deficiency): Anorexia is cured by taking lettuce (salad) of cucumber, onion, beet, lemon juice, radish, carrot and cucumber together. It is also useful to increase blood amount.

18. Face appearance: Make a paste by mixing half spoon of lemon juice, a pinch of turmeric and two spoons cucumber juice together. Apply this paste on the face for half an hour; thereafter wash the face with fresh water. Using this process improves face color and ends face flecks and spots.

19. Cracked lips: Cucumber water should be applied on the cracked lips because it provides relief. This process can be used in case of cracked hands and feet too.

20. Skin softness: Make a paste by mixing one cup of cucumber juice, one cup of lukewarm water, ¼ spoons boric acid powder, ¼ cup of glycerin and one small spoon benjaine tincture together. After that, apply this paste on the skin to make skin soft and clean.

Cucumber (Kheera) Side Effects:

Taking over quantity of cucumber increases phlegm.

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Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional before starting any new herbal treatment.

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