Cluster Fig (Gular): 66 Medicinal Uses and Health Benefits

Last Updated on June 17, 2024 by admin


Cluster fig’s plant is much famous in whole India. Cluster fig’s fruit shape is like fig tree fruit. Ripe Cluster fig is used to prepare vegetables. Cluster fig’s shadow is cold and provides relief. Its wood is much strong and oily. Cluster fig’s grows near by river or well or shower. Water which is come out from well that exists in the shade of fig tree is very useful.

Cluster Fig (Gular) Tree Structure:

Cluster fig’s tree is high. It has not flower. Its fruit grows on fat branches. It has milk.Cluster fig’s tree is 20-40 feets high. Its stem is fat, long and bent. Its bark is red and saffron. Its leaves are 3-5 inches long, 2-3 inches width, and sharpness, oily and golden. Cluster fig’s fruit shape is 1-2 inches diameter roundness and like fig tree fruit. Its ripe fruit is red and raw fruit is green. Cluster fig’s fruit is much soft. Its fruit bursts after light pressing. Its fruit has also micro germs. Cluster fig’s tree has milk in much quantity. Its milk specialty is that its fresh milk color is white and after some time, it becomes yellow. This milk is much useful in medicines.

Cluster Fig (Gular) Name in Different Languages:

  • English    :    Cluster fig and Country fig
  • Hindi        :    Gular
  • Sanskrit   :    Udumber
  • Marathi    :     Umber
  • Gujarati   :     Umbaro
  • Bengali   :     Yagdamber
  • Telugu     :     Adhichettu
  • Parsian   :     Anjire
  • Arabic     :     Jamige
  • Urdu       :     Dimri
  • Malayalam  :     Ati
  • Latin       :     Faecas glomereta

Cluster Fig (Gular) Medicinal & Ayurvedic Properties:

  • Color: Cluster fig’s raw fruit is green and ripe fruit is red or yellow.
  • Taste: Raw Cluster fig is tasteless and ripe Cluster fig is sweet.
  • Nature: It is cool in nature.
  • Quality: It is useful for the treatment of wound, bone disorder, phlegm disorder, bile disorder and diarrhoea, and vagina diseases. Its bark is much cool. It increases breast milk and cures chronic wound. It is useful for the womb. Its small and soft fruit is useful in early ejaculation, thirst and phlegm disorder, and blood diseases. Cluster fig is useful in bleeding, vomiting and diarrhoea. Its fruit increases appetite and body grease. It increases blood diseases.
  • According to Ayurveda: Cluster fig is sweet, bitter, heavy and cool in nature. It is useful for the treatment of phlegm, bile disorder, blood diseases, diabetes, sperm disorder, rickets, eyes diseases, urine diseases. It enhances body power and increases sperm count. It is useful for the uterus and broken bone.
  • According to Scientists – Its fruit contains 49% carbohydrate, 7.4% albuminoid, 5.6% fat, 8.5% color liquid, 6.5% ash, 13.6% wetness and phosphorus and silica in less quantity. Its bark contains 14% tannin and milk 4-7.4% rubber.
  • Cluster fig tree: It is cold, dry, sweet, tasteless and heavy. It cures wound and vagina diseases, and ends phlegm, diarrhoea, bile disorder.
  • Cluster fig bark: Its skin is cool and tasteless. It is useful for the womb. It cures wound.
  • Raw Cluster fig: It is tasteless. It has more qualities. It increases sperm count and ends early ejaculation. It ends bile, phlegm, blood disorder and quenches thirst.
  • Simple Cluster fig: It is sweet, tasteless and cool. It ends bile disorder and nausea, and prevents vomiting, bleeding, diarrhoea, and quenches thirst.
  • Ripe Cluster fig: It is sweet, tasteless, interesting and much cool. It creates stomach worms and increases appetite. It ends blood disorder, bile disorder, burning sensation, dried cough, body twisting and tiredness. It quenches thirst. It increases appetite and generates phlegm. It cures dry cough. Applying ash made from its wood on the wounds in the summer season is useful to cures them.
  • Old Cluster fig: It is vapid and sour. It increases appetite and body grease. It ends blood disorder.


 10-20 grams powder of raw fruit of Cluster fig, 50-100 milliliters decoction and 10-15 drops milk.

Cluster Fig (Gular) Uses and Benefits:

1. Body twist: Apply cluster fig’s milk and affix cotton on twist part, it provides relief.

2. Disturbance in blood caused by bile:

  • Take ripe Cluster fig with jaggery or honey or grind Cluster fig root and take with sugar, it provides relief in disturbance in blood caused by bile.
  • Take 5-10 grams Cluster fig’s bark or 2-4 Cluster fig’s fruit or 10-20 milliliters Cluster fig’s juice, it provides relief in all disturbance in blood caused by bile.

3. Singia poison: Mix juice of Cluster fig’s skin with ghee and give to the patient, it ends singia poisoning.

4. Eyes pain: Applying Cluster fig’s milk upon eyes reduces eyes pain.

5. Ulcer: Apply Cluster fig’s milk upon ulcer and affix thin paper, it provides relief.

6. Diarrhoea (Loose motion):

  • Mix 4-5 drops of Cluster fig’s milk with sugar cake and take thrice a day, it provides relief in diarrhoea (loose motions).
  • Taking 3-5 grams powder of Cluster fig’s root with fresh fruit of Cluster is useful for amoebic dysentery or diarrhoea (loose motions).
  • Grind Cluster fig’ leaves and 2 seeds black pepper with rice water and mix black salt and whey in it and take twice a day, it prevents diarrhoea.
  • Grind 10 leaves of Cluster fig to make fine and put in 50 ml water. After that, give it to the patient, it prevents all type of diarrhoea.

7. Amoebic dysentery:

  • In the case of diarrhoea, bloody diarrhoea, vomiting and weakness, 10 drops milk of cluster fig should be given to the suffered children twice a day because it provides relief in above diseases.
  • Drip 10-20 drops of Cluster fig’s milk on sugar cake and give to the patient, it prevents amoebic dysentery.
  • Blood diarrhoea is prevented by taking Cluster fig’s water.

8. Pregnant diarrhoea: Taking water of Cluster fig’ root is useful for pregnant diarrhoea.

9. Syphilis:

  • Mix sugar with ripe cluster fig (without worms) and take it in the morning, it provides relief in warmth.
  • Taking milk of cluster fig with sugar ends warmth of the body.

10. Tongue blisters: Grind thorns of cluster fig with sugar candy and take, it provides relief in blisters of the tongue caused by warmth.

11. More affect of warmth in the body of children: Mix sugar candy with juice of cluster fig and feed it to children, it ends warmth of chicken pox.

12. Overeating: Taking juice of cluster fig’ root with sugar provides relief in overeating.

13. Scorpio poison: Apply ground sprouts of cluster fig on the affected part, it alleviates poison and provides relief from pain.

14. Cholera: Give juice of cluster fig to the patient, it provides relief in cholera.

15. Ears pain: Mix milk of cluster fig and cotton plant together then apply it on the ears, it provides relief from ears pain.

16. Throat tumour: Mix ground thorns of cluster fig’s leaves with sweet whey and take it with sugar once a day regularly, it cures throat tumour.

17. Chicken pox: Grind thorns of cluster fig leaves with fresh milk and mix some sugar in this. After that, give it to the patient cures chicken pox.

18. Epistaxis (Nose bleeding): Fill sugar in ripe cluster fig and fry it with oil afterwards spray half gram powder of black peppers and half gram powder of cardamom on it. Take it in the morning and apply juice of brinjal on the face, it stops bleeding of the nose. 

19. Nose diseases: Make sauce by grinding equal quantity of cluster fig’s tree, shal’s tree, arjun’s tree and conessia bark with water. Make a decoction too by boiling above mixture with water. Mix 4 folds ghee than sauce and 4 folds decoctions than ghee together. After that, cook it in pan until it remains ghee then filter it. After that, apply it on matured nose, it provides relief in the nose diseases.

20. Cheek swelling of the children: Apply milk of cluster fig on the cheek, it provides relief in cheek swelling of the children.

21. Swelling: Apply ground bark of cluster fig on the affected part to end swelling.

22. Tumour: Applying milk of cluster fig on tumour, it provides relief in tumour of any parts of the body.

23. Children amoebic: Taking 4-5 drops milk of cluster fig with sugar is useful to prevent amoebic of the children.

24. Over thirst:

  • Grind bark or raw fruit of cluster fig with water and give it to the patient, it quenches over thirst caused by fever or any reason.
  • Taking juice of ripe fruit or decoction of cluster fig quenches thirst caused by bile.
  • Grind raw fruit of cluster fig and filter it. After that, take it with water, it quenches over thirst caused by fever.

25. Cough:

  • Rubbing milk of cluster fig on the palate of mouth is useful to get relief in fast cough.
  • Make the powder by grinding equal quantity of cluster fig’s flower, black peppers and soft buds of dhank together. Mix 5 grams honey in this and lick it 2-3 times in a day regularly, it provides relief in cough.

26. Syphilis: Make a decoction by boiling 40 grams bark of cluster fig with one kg water and take it with sugar candy, it cures syphilis.

27. Wound:

  • Washing wound with bark of cluster fig is useful to cure wound of the body parts.
  • Dry leaves of cluster fig in shadow and make the powder by grinding it. Spray this powder on the affected part after cleaning and take 5 grams this powder with water twice a day, it will provide relief.
  • Soak esculent fiacurtia in milk of cluster fig and grind it. After that, apply 1-2 spoon this preparation on the affected part, it cures wound.

28. Gonorrhoea: Mix black cumin seeds and sugar with juice of cluster fig’s root. Taking it is useful to cure gonorrhoea.

29. Leucorrhoea:

  • Filter powder of cluster fig’s fruit and mix honey and sugar candy in this to prepare tablets. After that, take one tablet for one week regularly, it cures leucorrhoea.
  • Take ripe fruit of cluster fig with peels and drink fresh water upon it, it cures white leucorrhoea.
  • Mix honey with juice of cluster fig fruit and take, it provides relief.

30. Blood leucorrhoea:

  • Take 1 spoon powder of Cluster fig’s fruit with 1 spoon sugar candy twice a day regularly; it cures blood leucorrhoea and menstrual excretion.
  • Grind 10-25 grams Cluster fig’s bark. Boil this bark with 250 ml water until it remains 125 ml water and filter. Mix sugar candy and 2 grams powder of white cumin seeds in this decoction. After that, take this mixture twice a day and take also this decoction of raw fruit of Cluster fig in food, it cures blood leucorrhoea.
  • Taking 1 spoon powder of Cluster fig’s fruit with 1 spoon sugar candy twice a day regularly is useful in blood leucorrhoea and menstrual excretion.
  • Grind 10-25 grams Cluster fig’s bark. Boil this bark with 250 ml water until it remains 125 ml water and filter. Mix sugar candy and 2 grams powder of white cumin seeds in this decoction. Take this mixture twice a day and take also this decoction of raw fruit of Cluster fig in food, it cures blood leucorrhoea.

31. White Leucorrhoea:

  • Filter powder of Cluster fig’s fruit. Mix honey and sugar candy in this powder and prepare tablets. After that, take one tablet regularly till one week, it cures white leucorrhoea.
  • Taking 1-1 ripe fruit of Cluster fig 3-4 times in a day regularly is useful for white leucorrhoea.
  • Taking 5 ripe fruit of Cluster fig with sugar candy regularly is beneficial for menstrual exertion and uterus diseases.
  • Mix sugar candy with 5-10 grams juice of Cluster fig and apply upon abdomen, it provides relief in white leucorrhoea disorder.

32. Diabetes:

  • Take one spoon powder of Cluster fig with 1 cup of water after meal twice a day regularly; it normalizes diabetes and reduces sweet blood quantity as well as taking vegetable of raw fruit of Cluster fig is much useful. The patient should not take sugar.
  • Grind Cluster fig’s leaves with water and take like syrup, it provides relief in diabetes.
  • Take fresh ripe fruit of cluster fig and drink fresh water to cure diabetes.

33. Baby weakness: Giving some drops of Cluster fig’s milk with mother’s milk or buffalo’s milk or cow’s milk to the baby once a day regularly till some months ends baby weakness.

34. Toothache: Gargling from decoction of Cluster fig’s bark is useful to cure the diseases of teeth and gum and makes teeth strong.

35. Bleeding:

  • Take 15 drops of Cluster fig’s milk with 1 spoon water thrice a day, it stops bleeding of nose, vagina, mouth and anus.
  • Applying juice of Cluster fig’ leaves upon the affected part stops all type bleeding. Mix 1 spoon ground sugar candy with 1 spoon Cluster fig’s milk and give to the patient regularly, it provides relief in mouth blisters or bleeding or blood piles. It also cures mouth blisters.
  • Apply juice of Cluster fig’ leaves on the affected part, it stops all type bleeding. Mix 1 spoon ground sugar candy with 1 spoon Cluster fig’s milk and give to the patient regularly, it provides relief in mouth blisters or bleeding or blood piles. It also cures mouth blisters.  

36. Rickets: Mix 5 drops Cluster fig’s milk with sugar cake and give to the child to cure rickets.

37. Heart diseases: Take raw fruit of Cluster fig and drink warm milk regularly, it provides relief in the heart diseases. Taking Cluster fig regularly keeps softness and flexibility to blood veins.

38. Burn from fire:

  • Grind burned leaves of Cluster fig and apply on the affected part, it reduces burning sensation.
  • Grind Cluster fig’s leaves and apply on the affected part, it reduces burning sensation.

39. Diabetes mellitus: Taking 1 spoon powder of raw fruit of Cluster fig with 2 spoons honey and milk is beneficial to get relief in diabetes mellitus.

40. Hematuria: Grind 5-10 grams Cluster fig’s bark or 2-4 fruit and mix with sugar. After that, take this mixture with milk, it cures hematuria.

41. Anuria-dysuria:

  • Taking 2-3 ripe fruit of Cluster fig regularly is beneficial to get relief in anuria-dysuria.
  • Fill 8-10 drops of cluster fig in sugar cake and give it to the patient regularly. It is useful to cure anuria-dysuria.

42. Sperm deficiency: Drip 10 drops of Cluster fig’s milk on 1 sugar cake and take twice a day as well as take 1 spoon powder of Cluster fig’s fruit before going to bed. It ends sperm weakness and increases sexual power.

43. Hurt bleeding:

  • Applying juice of Cluster fig’s leaves on the affected part is useful to prevent bleeding.
  • Immerse cotton piece in juice of Cluster fig’s leaves and tie on the affected part. Using this experiment again-again cures wound early.

44. Measles:

  • Mix sugar candy with juice of Cluster fig’s root and take 2 spoons twice a day cures measles diseases.
  • Grind dried fruit of Cluster fig to prepare powder. After that, take 2-2 grams this powder with lukewarm water to cure measles.

45. Abortion: Take 1-1 spoon powder of Cluster fig’s fruit with milk twice a day as well as take one-spoon powder of Cluster fig’s root with one spoon of sugar candy at bedtime. It is useful to end fear of abortion.

46. Stomachache:

  • Grind Cluster fig’s fruit and coat on the stomach, it provides relief in stomach pain, intestine swelling and eliminates gas.
  • Stomachache is ended by taking fruits of cluster fig.

47. Asthma:

  • Dry bark of cluster fig tree under the shadow and prepare powder from it after grinding. Filter this powder and fill it in a bottle, and close its cork. Asthma is cured by taking this powder daily.
  • In every night of puranmasi of September to march month, prepare khir (a dish of arba chaval (a kind of rice) boiled with milk)). Spread this dish in bronze vessel and spray 2 spoons powder of Cluster fig’s fig upon it. Prepare this dish till 9:00 pm at night. Put this dish on open place in moon light till 9:00 pm to 4:00 am. After that, take this mixture in the morning, it provides relief in asthma. Brush before taking this dish.

48. Sexual power:

  • Fill 25 drops of Cluster fig’s milk in stone free date-plum and take in the morning regularly, it increases sperm count and increases sexual power too. 
  • Grind 2 sugar cakes with one spoon Cluster fig’s milk. Take this mixture and drink warm milk upon it twice a day. It ends sperm disorders.
  • Make the powder by grinding ripe fruit of Cluster fig and mix sugar candy in it. After that, take 2 spoons of this mixture with warm milk in the morning regularly, it increases sexual power. Taking Cluster fig’s powder or Cluster fig’s milk after each two hours is useful in pregnancy.

49. Fistula: Immerse a cotton stick in cluster fig’ milk and keep in sinus and fistula and change again day by day, it cures sinus and fistula.

50. Blood piles:

  • Mix 10-20 drops of milk of Cluster fig’s leaves or fruit with water and give to the patient; it cures bloody piles and blood disorders. The patient should coat milk of cluster fig on the moles, because it is beneficial.
  • Grind fine 10-15 grams soft leaves of Cluster fig and mix 250 grams curd of cow milk and rock salt in it. After that, take this mixture twice a day, it provides relief in bloody piles.
  • Piles are cured by taking cooked vegetable of ripe cluster fig.

51. Sexual power:

  • Taking 4-6 grams powder of Cluster fig’s fruit and powder of ipomoea paniculata with mixed milk of ghee and sugar candy twice a day increases sexual power. Giving this mixture to women is useful to cure all the types of diseases.
  • Taking syrup of ripe fruit of Cluster fig in summer season is useful in constipation, cough and breathe. It keeps the brain happy and enhances body power.

52. Fever caused by bile: Mix sugar with 5-10 grams juice of fresh root of Cluster fig or mix sugar with 50 milliliters heem of bark of Cluster fig’s root. After that, take this mixture twice a day, it provides relief in bile fever.

53. Bile burning sensation: Take 1 grams Cluster fig’s gum with 3 grams sugar, it reduces burning sensation of bile.

54. Bile disorder: Grind Cluster fig’s leaves and lick with honey to end bile disorder.

55. String of navel: Grind 20 grams Cluster fig’s bark with rice’s water and give to baby; it makes string of navel normal.

56. Overeating: Taking 10 grams Cluster fig’s bark with milk is useful for overeating.

57. Vomiting: Mix 10 drops of Cluster fig’s milk with milk and give to baby twice a day, it prevents vomiting.

58. To prevent abortion:  

  • If one has been suffering from symptom of abortion and hemorrhage in pregnancy, grind 5-10 grams Cluster fig’s bark or 2-4 Cluster fig’s fruit and give it to him with mixed milk and sugar after every 4-6 hours, it prevents abortion.
  • Give a decoction of Cluster fig’s root or bark of its root to the suffered woman, it stops abortion or miscarriage.

59. Amoebic dysentery:

  • Dysentery is prevented by taking 5-10 ml juice of cluster fig root with mixed milk of sugar twice a day.
  • Drips 4-5 drops milk of cluster fig on sugar cake and give it to the patient, it prevents amoebic dysentery.
  • Taking ripe fruit of Cluster fig is useful for dysentery.
  • Boil Cluster fig in lukewarm water and grind it after filtering. Prepare chapatti from it and give to the suffered patient, it provides relief in dysentery and bloody dysentery.

60. Liver diseases:

  • Mix 10 grams ground bark of wild cluster fit root with cow urine and filter it. After that, take 25 grams this medicine to the patient regularly, it prevents enlargement of the liver.
  • Taking 120-360 mg bark or fruit of kath gular twice a day provides relief in liver disorders. Keep attention that over quantity of it may be the cause of vomiting.

61. Delay in Delivery: Grind Cluster fig’ bark and boil it in water properly. After that, give this medicine to the suffered woman, it makes delivery normal.

62. Sperm disorders:

  • Taking sugar with Cluster fig’s milk ends sperm disorders.
  • Take powder of ripe Cluster fig with honey or rock salt, it increases sperm count.

63. Vagina contraction: Grind fine Cluster fig’s morrow and filter from cloth. Mix this powder with honey and apply on the vagina. After sometime, wash the vagina from lukewarm water, it provides relief.

64. Paraplegia: Take myrabolam chebulie with Cluster fig and drink cow’s urine. It is useful to cure pain and swelling.

65. Body strength: Grind about 100 grams raw fruit of Cluster fig to prepare powder and mix 100 grams sugar candy in it. After that, take 10 grams this powder with milk regularly, it enhances body strength.

66. Children diseases: Make a paste by grinding fine Cluster fig, banyan, bark of cane and black berry, liqourica, runia cardfolia, cuscus and padmakh together. After that, coat this paste on the affected parts, it cures wound, chicken pox and other diseases, and ends pain, redness and swelling.

Cluster Fig (Gular) Side Effects:   

  • Taking much quantity of Cluster fig creates fever.
  • Cluster fig’s ripe fruit is sweet. It has germs because of sweet. Don’t take Cluster fig’s fruit without check. If you will take 2-3 raw fruits of Cluster fig regularly for two weeks, eyes diseases will not occur till one year.

Bad effects removal: Anisoon removes the side-effects of Cluster fig.

इस लेख का हिंदी अनुवाद यहाँ पढ़ेंगूलर के चमत्कारी 66 फायदे

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional before starting any new herbal treatment.

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