Top 10 Health Benefits of Cubeb (Kabab Chini)

Last Updated on July 12, 2024 by admin


The grains of cubeb are like black pepper but it is hollow from inside. It grows on a thin stalk.

Cubeb (Kabab Chini) Medicinal & Ayurvedic Properties:  

  • Colour: Cubeb is black outwardly and black inwardly.
  • Taste: It is spicy and cool in nature.
  • Nature: It is hot and cold in nature. Some are hot and some are cold.
  • Removing side effects: Sandal removes all the side effects of cubeb.
  • The use of cubeb keeps the mind and brain happy.
  • It makes strong to the internal organs of the stomach. 
  • It increases urine and quenches thirst. 
  • Cubeb is used for the enlarged spleen. 
  • Chewing cubeb gets rid of stomatitis (mouth blisters) and removes offensive smell.


 Cubeb is taken in the quantity of 4 grams.

Cubeb (Kabab Chini) Uses and Benefits:

1. Cataract: Take 1 to 4 grams cubeb twice a day. Its use gets rid of glaucoma and cataract. It also enhances eyesight.

2. Stomatitis (Mouth blisters):

  • Take 1 to 4 grams cubeb powder twice a day. Its use removes mouth blisters. A person gets rid of stomatitis by sucking cubeb.
  • Suck cubeb with equal quantity of sugar-candy slowly. Mouth blisters disappears by its use.

3. Gums swelling: Make the powder by grinding cubeb, borax and gall nut 10 grams each together. After that, rub this powder on the gums twice a day, it reduces gums’ swelling and makes the gums strong.

4. Offensive smell of the mouth: Chew cubeb to get rid of offensive smell of the mouth.

5. Elongation of the uvula: Make tablet by taking cubeb and suck it regularly. Its use gets rid of the problems caused by elongation of the uvula. It also cures those problems caused by uvula enlargement or filthy uvula.

6. Arthritis: Give 1 to 4 grams cubeb to the patient of arthritis daily. Its use gets rid of rheumatic pain.

7. Children diseases:

  • If the child has been suffering from retention of urine caused by heat, grind cubeb, impure carbonate of potash and nitre 800 grams each together to prepare the powder. Mix milk in this powder and give its 60 milligrams quantity to the child. Its use passes out blocked urine easily. If the patient has been suffering from retention of urine or flatulence caused by cold, above process should not be used otherwise the patient may be the victim of flatulence. Mix the juice of anand bherav equal the kidney bean in milk and give it to the child. Its use gets rid of flatulence and retention of urine.  
  • Grind cubeb, catechu, bamboo manna and 4 seeds of small cardamom together and filter through a cloth. Apply this powder on the blisters of the child’s mouth 4-5 times a day. Its use gets rid of mouth blisters within 4-5 days by bringing saliva from the mouth. It also brings the filth of the mouth out with saliva.

8. Inflammation throat: Chew or suck cubeb to get relief in throat’s inflammation.

9. Paralysis of throat’s muscles: Take 1 to 4 grams powder of cubeb twice a day. Its use gets rid of this disease. Chew cubeb to get rid of throat’s problems.

10. Hoarseness:     

  • Grind 10 grams cubeb and mix 1 gram honey in it. Lick this mixture 2-3 times a day to end hoarseness and to make the voice clear.
  • Sucking cubeb makes the voice clear and gets rid of hoarseness.
  • Chew cubeb to get rid of hoarseness and for clear throat.

Read the English translation of this article hereकबाब चीनी खाने के फायदे, गुण, उपयोग और दुष्प्रभाव

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional before starting any new herbal treatment.

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