Aak, Madar (Calotropis gigantea): 99 Medicinal Uses and Health Benefits

Last Updated on June 23, 2024 by admin

Aak, Madar (Calotropis gigantea) Name in Different Languages:

  • English  –   Calotropis gigantea
  • Sanskrit –   Ark, Shvetark
  • Hindi     –   Aak, Mudar
  • Marathi  –   Panddhir ruie, Aakamdar
  • Gujarati  –   Gholo Aakrho
  • Bengali  –       Aakand
  • Latin      –   Celotropis Zygentiya

Aak, Madar (Calotropis gigantea) Plant Structure:

    Mudar plant is found in all over India. This plant is green in summer season but it turns into dry in the rainy reason. It is 120-360 centimeters high. Its leaves are 10-15 centimeters long and 3-6 centimeters wide. Its flower is white and light purple. Its fruits are about 10 centimeters long and 1-2 inches wide, which bursts after ripening and black color seeds covered with white soft cotton that begin to fly in air thereafter they turn into new plant from rainy water. 

Mudar plant is very poisonous and dangerous for the human. Taking over quantity of madar plant causes vomiting and diarrhoea because of that someone can be died too. Opposite this, if someone eats it in limit quantity and according doctor’s advice, gets very benefit, and different types of diseases is cured. Its each part can be used as medicine.

Three kinds of Madar (Calotropis gigantea):

  • Raktark:    Its flower is small, white and  in bowl shape, red and with purple marking inside. It has less quantity of milk.
  • Shvetark:   Its flowers are some big than the flowers of red madar and have light yellow shine like white oleander flowers. Its saffron is quite white. It is called Mudar too. It has excessive milk.
  • Razark: It has only single branch with four leaves. Its flowers are white like silver and it is very scarce kind of Mudar.

Aak, Madar (Calotropis gigantea) Medicinal & Ayurvedic Properties:

According to the Ayurveda– Its juice is bitter and pungent in taste and hot in nature. It brings out gas and phlegm. It is useful to end ear-pain, piles, cough, constipation, stomach diseases, skin disease, wind disorders and swelling. It kills stomach worms too.

According to Unani, Mudar is hot in nature and enhances body strength. It brings out phlegm and causes sweat. It is useful to cure rheumatism, dropsy, dysentery and alleviates snake poison too. Its milk generates inflammation and skin pimples but it is useful to cure ringworm, scabies, leprosy and spleen disorders.

According to scientists– After the chemical searching of madar, it is found that its root and stem contain Emyrinea Gigintieol, Kelotropioal and little quantity of Ailben and Phalebal alkaline. Its milk contains Tripsin, Uskerin, Kelotropin, and Kelotoxyn elements.

Cautions & Precautions:

       Madar’s plant is poisonous. Taking over quantity of madar root causes inflammation in the intestines and stomach because of that patient feels nausea and suffers from vomiting too. Taking over quantity of its fresh milk works as poison. This medicine should be taken with quantity.

Cautions: Mudar milk should not be applied in the eye otherwise its result may be dangerous.


  • Milk 250 to 750 milligram. (1/4 to 3/4)
  • Half to one gram powder of root’s bark
  • 300 milligram to one gram powder of madar leaves
  • One to five drops juice of leaves
  • One to three gram flower

Bad Effects Removal: Milk and Ghee are used to remove harmful effects of madar plant.

Aak, Madar (Calotropis gigantea) Uses and Benefits:

1. Acne and Pimples: Mix turmeric with madar milk and apply it on acnes. This paste provides benefits within some days and increases shining on the face.

2. Tooth moving: Drip one or two drops madar’s milk in the root of affected teeth to come out teeth easily. Pressing pieces of madar root with affected teeth reduces toothache.

3. Itching:

  • Burn 10 dried leaves of madar with mustered oil and filter it after cooling. Mix powder of four camphor pieces in this mixture and fill it in a bottle. This oil should be applied on the affected part thrice a day to end scabies and itching.
  • Boil 10 ml madar milk with 50 ml mustard oil until milk burns then put it down. After that, rub this oil on the affected part to end itching within sometime.

4. Scorpion bite: Apply madar milk on the affected parts again and again to alleviate poisoning.

5. Ulcer and Pimples:  Make a paste by grinding madar root with water and apply it on the affected part, it will cure ulcer and pimples.

6. Snake poison: Apply madar’s milk on the affected part again and again as well as grind its root with water and take, it alleviates snack poison too.

7. Small white marks: Grind rock salt with madar milk and apply it on the marks, it provides relief.

8. Disorders caused by gas: Boil madar root with sesame oil and filter it. This oil should be rubbed on the affected part.

9. Troubling body by gas: The patient should foment the body with warm leaves of madar.

10. All type of poison: Grind madar root with cold water and make the patient drink or mix juice of 5-6 soft leaves of madar with ghee and give it to the patient, it provides relief in all the types of poison too.

11. Knee pain: Mudar milk should be applied on the affected part for 3 day because it provides relief in knee pain.

12. Influenza: The patient should eat madar buds with water in the condition of cold fever.

13. Elephantiasis:

  • Grind madar root with vinegar and coat it on the affected parts to get relief in elephantiasis.  
  • Boil ten grams skin of madar root and ten grams powder of Triphala with 500 ml water until 1/8 parts remains then mix one gram honey and three grams sugar-candy in it. Take this mixture as well as grind madar root with whey and apply it on the affected part too. Using this process provides relief in elephantiasis within forty days.
  • Grind skin of madar root and skin of Malabar nut with vinegar and thereafter coat it on the affected parts. It is useful to cure elephantiasis.
  • Take about ¼ parts bark of madar root with camphor juice or vermillion, antimony and Samersang powder twice a day to get relief in elephantiasis. This paste can be applied on the affected part because it provides relief in elephantiasis ulcer too.

14. Spermatorrhoea (Come sperm with urine): Mix madar milk with some juice of acacia arabica bark and coat it around the abdomen, it cures spermtorrhoea.

15. Stomach diseases: Make a decoction by boiling ten grams ground bark of madar with 400 ml water until 1/8 part remains then put it down. After that, give this decoction to the patient to cure stomach diseases. It reduces spleen enlargement.

16. Spleen and liver diseases of the children: Make a decoction by boiling madar leaves (equal of one rupee) and twenty grams horse gram with 450 ml water until 1/8 parts remains then mix 120 milligrams salt in it after filtering. After that, take this decoction to cause loose motions. Consequently, the stomach is cleared.

17. All the types of tumors: Grind front part of Indian rhubarb with madar milk and coat it on the affected part, it suppresses tumors after becoming soft.

18. Powerful body (Tonic): Taking three grams kernel of madar flower with milk helps to make powerful body.

19. Head itching: Apply madar milk on the affected part to remove dirty, inflammation, pain and itching of the pimples.

20. Throat inflammation: Make the powder by grinding two grams powder of madar root’s bark, one part opium and seven parts black salt together. After that, take about ¼ grams to one gram this powder twice a day to get relief in throat inflammation.

21. Corneal Opacity: Soak a cotton piece in madar milk three times. And thereafter, soak it in cow ghee. Make wick from this cotton and burn it. Keep attention that roll should not be turned into white. After that, apply a little quantity of this collyrium in the eyes with the help of matches stick at night to get relief in corneal opacity within 2-3 days.

22. Epilepsy:

  • Grind ten grams ground fruits of white madar with thirty grams old jaggery and make tablets (equal of gram) from it. The patient should take 1-2 tablets with fresh water twice a day to get relief in epilepsy.
  • Grind fine fresh flowers of madar and black pepper together then prepare tablets of ¼ parts from it. These tablets should be taken 3-4 times a day to get relief in epilepsy.
  • Grind some loaf sugar or sugar candy with madar milk and store it. After that, take ¼ parts this mixture with 10 ml hot milk in the morning to get relief.
  • The grass-hopper (which color is like leaves and branch of madar) is found on its branch in the summer season. Put this grass-hopper in bottle and dry it. Grind fine this grass-hopper with equal of black pepper and make the patient smell, it breaks unconsciousness caused by epilepsy slowly.
  • Grind bark of madar root with goat milk and put it in cloth after filtering. After that, drip 2-4 drops from this cloth in the patient nostril to breaks unconsciousness.
  • Apply 10 drops of madar milk on feet sole in the morning at 3 to 5 am and spray powder of black peppers on it and thereafter tie madar leaves on the feet sole and wear shocks. Using this process forty days regularly cures epilepsy. Water should be poured on the patient feet.

23. Toothache:

  • Immerse cotton piece in madar milk and crush it with ghee. Putting this piece under the jaw is useful to end toothache.
  • Mix madar milk with salt and apply it on the affected teeth, it ends toothache.
  • Toast thick root of madar as finger in fire like turnip and brush with it, it provides relief in toothache and teeth disorders soon. This root can be used again after cutting front part of it.
  • Make ash by burning dried branch of madar and grind it to make the fine powder. Mix five drops mustered oil in this powder and brush with it regularly; it ends gums swelling, toothache and feeling water in teeth.
  • Take a decoction of root’s bark madar to get relief in toothache.

24. Tooth outlets:

  • Apply madar milk on the affected tooth to come out teeth easily.
  • Grind 8-10 leaves of madar with ten grams black pepper and mix some turmeric and black salt in it. Brushing with this mixture makes the teeth strong.

25. Vomiting:

  • Grind dried bark of madar root with equal quantity of ginger juice and make tablets (equal of ¼ parts) from it. These tablets should be dried in sun light. After that, take it with honey to prevent vomiting. These tablets should be taken with water to end dysentery, pain, twisting and cholera.
  • Grind ten grams bark of madar root and twenty grams black peppers together and thereafter mix it with fifty ml ginger juice. Prepare small tablets (equal of gram) from it. After that, take two tablets with lukewarm water to end vomiting and stomach diseases.

26. Migraine:

  • Soak ash of wild cow-dung in madar milk and dry it in shadow. Smelling ¼ part from this mixture causes sneeze and provides relief in headache, migraine, common cold and senselessness etc. Note: Pregnant women and children should not use it.
  • Drip juice of 1-2 yellow leaves of madar in both the nostrils to get relief in migraine. This process should be used with carefully because it is very hard.
  • Grind 10 grams powder of madar root (the root should be dried under the shadow), seven cardamoms, half gram camphor and half gram peppermint together then fill it in bottle. Smelling this mixture causes sneeze and provides relief in migraine and headache. It ends heaviness of head too.
  • Knead forty grams fine ground bark of pomegranate with madar milk and cook it on light fire. Dry this preparation and grind it fine. Now mix fine powder of 3 grams Indian nard (Zatamansy), 3 grams stone flower (Chhrila), one and half gram cardamom and nutmeg in it. Smelling this mixture causes of sneezing and ends brain catarrh. It is also useful to break senselessness.
  • Grind old hard brick and make the fine powder. Immerse this powder with madar’s milk mixed with ten grams grinded cloves. Smelling 125 to 250 milligrams preparation provides relief in migraine, cold, common cold and cataract. 
  • Eat two small grass leaves, which situate middle in madar leaves, with jaggery before sun-rising. Patient will feel relief in first dose. This experiment should be used regularly for 4-5 days to get completely relief.

27. Breathing cough:

  • Grind fifty grams madar flower and six grams chilly together then make tablets like pea from it. After that, take one or two tablets with lukewarm water in morning to get relief in breathing cough.
  • Soak bark of madar root with madar milk and dry it and thereafter make the fine powder from this preparation after grinding. Mix ten grams this powder with twenty grams Trikuta (Three medicines powder), five grams Shrang ashes and ten grams Godanty. After that, take about one gram powder with honey twice a day to get relief in chronic breathing problems.
  • Wrap 5-10 grams alkaline of madar leaves with jiggery and prepare tablets from it. After that, take these tablets to get relief in breathing problems.
  • Gather whiteness of madar leaves (which is found on the leaves) and prepare tablets equal of millet from it. Take one tablet twice a day and after that eat betel leaf. Using this process provides relief in breathing problems within some days. It is also useful for chronic cough.
  • Dry old root of madar under the shadow and prepare ash from it after burning. After that, take one or two grams this ash with honey or betel-leaf to get relief in cough and asthma.
  • Grind two or three grams soft branches and flowers of madar and fry it with ghee. Mix sugar in this preparation and give it to patient in the morning. It brings out yellow, offensive and sticky phlegm and cures chronic cough quickly.
  • Separate madar flower’s clove and grind it with equal quantity of black salt and long pepper and thereafter prepare tablets like pea from it. Give one or two tablets with cow’s milk to children and two to four tablets to the elders. This process is useful to cure cough.
  • Mix fine powder of bark of madar root and dry ginger each 250 milligrams together and thereafter give it to the patient with three milligrams honey. This process is useful to end breathing problems and phlegm cough.
  • Grind equal quantity of dried flower of madar (dried under the shadow), Trikuta (dry ginger, long pepper and black pepper) and impure carbonate of potash with ginger juice. Prepare tablets like pea from this preparation and dry it under the shadow. After that, take two to four tablets a day to get relief in breathing problems.
  • Soak grams (Chana) in madar milk and fill it in a soil pot. Cork its mouth and heat it on cow dung’s fire. After that, take 125 milligrams this powder with honey thrice a day to get relief in incurable cough too.
  • Grind fine lime and catechu with water and coat it on madar leaf and thereafter grind it. Coat cow ghee on other leaf of madar and joint it to each other (both leaves). Thus, prepare many leaves. Put this leaves in a soil pot and burn it. Now filter this mixture and fill it into a bottle. If kapha natured person eats ten to thirty grams this preparation with ghee, wheat chapatti or rice then increases sexual power in his body. It kills intestinal worms and ends kapha disorders too. It is very useful medicine to end breathing problems.
  • Boil two liters juice of fresh flower of madar with 250 ml madar milk and one and half kilogram cow ghee until it remains only ghee then filter and fill in a bottle. After that, take 1-2 grams this preparation mixture with 250 ml cow’s boiled milk to destroy intestinal worms. It increases digestive power. It is also useful to cure piles. If someone has been suffering from any type poisons, he should take above medicine. This medicine should not be taken by soft natured person.

28. Dropsy:

  • Boil twenty grams turmeric powder with one ml juice of madar leaves on light fire. Prepare tablets like gram from this preparation. After that, take two tablets twice a day with aniseed juice to get relief in dropsy. Give this juice to the patient instead of water.
  • Grind fine 250 grams fresh leaves of madar and twenty grams turmeric together and thereafter prepare tablets equal of phaseolies mungo (Urad pulse) from it. Take four tablets with fresh water in the first day, and second day take five to six tablets. If the patient feels relief, tablets quantity should be increased and decreased. The patient will feel relief. The patient should take milk, sago and juice of barley in meal.
  • Grind eight to ten leaves of madar with black salt and put in soil pot and thereafter prepare ash from it after burning. After that, take 250 milligrams this ash with whey thrice a day to end dropsy. It also makes normal to the intestines enlargement.

29. Bloody diarrhoea: Make the powder by grinding dried bark of madar root (dried it under the shadow) and filter it. After that, take 50-125 milligrams this powder with cold water to get relief in bloody diarrhoea.

30. Indigestion: Mix equal quantity of indian aloe pulp and loaf-sugar with filtered juice of madar. Fill prepared decoction in a bottle and take two to ten grams quantity. It is very important medicine to cure several types of diseases of six months baby to ten year children.

31. Jaundice:

  • Grind about 20-25 leaves of madar and 50 grams sugar candy together then prepare mixture from it after shuffling. Make tablets equal of gram from this mixture and give two tablets to the youths thrice a day, it provides relief in jaundice within seven days. The patient should avoid oil, sour and chilly etc.
  • Shuffle one and half gram madar bark, twelve pieces of black pepper and 2-3 grams hogweed root with water. Filter this mixture and make the patient drink twice a day, it provides relief in jaundice. The patient should avoid hot and oily food stuff.
  • Wipe one leaf of madar and coat ¼ gram lime on it. Grind this leaf and prepare tablets (equal of gram) from it. The patient should swallow 2 tablets with water in the morning, it provides relief in jaundice. The patient should take curd and rice in meal.
  • Put one piece of madar bud in betel-leaf and chew it stale mouth in morning, it cures jaundice within 3-5 days.
  • Mix small buds of male madar plant with condensed milk (khoya) and sugar. Take this mixture and drink milk on it, it is useful to cure jaundice.
  • Grind about one gram bark of madar root and 12 pieces of black peppers together and thereafter make the patient drink like cold-drink. It is useful to cure jaundice.

32. Fistula and other navel wounds:

  • Mix two grams fine powder of false calumba with ten ml. milk of madar properly and prepare stick from it. Putting this stick in the wound is very useful to get relief.
  • Immerse a cotton piece in madar milk and dry it to make stick. Immerse this stick in mustered oil and put it on the affected part, it provides relief in wound.

33. Testicles Swelling:

  • Grind 8-10 grams dried bark of madar (dried it under the shadow) with vinegar and coat it on the affected part, it makes normal to the thick skin of the feet and testicles. 
  • Make ointment by grinding 2-4 pieces of madar leaves with sesame oil on the stone piece. Apply this paste on the testicle ulcers and tie langot. Using this process is useful to end testicles swelling.  

34. Cholera:

  • Grind 10 grams flower of madar without blooming, toasted borax, clove, dry ginger, long peeper and black salt each 5.5 grams properly. Prepare tablets with this preparation in the weight of 125 milligram. Keep on taking one tablet at the regular interval of short period. Four tablets should be taken at one time in special condition. 
  • Grind 10 grams root or bark of madar plant, black pepper 10 grams and two pinches black salt properly. Give one pinch this preparation to the patient with the juice of aniseed.
  • Burn the yellow fallen five leaves of madar to prepare coal and then fill half liter of water in any pot of steel and quench these coal in this water. Keep this water by filtering. Giving water to the patient of cholera in little quantity at the gap of short intervals is beneficial for the patient. 
  • Take the root of madar, black pepper, pyllitory root each in equal quantity. Grind them properly and keep in a mortar. Shuffle it properly by pouring the juice of deadly nightshade. Then prepare tablets like the seeds of gram and dry them in shadow. In case of cholera, take these tablets with water at the regular intervals of one or two hours. The patient gets lots of relief in cholera.  
  • Grind 10 grams flower of madar, toasted borax 4 grams, black pepper 6 grams with the pulp of aloe vera and prepare tablets like gram. Keep on taking 1-1 tablets with the juice of rose.
  • Take the buds of madar flowers and black peppers each 10 grams and 6 grams asafetida. Boil (bhavana) it ten times with the juice of ginger and prepare tablets like kidney bean. The patient of cholera gets lots of relief by taking 1-1 tablet with the juice of mint or onion after each vomiting and loose motions. 

35. Piles:

  • Mix equal quantity of madar soft leaves and five types of salts and thereafter mix fourth part of sesame oil and same quantity of lemon juice than above mixture in it. Fill this mixture in a pot and cork its mouth with cloth and soul. Now warm it on heat until burn leaves then separate all things from soil pot. Grind this mixture properly and store it. Taking 500 milligrams to 3 grams this mixture with lukewarm water, vinegar, whey or wine is useful to cure piles.
  • Cast three drops madar milk on quenched coil and spray some ground impure carbonate of potash on it. Put this mixture in sugar cake (batasha) and swallow it. Using this process is useful to cure piles soon.
  • Soak turmeric powder in madar milk seven times and thereafter prepare long tablets with madar milk from it and dry it under the shadow. Grind these tablets with spit or water and coat it on moles twice a day after evacuation. It makes dry to the moles and falls down within some days.
  • Rub two or four fresh leaves of madar on the anus after evacuation. Rub only whiteness of leaves instead of madar milk. Using this process provides relief in piles moles.

36. Syphilis:

  • Grind dried root of white madar (dried it under the shadow) and make the powder from it after grinding. After that, take 1-2 grams this powder with two spoons sugar twice a day to get relief in syphilis and bloody leprosy.
  • Boil 10-12 pieces of madar leaves in 500 ml water until it remains ¼ parts remains then put it down and thereafter wash the wounds of syphilis with this decoction or grind madar bark with water and apply it on the affected part or 2-3 grams madar bark should be taken. Using any process is useful to cure syphilis.
  • Immerse muslin cloth (one and half feet long and equal four fingers wide) into madar milk twenty one times and dry it. Put it in soil pot and prepare ash from it after burning. After that, take this ash (equal to three pieces of rice) with betel leaf to get relief in syphilis within seven days. Chilly and spices should not be taken but ghee should be taken in enough quantity.
  • Grind ten grams madar bark and five grams black pepper together and mix it with 100 grams jaggery and thereafter prepare tablets equal of gram from it. First of all, give julab to the patient and thereafter give 1-2 tablets with water twice a day. Using this process is useful to cure syphilis.
  • Grind 50 grams madar bark and 50 grams madar bud or little soft leaves of madar with 200 ml madar milk and thereafter prepare tablets from it. Put these tablets in soil pot and cork its mouth. Put this pot in fire of cow-dung to prepare ash from it. Prepare little tablets like pea from this powder and store it. After that, take one or two tablets with water to get relief in fistula and wound.
  • Taking smoke of madar root’ bark in the body is useful to cure syphilis.
  • Coat castor oil on madar leaves and warm it. Tie it on the affected part and thereafter foment the affected part with heat leaf of thorn-apple. Using this process is useful to get relief in syphilis.
  • Grind twenty grams madar root and ten grams black pepper and thereafter mix it with jaggery. Prepare tablets equal of barley from it. After that, take one tablet twice a day regularly to cure syphilis. The patient should avoid sourness during this treatment.
  • Grind twenty grams burnt wood of madar and sugar-candy together and filter it. After that, take 6 grams this powder twice a day regularly to cure syphilis.
  • Grind ten grams not opened bud of madar and three grams ochre together then prepare tablets in shape of zizyphus mumunularia (Chharbery) from it. After that, take 1-2 tablets regularly to cure syphilis and wound, swelling and pain caused by syphilis.  
  • Grind without open bud of madar and black pepper together and thereafter mix it with ghee. After that, take this mixture to cure wound caused by syphilis.
  • Mix six grams coil of burnt madar wood and mix six grams sugar and ten grams ghee in it. After that, take this for 7 days regularly to cure syphilis.
  • Grind bark of madar root (dried it under the shadow) and make the fine powder from it after grinding. Mix five grams this powder and five grams loaf sugar together then give it to patient twice a day, it cures syphilis.
  • Make the powder by grinding twenty grams bark of red madar root, 15 grams bark of prickly poppy root and fifteen grams bark of prickly chalf flower root together. After that, take this powder with the help of Hubble-bubble, biri, cigarette or other smoking rules to get relief in syphilis.

37. Impotency:

  • Separate stone from date-palms and fill milk of madar in it and thereafter cover it with flour. Cook it on fire until burns flour and grind it (plum). Prepare tablets equal of pea from it. Take 1-2 tablets at night and drink milk on it. Using this process is useful to increase sperm count.
  • Boil twenty grams powder of dried root of madar (Dried it under the shadow) in 500 ml milk and prepare curd from it to prepare ghee. Taking this preparation is useful to cure impotency.
  • Mix equal quantity of madar milk, pure honey and cow ghee together for 4-5 hours then fill it in bottle. Rub it on the penis slowly-slowly except of the front part (supari) and tie betel leaf and castor leaf on it. Use this experiment regularly for seven days. This process should be used after 15 days. It is useful to end impotency.
  • Soak any cloth in madar milk for 24 hours and after that dry it. Coat ghee on this cloth and make two sticks from it. Put it on iron sticks and put down a bronze plate. Burn this stick and the oil, which falls down in plate, store it. Rub this oil on the penis for half hour except front part (Supari) and after that tie castor leaf with raw yarn on it. Using this is useful to end impotency caused by hand practice.

38. Vagina Diseases:

  • Mix powder of madar root with juice of flavieria repanda 2-3 times properly and thereafter prepare tablets equal of pea from it. After that, take 1-1 tablets with lukewarm water or milk twice a day regularly to make the vagina strong and menstrual excretion normal too. The patient, who suffers from bloody leucorrhea, should not take this medicine.
  • Mix 100 grams flour of kidney bean with some black pepper and boil it with madar milk seven times and after that prepare little sticks from it. Take a suitable quantity with water and also use it in the vagina. Using this process removes foul smell and dirty water of the vagina. It is useful medicine to the vagina diseases.

39. Sterility: Dry root of white madar under the shadow and grind it fine. After that, take 1-2 grams this powder with 250 ml cow milk to open closed tubes and nerves. It is also useful to make menstrual excretion normal and melts the uterus tumour. The patient should take cold food stuff in meal.

40. Feet blisters: The blisters, which occur in the feet caused by walking, are cured by applying madar milk.

41. Feet ulcer: Warm a brick and put 6-7 leaves of madar on it. Fomenting the affected part with this brick is useful to cure feet ulcers.

42. Rib’s pain: Grind some black sesame with madar milk until it changes into paste then heat it. Apply this paste on the affected part and coat sesame oil on madar leaf and heat it on the grid and thereafter tie it on the affected part with bandage. Using this process provides relief in ribs pain quickly.

43. Joints pain:

  • Grind equal quantity of madar flower, dry ginger, black pepper, turmeric, and nut-grass with water and thereafter prepare tablets equal of gram from this mixture. Eating 2-2 tablets with water twice a day regularly is useful to end joints pain.
  • Grind 2-4 madar leaves and prepare packet from it and thereafter apply ghee on it. Heat this packet and foment the affected part with it and thereafter coat ghee on madar leaf and heat it and tie on the affected part. Using this process is useful to cure joints pain.

44. Paralysis: Cook 500 grams thick powder of madar root with four liters water until it remains one liter water then put it down and filter. Mix powder of sugar-candy, long pepper, bamboo manna, cardamom, black pepper and liquorices 6 grams each in this decoction and heat on the light fire to make syrup. After that, take 1-2 ml this syrup to end breathing cough, vatta disorders, pain of the hands and feet, stomach disease and paralysis. It also brings out phlegm.

45. Pain caused by gas:

  • Grind fine ten grams bark of madar root, 1 gram black pepper, 1 gram black hellebore and 1 gram black salt with water and thereafter prepare tablets equal of gram from it. After that, take 1 tablet with lukewarm water twice a day regularly to end pain of the body caused by gas.
  • Dry one kilogram madar root under the shadow and grind it. Boil this root with eight liters water until it remains two liters water then mix one kilogram castor oil in it. Boil this preparation again until it remains only oil then filter it and fill in a bottle. Rubbing this preparation on the affected part provides relief vatta disorders soon. 
  • The patient should wear clothes of madar cotton and sleep on quilt and pillow of madar cotton (which is prepared by madar cotton) because it is useful to cure vatta disorders. Rub ‘Vayunashak’ oil on the affected part and tie madar cotton on it. Using this process provides relief in vatta pain.

46. Stomach gas: Grind fine twenty grams buds of madar flower and twenty grams caraway together and thereafter mix fifty grams loaf sugar in it. After that, take 1-1 grams preparation with water twice a day to eliminate gas from the stomach.

47. Scabies:

  • Mix milk of madar flower (which comes out after breaking bunch of madar flower) with coconut oil and apply it on affected part to cure scabies.
  • Gather 100 ml madar milk, 400 ml sesame or mustard oil, 200 grams turmeric powder and 15 grams emetic nut. First of all, grind emetic nut and turmeric with milk and make a paste from it. Now mix oil and two liters water in this paste and cook it on heat. Applying this preparation on the affected part is useful to cure scabies, itching, pimples and other skin diseases.
  • Cook one liter juice of madar leaves and fifty grams turmeric powder and 500 ml mustard oil on slow heat until it remains only oil then filter it and fill in a bottle. Rubbing this preparation on the affected part is useful to cure scabies, itching and other skin diseases. Dripping 2-4 drops in ear provides relief in ear pain too.
  • Make alkaline of one liter juice of fresh leaves of madar, two liters cow milk and white sandal, red sandal, turmeric, dry ginger, and white cumin seeds 6 grams each together. Cook this alkaline with one kilogram ghee until ghee remains then put it down and filter. After that, rub this ghee on the affected part to get relief in scabies and itching.
  • Boil ten ml madar milk with fifty ml mustard oil until it remains only oil or until burn milk then put it down. Apply this oil on affected parts twice a day and take bath after 3 hours. Using this process is useful get relief in itching and scabies within some days.
  • Burn 21 madar leaves with 125 ml mustered oil after that shuffle it with some emetic nut. Rubbing it on the affected part is very useful to cure scabies.
  • Dry madar milk under the shadow and mix it with bitter oil and burn on fire. Rubbing this mixture on the affected part is useful to end itching and other skin diseases.

48. Wound:

  • Grind 4-5 dried leaves of madar and spray it on the affected part after filter. It removes decay meat and grows new healthy meat.
  • Grind five grams root of white madar with twenty grams lemon juice on iron spade. After that, coat this paste on the affected part to cure wound and chronic wound too.
  • Make a round (piece) from wet soil, which is found near of madar root. After that, tie this piece on painfully parts and insects fully wound to destroy insects. It also cures wound.

49. Wound swelling: Grind branch of madar (without leaves) and 40-50 grams upper peel together. Prepare wafer from this mixture and make light warm in Kalchhi. After that, tie this preparation 2-3 times on the affected part to end swelling caused by wound. This process should be used 2-3 times to get relief.

50. Scrofula, Goiter and Guineaworms:

  • Boil one liter juice of madar leaves, 125 ml juice of raw turmeric and 250 ml sesame oil together until it remains equal oil then put it down and filter. After that, apply it on the affected part to cure incurable wound. This mixture is very useful to cure syphilis’s sores too.
  • Spray 2-5 grams powder of bark of madar root on wound (which is full with pus and offensive smell). It recovers wound within 2-4 days and finishes dirty meat. Using this process grows new and healthy meat too. After that, the patient should apply ointment of camphor, resin, and vermillion on wound.
  • Mix two grams powder of madar root with ten milliliter coconut’s oil or ghee and apply it on the affected part. It is useful to cure wound early.
  • Mix equal quantity of madar milk and ghee together and thereafter apply it on the affected part 2-4 times. It is useful treatment.

51. Checked Glands:

  • Mix some white Ushareband with milk of madar and coat it on the affected part 2-3 times. It cures wound and immature tumour within 3-4 days.
  • Coat castor oil on 2 madar leaves and heat it. After that, tie this leaves on the affected part to suppress checked glands.

52. Guinea worms:

  • Grind seven soft leaves of madar and fifty grams jaggery together and thereafter prepare tablets equal of savage forest plum from it. The patient should take 1-1 tablets with water thrice a day.
  • Grind 8-10 madar flowers and prepare poultice from it. After that, tie it or coat madar milk on the affected part to bring out guineaworms.

53. Burnt wound:                             

  • Grind three grams burnt cotton of madar with ten grams sesame’s oil then mix it with ten grams clean water of lime. Put this mixture on the affected part or put wet cloth on it. If the swelling occurs in the wound, give about ¼ gram opium to the patient after dissolving. It is useful to end swelling.
  • Spraying powder of toasted madar cotton on the affected part provides relief.

54. Leprosy:

  • Grind two grams dried root of madar and boil it with 400 ml water until it remains 50 ml water then put it down. After that, give this decoction to the patient in the beginning of leprosy, when the patient suffers from hands and feet swelling, ears diseases, nose redness and others body parts. It is very useful medicine to end above symptoms.
  • The person, who suffers from leprosy, should take 125 to 375 milligrams madar milk with honey thrice a day because it is useful to cure leprosy.
  • Take about ¼ gram fine powder of dried root of madar (this root should be dried in shadow) and 250 milligrams powder of dry ginger with honey thrice a day as well as grind madar bark with vinegar and coat it on the affected part lightly. This process should be used for long time. It is useful to cure leprosy.
  • Taking half gram powder of madar flower (Dried flowers in shadow) with fresh water twice a day provides relief in leprosy. Soft natured person should take this medicine in less quantity.
  • Fill 10-20 pieces of madar fruits in raw soil pot and cork it and put in fire of cow-dung. Separate ash from this pot after cooling and mix it with mustard oil. This medicine is useful in the first stage of leprosy.
  • Grind 5 grams bavachi and half gram hartal powder with 20 milliliters madar milk. Coating this mixture on the affected part is useful to cure leprosy.
  • Dry bark of madar root under the shadow and make the powder from it after grinding. Mix ¼ gram this powder with ¼ gram powder of dry ginger and take it with honey thrice a day. Using this process is useful to cure leprosy.

55. Kapal Leprosy: Mix madar alkaline with sugarcane juice and coat it on the affected part, it provides relief in above symptoms.

56. Stomachache:

  • Make the powder by grinding dried flower of madar and grind it with juice of madar leaves for 3 days. Mix equal quantity of caraway and aniseed with this above mixture and prepare tablets equal of gram from it. Swallowing two tablets with lukewarm water is useful to end unbearable pain of stomach. If the patient does not feel relief, he should take more two tablets.
  • Grind fine 100 grams dried flower of madar and 50 grams bark of madar root together and thereafter mix juice of madar leave in it. Grind this mixture and prepare tablets equal of ¼ gram from it. After that, take 1 to 4 tablets with aniseed juice or lukewarm water to get relief in stomachache and vatta disorders.
  • Grind fine about 125 milligrams clove of madar flower with 25 grams sugar-candy and prepare a tablet from it. Swallowing this tablet with lukewarm water is useful to end stomachache.
  • If the patient suffers from chronic indigestion, indigestion, foul belching, heaviness in the stomach, anorexia and constipating then he should take about 250 to 500 milligrams madar juice because it ends all above symptoms. Mix equal quantity of madar leaves and black salt together and thereafter fill it in soil pot and close its cork. Burn this pot in heat and fill it in bottle after cooling. Taking 250 milligrams to one gram mixture provides relief in disease.
  • Grind fine 1 gram fresh bark of madar root, 1 gram ginger, 5 grams black pepper and 5 grams black salt together and thereafter prepare tablets equal of pea from it. These tablets should be dried under the shadow. Taking 1-2 tablets with mint juice provides relief in stomachache. 
  • Coat old ghee on 2-3 warm leaves of madar and tie it on the affected part with cloth. Using this process provides relief in unbearable pain of the stomach.

57. Numbness:

  • Fry 8-10 pieces of madar leaves with 250 ml oil and rub it (oil) on the affected part to get relief in numbness.
  • Mix madar milk with oil of staff tree and fill it in glass or china pot. Rubbing this mixture on the affected part is useful to cure paralysis in half body parts. It is also useful to cure Ardit (a disease in which patient mouth becomes bend) and numbness too.

58. Fever:

  • Wrap one and half piece of new bud of madar and one piece of madar bud (without open) with jaggery together to make tablet. Give this tablet to patient before two hours of fast fever. It is useful for fast fever.
  • Dry ten grams bark of madar root under the shadow and make the fine powder from it after grinding. Grind 10 grams this powder and 10 grams black pepper with cow milk and thereafter prepare tablets equal of gram from it. The patient should take 1-2 tablets with water before one or two hours feeling fever because it provides relief.
  • Grind ten ml madar milk with 100 grams sugar-candy until twelve hours and thereafter fill it in bottle. After that, take about ¼ gram this medicine with lukewarm water to get relief in fever. This mixture is very useful than i for malaria. It stops running fever and decreases fever too.
  • Mix ten grams ash of madar root bark with sixty grams sugar properly and store it. The patient should take half to one gram this medicine with fresh water before two hours feeling fever.
  • Make ash by burning yellow leaves of madar in coils heat and give it to the patient in about half gram quantity with honey to get relief in fever.
  • Mix four drops madar milk, ten drops juice of raw papaya and fifteen drops juice of chiretta (Chirayta) together. After that, take this mixture with cow urine thrice a day to cure malaria within three days.
  • Make a decoction by boiling madar root with water and filter it. Fever is cured by taking this decoction with powder of dry ginger.
  • Eating about ¼ gram powder of bark of madar root brings out sweet and cures fever.

59. Rickets: Mix about ¼ gram black salt with ten drops juice of madar leaves and give it to the suffered child. It causes vomiting and loose motions and cures rickets quickly.

60. Wasp biting:

  • The alkaline, that freezes backside of madar leaves, separate from branch with the help of fine-flour or wheat-flour (the flour lei should be absorbed on this alkaline) and thereafter prepare tablets equal of gram from it. Swallow 1-1 tablets on empty stomach twice a day regularly for fifteen days and take some ghee and sugar too.
  • Mix about ¼ gram powder of madar root’s bark with two grams sugar and give it to the patient twice a day for 40 days regularly. Julab also should be given to the patient after every 7 days. Avoid oil, bitterness and other things. Using this process provides relief in wasp biting.

61. Blocked poison: Grind 2-3 grams madar root in cold water and make the patient drink 3-4 times a day. It provides relief in this condition.

62. Mercury Poison: Grind equal quantity of madar wood’s coil with sugar-candy and store it. After that, take six grams this mixture regularly to bring out the blocked raw mercury of the body with urine.

63. Bronchitis (Swelling of Trachea): Make the powder by grinding twenty grams fine powder of madar root’s bark and seventy grams black salt together. Taking about ¼ grams to one gram this powder twice a day is useful to cure Bronchitis.

64. Asthma:

  • Make the powder by grinding twenty grams powder of madar root bark, ten grams opium and seventy grams black salt together. One should take ¼ gram to one gram this mixture twice a day to get relief in asthma.
  • Boil madar’s flower with boiled jaggery and take it 120 to 360 milligrams mixture twice a day, it provides relief in asthma.
  • Grind madar’s leaves and 250 grams black salt together then fill it in soil pot and burn on light heat to prepare ash. Taking about 120-240 milligrams this ash with ginger juice cures cough and asthma.
  • Grind fine ten grams madar buds, ten grams caraway and fifty grams jiggery together and thereafter prepare tablets equal of gram from it. The patient should take 1 tablet twice a day regularly to get relief.
  • Grind fine ten grams madar buds, ten grams caraway and fifty grams jiggery together and thereafter prepare tablets equal of small plum from it. The patient should take 1 tablet twice a day regularly to end breathing problems.
  • Grind 25 grams madar bud, pure caraway and fifty grams sugar together and thereafter prepare tablets from it. One tablet should be taken with lukewarm water twice a day because it provides relief in asthma.
  • Grind madar’s leave and five pieces of black pepper together and prepare tablets equal of pea from it. After that, take these tablets for seven days regularly to cure asthma.
  • Drip five drops milk of madar on two grams jiggery and swallow it. Its one dose should be taken in evening in summer and rainy seasons too. It provides relief within one week.
  • Collect 300 grams ripe leaves of madar (the leaves which fall down after becoming yellow). Grind ten grams lime and ten grams sambhar salt together and thereafter coat it on the collected leaves, and dry it. Fill these leaves in soil pot and put it in fire of cow dung until it turns into ash. After that, take about ¼ grams to one gram this ash with betel-leaf to get relief in asthma. Avoid milk, curd, bitterness and red chilly.
  • Squeeze juice from heat leaves of madar and soak barley in this juice and thereafter dry it. It is used to prepare sattu. This medicine should be taken with honey because it provides relief asthma.
  • Grind two grams buds without bloom, one gram small pepper and one gram black salt (Lahori) together and thereafter prepare tablets equal of pea from it. These tablets are very useful to cure breathing problems.
  • Soak barley in juice of soft leaves of madar and dry it. Prepare Sattu from this mixture. After that, give one spoon this sattu to the patient with honey in a day regularly to end breathing diseases.
  • Mix equal quantity of powder of leaves and root of madar and thereafter mix ¼ grams powder of black peppers in it. Asthma is cured by taking one spoon this mixture twice a day for one week regularly.

65. Malaria:

  • Spray some salt on leaves of madar and thereafter burn it to prepare ash. Eating two pinches powder with honey twice a day provides relief in malaria.
  • Put half gram bark of madar root in betel leaf and give it to the patient twice a day, it provides relief in malaria.

66. Cough:

  • Grind fine cloves of madar flower, black salt and long pepper together and thereafter prepare small tablets from it. Dry these tablets under shadow and fill it in a bottle. Cough is cured by sucking these tablets regularly.
  • Boil juice of madar flowers with water and give it to the patient in 12 to 36 milliliters quantity twice a day, it cures cough.
  • Grind equal quantity of madar root and leaves of Malabar nut with water and thereafter prepare tablets equal of gram from it. Sucking these tablets regularly is useful to provide relief in cough.
  • Grind fine fifteen grams soft leaves of madar and ten grams bishop’s seeds (Deshi caraway) together and thereafter grind it with 25 grams jiggery. Prepare tablets equal of gram from this mixture and store it. Breathing problems ends by taking one tablet on empty stomach in the morning.
  • Grind twenty grams not opened buds of madar, ten grams long pepper and ten grams black salt together and thereafter prepare tablets equal of plum from it. After that, take 1-1 tablets with warm milk twice a day to end breathing problems.
  • The patient should take juice of madar leaves with salt. Giving one spoon juice of madar leaves to the small children with a little quantity of salt brings out phlegm and ends breathing problems and surfeited. Decoction of madar root is also useful to cure cough.

67. Whooping cough: Fill madar flowers in a soil pot and cork its mouth with cloth and cover it with soul. Put this pot in fire to prepare ash and thereafter fill this ash in a bottle. Taking about ¼ gram this ash with honey 3-4 times in a day is useful to cure cough within some days.

68. Teeth worms: Immerse a cotton piece into madar’s milk and put it in the affected teeth, it fills the teeth hole caused by teeth worms.

69. Surfeited: Coat castor oil on madar leaves and warm it. Tying these leaves on the helps to stool clearly and clears the stomach.

70. Chest pain:

  • In winter season, grind copals (soft leaves) of madar with water. This medicine should be taken in such condition that take one copal for three days and after that take half copal for 40 days and thereafter its should be reduced. It is useful to cure chest pain.
  • Grind madar leaf and black pepper together and prepare tablet from it. The patient should take this tablet because it is useful to cure chest pain. This process should be used for 5 days regularly.

71. Constipation:

  • Dry madar root under the shadow and make the powder from it after grinding. The patient should take ¼ gram to one gram this powder as dose and drink milk on it. Using this process is useful to eliminate constipation.
  • Tying madar leaf on the stomach clears the stomach.

72. Jaw pain: Soak cotton piece in madar milk and fry it with ghee. Putting this cotton piece in the tooth hole decreases the toothache quickly.

73. Mouth blisters:  Mix honey with madar milk and apply it on the blisters, it provides relief in mouth blisters.

74. Vomiting:

  • Giving about half gram powder of madar root’ bark to the patient prevents vomiting within one hour. Sometimes, loose motion starts with vomiting.
  • Mix 20 grams ash of cow-dung with madar milk. When this ash becomes dry completely, filter it. Smelling this mixture starts sneezing and cures catarrh.

75. Amoebic dysentery (Diarrhoea): This disease is cured by taking 30 grams powder of bark of madar root bark with 30 grams opium.

76. Ear pain:

  • Grind Kaoudi with madar milk and prepare ash from it. Cast about ¼ parts this ash in the ear and drip 4-5 drops of lemon juice in the ear. Using this process provides relief in unbearable pain of the ear.
  • Drip warm juice of madar leaves in the ears drop by drop is useful to end ear pain.
  • Coat ghee on yellow leaves of madar and heat it. Dripping its juice in the ear provides relief in ear pain.
  • Mix madar leave juice with radish juice and mustard oil together. Cook this mixture until it remains only oil then put it down. Dripping this oil in the ear reduces pain and itching of the ear.

77. Deafness:

  • Coat ghee on madar leaves then squeeze its juice after heating. Heat this juice and drip it in the ears regularly is useful to cure deafness.
  • Spray cow’s urine on twenty grams dried leaves of madar and thereafter grind these leaves and prepare sauce from it. Fry this sauce with some mustard oil and thereafter fill it in bottle after filtering. Dripping 2-2 drops from this mixture in the both ears is useful to cure deafness.

78. Furunculosis of External Ear (Pimples outside of Ear): Apply ground bark of madar root on the affected to cure ears pimples.

79. Tinnitus aureum: Cook yellow leaves of madar, caraway, garlic and panchang (stem, root, leaves, fruit and flower) of prickly chalf flower together. Dripping this preparation in the ears is useful to cure tinnitus aureum, ears pain and deafness etc. diseases.

80. Paralysis: Cook madar leaves with mustard oil and rub it on the affected parts; it provides relief in paralysis and Facial diseases.

81. Wounds:

  • If the wounds occur caused by blood disorders, leprosy or warmth then give ¼ grams bark of madar root to the patient twice a day regularly, it cures the wound. It also ends its side-effects.
  • Spraying powder of madar leave on the affected part is useful to cure chronic wound.
  • The cotton of madar is very useful in the condition of wound bleeding. If any wound is incurable or chronic or does not cure with any causes, cotton of madar should be tied on the affected part and cotton should be changed every day after cleaning the wound. Using this process cured wound within some days. If the bleeding starts from any wound, cotton should be tied on it because it stops bleeding. Fresh cotton is useful.

82. Pain and Swelling:

  • Mix salt with madar’s milk and prepare thin paste from it. After that, apply this paste on the affected part to cure wound, sprain’s pain and swelling. Thick paste should not be applied on the affected part otherwise inflammation occurs on that place and owing to this reason can cause ulcer.
  • Spray castor oil on madar’s leaf then warm it. Tying light warm leaf on painful and swelling parts provides relief.
  • Boils madar leaves with oil and rub it on the painful parts; it provides relief in this disease.

83. Fever caused by bile: Giving about ¼ grams powder of madar root to the patient causes sweat and cures fever.                 

84. Tumours:

  • Take about 2 grams bark of madar root twice a day regularly to get relief in tumours.
  • Coat oil of castor on madar leaves and tie it on the affected part. It cures tumours quickly.

85. Catarrh: Coat mustard oil on madar leaves and make light hot. Catarrh and cough are cured by tying these leaves on the chest.

86. Herpes Zoster: Grind bark of madar root and apply it on the pimples, it provides very relief in this disease.

87. Spleen enlargement:

  • Take about ¼ grams bark of madar root twice a day to reduce the enlargement of the spleen. It ends other problems caused by spleen enlargement.
  • Mix sugar-cake (Batasha) with about ¼ ml madar milk  and give it to the patient in the morning regularly, it provides relief in all the types of diseases caused by spleen.

88. Nose diseases:

  • Mix two drops madar’s milk with ash of cow dung and make the patient smell, it causes of sneezing. If the patient wants to stop the sneezing then clean the nose and throat with one glass water properly. It will prevent sneezing.
  • Make the powder by grinding twenty grams bark powder of madar root, ten grams opium and seventy grams black salt together. Catarrh is cured by taking about ¼ grams to one gram this mixture.

89. Head ulcer (Arunshika): Appling milk of madar on head is useful to end inflammation and itching caused by arunshika.

90. Rheumatism:

  • Mix salt with madar milk and apply this thin paste on the affected parts. It provides relief in swelling and tumours pain.
  • Coat oil on madar or castor leaves and warm it. Fomenting the affected part these leaves provides relief in joints pain.
  • Coat petrol on madar leaves and tie it on the affected part to get relief in joints pain.
  • Boil madar flowers and tie it on painful parts. It provides relief in rheumatism.

91. Eczema: Cook ten ml madar milk with fifty ml mustard oil and store it. Eczema is cured by applying it on the affected part.

92. Paraplegia (Numbness of the thighs):

  • Grind madar root, winter cherry, poppy fruits, garlic, black pepper, black salt, black cumin seed, bark of the horse-radish, leaves of Jayanti and mustard with cow’s urine and thereafter heat it. Coating this mixture on the thighs provides relief in thighs numbness.
  • Ground root of madar should be coated on the thighs.

93. Tuberculosis: The patient should swallow one bud of madar at first day, second day two and third day tree. 3 buds should be taken until 15-20 days regularly. Using this process is useful to cure tuberculosis.

94. Ringworm:

  • Boil madar milk and turmeric with sesame’s oil and thereafter coat it on the eczema or ringworm; it provides relief in this disease.
  • Grind madar’s flower and seeds of foetid cassia (Panwad) together then mix bitter curd in this mixture. Coating it on the affected part provides relief in ringworm.
  • Ground bark of madar root on the affected part after scratching is useful to cure ringworm.
  • Scratch the ringworm with the help of any cloth and apply madar’s milk on it. Using this process causes unbearable inflammation but if this milk is applied on one time, it is useful to cure ringworm.
  • Mix equal quantity of madar milk and honey together and thereafter apply it on the affected part, it cures ringworm quickly.
  • Grind two grams powder of madar root with two spoons curd and apply it on the affected part regularly, it provides relief in ringworm too.

95. Pus with blood: Take about ¼ grams powder of madar root bark twice a day to purify the blood.

96. Head Pain:

  • Heat madar leaves and tie it on the head to end headache.
  • Using pillow of madar cotton during sleeping is useful to end headache.
  • Headache ends by smelling ground root of madar.
  • Dripping 2-3 drops juice of madar leaves in the nostrils is useful to end chronic headache.

97. Falling down children eyelids : Immerse a cotton piece in madar milk and dry it under the shadow. Prepare stick of this cotton with jasmine oil and burn it. After that, apply it as collyrium in the eyes to stop falling down children eyelids.

98. Cosmetics: Grind turmeric with madar milk and apply it on the face, it cures new and chronic wrinkle.

99. Scrofula: Mix ground bark of madar root with goat milk and heat it. After that, apply this warm pate on the affected parts to suppress or mature the throat tumours.

Aak, Madar (Calotropis gigantea) Side Effects:

Madar’s plant is poisonous. Taking over quantity of madar root causes inflammation in the intestines and stomach because of that patient feels nausea and suffers from vomiting too. Taking over quantity of its fresh milk works as poison. This medicine should be taken with quantity.

Eye irritation: Mudar milk should not be applied in the eye otherwise its result may be dangerous.

It’s important to note that Calotropis gigantea contains toxic compounds, particularly in its milky sap. Use should be under professional guidance, and it’s not recommended for pregnant women or children.

Bad Effects Removal: Milk and Ghee are used to remove harmful effects of madar plant.

इस लेख का हिंदी अनुवाद यहाँ पढ़ें आक (मदार) के 99 चमत्कारी फायदे

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional before starting any new herbal treatment.

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