Camphor (Kapur) 93: Uses, Benefits, Dosage and Side Effects

Last Updated on May 18, 2024 by admin


Camphor is an evergreen tree which is found in many states of India. Its trees are also found on the hilly areas of Dehradun. Besides India, its trees are also found in China, Japan and Borneo. 

If someone cuts the bark of camphor lightly, a type of gum comes out from it which is called “Camphor” after drying.

Camphor (Kapur): Name in Different Languages 

  • Hindi            – Kapoor, Kapur
  • English         – Camphor
  • Sanskrit        – Karpoor, Sitabhra, Himah
  • Bengali         – Karpoor
  • Marathi         – Kaphoor
  • Gujrati          – Kapoor
  • Telugu          – Karpuramu
  • Persian         – Kapoor
  • Arabic           – Kaphoor
  • Latin             – Sinemaamam camphora

Camphor (Kapur) Tree Structure :

Its trees are 100 feet high and 6 to 8 feet broad. The bark of its stem is rough and dusky in color towards the upper side but smooth from the inside. Its leaves are smooth, fragrant, light yellow and green. Its leaves are 2 to 4 inches long and separate to one another. Its flowers are small and white in the beginning. Its flowers blossom in bunches. The ripe fruits of camphor are black in color. Its seeds are small. Every part of camphor tree has fragrance. 

Different Types of  Camphor (Kapur) : 

There are many kinds of camphor according to its place, shape and colour but Bhimseni, Chinese and Indian camphor are very popular. Bhimseni camphor is very good and has been using as a medicine since ancient time. It is heavier than Chinese camphor and sinks in water easily whereas Chinese camphor does not sink in water.

If Chinese camphor is mixed with peppermint and caraway, all material changes into a liquid form. Indian camphor is received from the plants of basil camphor (a kind of basil plant). The leaves of this plant have a lot of fragrance like basil. One can obtain 61 to 80 percent camphor from its leaves. Its seeds have 12.5 percent light yellow oil.

Camphor (Kapur) Medicinal & Ayurvedic Properties : 

According to Ayurveda – 

  • Camphor is sweet, pungent, bitter, greasy, spicy and cool natured.
  • Its juice is bitter. 
  • It is useful for curing tridoshas (vatta, bile and phlegm) because of its bitterness.
  • It quenches thirst and enhances digestion power. 
  • It abates fever and increases appetite.
  • It stimulates heart and brings sweat out.
  • It brings the phlegm out and gets rid of pain.
  • It enhances sperm count and reduces swelling. 
  • Its use gets rid of stomach diseases. 
  • It calms to the sexual and uterus excitement. 
  • It ends stomach worms and gets rid of backache.
  • It is used for the treatment of boils-pimples, epistaxis, tuberculosis, typhoid, loose motions, cholera, asthma, arthritis, tetnes, whopping cough and lungs’ problems. 
  • It destroys worms and gets rid of joints’ pain. 
  • Heart pulsations normalize by taking camphor.  

According to scientists –

Camphor is oil (frozen) which is white and transparent. It is received in crystal form viz in small and soft pieces. It has fragrance. One feels coolness along with fragrance if it is kept in mouth. It dissolves in water hardly but dissolves easily in alcohol and refined oil. Camphor is excessive inflammable and flyable. It burns easily. Its chemical formula is C10H16O.

Dosage :

 It should be taken in the quantity of 125 to 375 milligrams.

Camphor (Kapur) Uses and Benefits :

1. Skin diseases: Grind camphor and mix coconut oil in it. Apply this mixture on the skin twice or thrice a day for some days regularly. Its use gets rid of all skin diseases. 

2. Cold and Catarrh: Put one piece of camphor in a hanky and fold it. Smelling this hanky many times a day provides relief in cold and catarrh. It also opens chocked nose.

3. Headache:

  • Make a paste by grinding camphor and sandal with basil juice. Applying this paste on the head is useful to get rid of headache.
  • Fill camphor and sal-ammonic into a bottle of glass. Headache disappears by smelling this mixture.
  • Mix camphor juice and gulrogan juice together. Drip this preparation into nostrils twice or thrice a day. Its use gets rid of migraine.
  • Apply camphor juice on the head, it stops headache.

4. Impotence: Make a paste by grinding camphor with ghee. Massage of this paste on the penis regularly for a few weeks ends impotence.

5. Eye diseases: Grind Bhimseni camphor with milk and apply in the eyes with the help of finger tip. Its use provides relief in many eye diseases.

6. Breast engorgement because of milk: If a woman has been suffering from excessive milk in the breast after the death of her baby, grind camphor with water to prepare a paste. Apply this paste on her breast thrice a day. Its use reduces the milk of the breast.

7. Scorpion biting: Mix camphor in vinegar and apply it on the bitten part, it alleviates scorpion poisoning.

8. Labour pain: A pregnant gives birth to a baby easily if 125 mg camphor is given to her by keeping in a ripe banana.

9. Rheumatism: Mix camphor in turpentine oil and rub it on the joints or affected parts twice a day. Its use gets rid of rheumatic pain.

10. Disturbances in blood caused by bile: Grind a little camphor and mix in rose water. Drip this mixture in the nose. Its use gets rid of this disease.

11. Wound: If there is incurable wound, apply camphor on that wound to get desired relief.

12. Asthma:

  • Take 125 milligrams camphor mixing with 125 grams asafetida thrice a day. Its use gets rid of asthma.
  • Make the powder by grinding camphor and toasted asafetida 10 grams each together. Mix ginger juice in this powder and make tablets equal to gram of this paste. Dry these tablets in shadow and take 1-1 tablet with fresh water 3-4 times a day. The patient of asthma gets a lot of relief by using these tablets.
  • Boil camphor in water and smell its steam. Thus the patient of asthma gets rid of breathing problems.
  • Suck a little camphor daily at night. Its use gets rid of all breathing problems, injury and sprain.

13. Itching: Mix 10 grams camphor, 10 grams white catechu and 5 grams vermillion together in a pot of glass. Mix 100 grams ghee in above mixture and crush it properly. Wash this mixture 121 times with water to prepare a paste. Apply this paste on the affected part to get rid of itching. It also can be used for healing the wounds up.

14. Worms in children stomach: Give a little camphor with jiggery (gur) to the child. Its use ends all stomach worms and gets rid of stomachache soon.

15. Corneal opacity: Grind camphor and mix banyan milk in it. Apply this mixture in the eyes regularly for 2 months. Its use gets rid of corneal opacity.

16. Retention of urine:

  • Make roll (batti) from camphor powder with a cloth. Putting this roll on the penis cures retention of urine.
  • Putting camphor piece on the penis cures retention of urine and passes urine out easily.
  • Grind camphor with water and immerse a cloth into this then make roll from it. Putting this roll on the penis cures retention of urine.

17. Fall of the eyelids: Mix lemon juice in camphor and apply it on the eyelid. Its use stops the fall of eyelids.

18. Stomachache: Take 4-5 camphor pieces with sugar to get rid of stomachache.

19. Chest disease: Take camphor smoke though nose. Its use gets rid of chest disease.

20. Uterus pain: Mix camphor with ghee and rub it below the navel or take 3-4 pieces of camphor with sugar. Its use gets rid of uterus pain.

21. Conjunctivitis: Apply camphor powder in the eyes like collyrium. Its use reduces the pain of eyes. If there is no sleep in the eyes or a person has been suffering from insomnia, apply camphor in the eyes to get relief. Its use brings sound sleep.

22. Night fall: Grind 130 milligrams camphor and one spoon sugar together. Take this preparation before sleeping at night. Its use gets rid of night-fall.

23. Indigestion: Mix equal quantity of camphor and asafetida together and make small tablets of this mixture. Take 1 tablet with cold water thrice a day. Its use gets rid of indigestion.

24. Acnes: Mix 3 spoons gram-flour, ¼ spoon turmeric, one pinch camphor and lemon juice together to prepare a paste. Apply this paste on the face and wash after drying the face with cold water. Its use gets rid of acnes of the face.

25. Flecks and pimples of the face: Mix 2 spoons ground turmeric, rose water and one pinch camphor together. Apply this mixture on the face regularly for 15-20 days. Its use gets rid of flecks and pimples of the face. This paste should not apply near by the eyes.

26. Lice: Make a paste by mixing a little camphor mixing with 3 spoons coconut oil. Apply this paste in the hair root before sleeping at night. Wash hair in the morning and comb. Its use destroys lice and throws them out.

27. Typhoid:

  • Take 120 to 240 milliliters camphor or 5 to 20 drops juice of camphor. Its use dilates to the blood vessels and brings excessive sweat out. Thus the temperature of the body reduces and the victim gets rid of this disease by its regular use.
  • If the child has been suffering from loose motions because of typhoid, give ground tablet of camphor with water to it. Its regular use stops loose motions.

28. Toothache:

  • Make the fine powder by grinding camphor and pyllitory root 5 grams each together. Brushing with this powder daily reduces gums’ swelling.
  • Grind camphor, toasted borax, pyllitory root and sal-ammoniac together. Mix pure wax in the above mixture and fill it in the hollow of the tooth, its use ends toothache and hollowness of the tooth.
  • Grind camphor or ginger or sal-ammonic and cover it with cotton wad. Put this cotton wad in the hollow of the tooth. Its use provides relief if a person has been suffering from toothache.
  • If there is toothache, put camphor on the affected tooth. Its use gets rid of chronic toothache soon.

29. Itching of the testicles: The victim of this disease should take 120-240 milligrams camphor twice a day. Mix camphor ash in oil and apply it on the testicles. Its use gets rid of testicles’ itching.

30. Malaria:

The patient of malarial fever gets rid of by taking 5 grams camphor powder with water.

31. Fever:

  • Take 600 to 1800 milligrams camphor or 5 to 20 drops of camphor juice or 28 to 58 milliliters quantity of camphor water. Its use is beneficial for the treatment of fever. Cover camphor in a thin cloth and bind over the body. Its use extends the blood vessels and brings excessive sweat out. Thus the temperature reduces.
  • Take 4 or 5 camphor pieces with betel-leaf after every half an hour. Its use brings sweat out and reduces fever.

32. Whooping cough: Rub camphor oil on the back and chest of the child before sleeping at night. Its use gets rid of whopping cough.

33. Cough:  Rub camphor oil on the back and chest of the child. Its use reduces cough.

34. Cataract: Grind Bhimseni camphor and mix breast milk in it. Apply this preparation in the eyes. Its use provides relief in cataract.

35. For tooth strength: Grind camphor and sal-ammoniac 10 grams each together. Rub this mixture on the tooth after dinner and gargle with water. Its use makes the tooth strong.

36. Amblyopia: Mix honey with camphor and apply it in the eyes like collyrium twice or thrice a day. Its use provides relief in amblyopia and enhances eyesight.

37. Tooth germs:

  • Mix camphor in alcohol and immerse a cotton wad. Put this piece in the hollow of the tooth. Its use kills germs of the tooth.
  • Rub hedychium spicatum ham (kapoor kachri) on the tooth like tooth-powder to get rid of toothache and germs.

38. Influenza:

  • Possession of a camphor piece remains a person far from influenza.
  • Take 5 to 20 drops of camphor juice by pouring on a spongy cake (batasa) followed by water. Its use gets rid a person from influenza.

39. Dengue fever: Take 5 to 10 drops of camphor juice by dropping on a spongy cake (batasa) twice a day. Its use extends the blood vessels and brings excessive sweat out from the body. It also reduces fever, burning sensation and restlessness.

40. Pyorrhoea

  • Put camphor piece in the betel-leaf and chew it properly but its juice should not be swallowed in the body. Keep on spitting to the juice and saliva. Its use gets rid of pyorrhoea. This process should be followed for many days.
  • Mix pure ghee with camphor and rub it on the tooth and gums gently 3-4 times a day. Allow to saliva to fall down and gargle with fresh water after some time. The victim of pyorrhoea gets rid of this problem.

41. Pneumonia:

  • Mix 2 grams camphor and 10 ml oil of turpentine together. Rub this mixture on the ribs. Its use provides relief in pneumonia.
  • Mix one piece of camphor in four folds mustard oil. Rub this mixture on the ribs to get rid of ribs pain.

42. Itching and inflammation of the Vagina: Take 120 to 240 milligrams camphor twice a day if there is itching and inflammation in the vagina. Besides it, mix camphor in oil and apply it on the affected part. Its use also provides relief.

43. Vomiting:

  • Mix 3-4 drops juice of camphor in water and drink. Its use stops vomiting.
  • Take a little camphor mixing with sugar. Its use stops vomiting.

44. Blood vomiting: Grind 2 grams camphor and 1 gram Indian hemp (Bhang) together. Put some water in this mixture and make tablets equal to green kidney-bean of this paste. Dry these tablets in shadow. Take 1-1 tablet with water at the regular interval of 3 hours. Its use stops blood vomiting.

45. Stomatitis (Mouth blisters):

  • Apply camphor powder on the mouth blisters and pimples. They disappear by its application.
  • Mix equal quantity of camphor and sugar-candy together. Sucking one pinch mixture 3-4 times a day removes mouth blisters.
  • Grind sugar-candy properly and mix a little camphor in it. Apply this mixture into the mouth to get rid of stomatitis. It also can be used to get rid of blisters of the mouth if a child has been suffering from mouth blisters.
  • Put camphor piece equal to gram in a betel-leaf. Chew this preparation and throw saliva out. Its use gets rid of a person from mouth blisters and heals the sores.
  • Mix camphor in coconut oil and apply it on the mouth blisters. This medicine provides relief.
  • Mix pure ghee with camphor and apply it on the blisters and throw saliva out 4 times a day. Its use removes blisters and heals the sores of the mouth up.

46. Hiccup: Make solution by taking camphor and Kachri. Take this preparation twice or thrice a day. Its use provides relief in hiccup.

47. Abortion: Grind Bhimseni camphor with rose juice and rub it on the vagina. Its use remains a pregnant from abortion.

48. Uterus problems: If there is a problem in the uterus during menses, the use of 120-240 mg twice a day provides a lot of relief. If the cause of problem in the uterus is other not menses, its use proves beneficial in this case. It should not be given to the pregnant woman because it reduces breast’s milk.

49. Backache: Mix camphor in four fold linseed (tisi) oil and rub it on the back. Its use provides relief in backache.

50. Piles:

  • Mix 1 gram camphor in eight folds hot oil of castor to make a paste. Wash piles warts and clean them after excretion then apply above paste on the warts. Its use provides relief in pain and burning sensation of piles. The warts of the piles fall down after drying.
  • Make the powder by grinding camphor, Indian berberin, Chaksu and neem flowers 10 grams each together. Cut radish horizontally from the middle and fill above powder into radish after that cover radish with a cloth and apply soil on it. Toast this radish on fire then remove soil and cloth from the radish. Grind this radish on a stone piece and make tablets equal to pea of its paste. Take 1 tablet with water on empty stomach in the morning. Its use gets rid of piles within one week.

51. Hurt:

  • Mix equal quantity of camphor and ghee together. Tie this mixture on the affected part. Its use prevents bleeding from the hurt and gets rid of pain.
  • Mix camphor in four folds oil and rub it on the affected portion. Its use gets rid of pain caused by injury, sprain and twist.

52. Disturbances in menstrual excretion: Mix half gram fine-flour with camphor powder and make 4 tablets of this paste. Take 1 tablet on empty stomach in the morning regularly. Its use gets rid of the problems while menstrual excretion. This tablet should be taken about 4 days before the menstrual excretion. It should not be taken after beginning the menstrual excretion.

53. Wound: Mix Indian berberin and camphor with butter. Apply this paste on the wounds. This medicine heals to the chronic wounds and injuries’ sores.

54. Indigestion: Grind dali camphor, caraway juice, mint juice and oil of eucalyptus globulus 10 grams each together then store it into a bottle for an hour. Taking 2 drops of this mixture with water after the meals twice a day ends indigestion.

55. High blood pressure:

  • Take 120 to 240 milligrams camphor twice a day. Its use reduces normalizes high blood pressure.
  • Take 5 to 20 drops camphor juice with spongy cake (batasa) twice or thrice a day. Its use normalizes high blood- pressure.

56. Excessive sneezing: If a person sneezes again and again caused by cold or drenching in water, mix camphor equal to rice with sugar or spongy cake (batasa) and give to him. Water should be drunk after taking this medicine. Its use provides relief in excessive sneezing and catarrh.

57. Sun-strokes: Give about 10 drops juice of camphor with water to the afflicted patient at the regular interval of short span of time. Its use provides relief.

58. Urticaria:

  • Mix camphor in coconut oil and apply it on the affected part. Its use provides relief.
  • Mix camphor in neem oil and apply it on flecks of the patient. Its use provides quick relief.

59. Drowning: Give about 240 milligrams camphor or 5 to 20 drops of camphor juice by pouring on a spongy cake (batasa) to the patient. Its use enhances energy of the body. It also increases the hope to live.

60. Frost-hit

  • Take camphor mixing with spongy cake or sugar. Its use provides relief in frost-hit caused by excessive chilliness. It also provides warmth to the body.
  • Take 5 to 10 drops of camphor juice mixing with spongy cake (batasa) or sugar. Its use provides relief and increases warmth in the body.

61. Plague: Burn camphor to purify near about atmosphere.

62. Germs of the tooth: Rub camphor piece on the tooth and jaw to destroy the germs of the tooth.

63. Tight skin of the glans of the penis: Mix camphor in linseed oil and rub it on the penis top, it opens the skin of the top of the penis.

64. Excessive milk in the breast: Apply camphor paste on the breast and take 120 to 240 milligrams camphor if there is excessive milk in the breast. Its use reduces milk of the breast.

65. Sperm disability: Mix 240 milligrams camphor with 30 grams opium and make tablet of this paste. Take this tablet before sleeping at night regularly. Its use gets rid of sperm disability.

66. Nose diseases:

  • Grind 10 grams camphor and 10 ml oil turpentine together then store it into a bottle. Shake this bottle when camphor melts in it properly. Drip its 5 drops into the nostrils. Its use gets rid of pinus and destroys nose germs.
  • Smell camphor to get rid of catarrh.
  • Take about 120 milligrams camphor with one spoon sugar or spongy cake (batasa) followed by water. Its use provides relief in catarrh. It should be taken once a day. If the patient feels need, it can be taken second time.
  • If someone has been suffering from excessive sneezing caused by catarrh, give camphor equal to rice to him with one spoon sugar followed by water. Its use gets rid of catarrh and sneezing.
  • If there are worms in the nose caused by chronic catarrh and there is offensive smell in the nose, grind 3 grams camphor and 6 grams soap stone together. Pour this mixture into the nose 3-4 times a day provides to get relief.

67. Epistaxis (Nose bleeding):

  • Mix camphor and sesame oil together. Pour this mixture into the nose to get relief.
  • Apply camphor and white sandal on the forehead. Its use stops bleeding from the nose.
  • Mix a little camphor in pure ghee and pour into the nose. Its use gets rid of epistaxis.
  • Mix about 120 milligrams powder of camphor and green coriander in water. Pour this mixture into the nose to get rid of epistaxis.

68. Women sex satisfaction: Give 120 milligrams camphor to the woman daily. Its use reduces to the sexual excitement of a woman.

69. Pinus:  

  • Make the fine powder by grinding 3 grams pure camphor and 6 grams soap nut together. Smell this powder to get rid of pinus.
  • Mix 10 grams camphor with 10 ml oil of turpentine and dry in sunshine for some time then fill it into a bottle. Drip 5 drops of this oil into the nose. It gets rid of pinus only by using it 3 to 6 times.

70. Unconsciousness:

  • Grind about 1 gram camphor and 6 grams white sandal with rose juice. Apply this mixture on the forehead, chest and whole body to break unconsciousness.
  • Make fine powder by grinding camphor and asafetida about 3 grams each together. Take about 240 grams this powder with water twice a day. Its use breaks unconsciousness.  

71. Fast heart beatings: Take a little camphor if there are fast heart beatings. Its use makes fast heart pulsation normal.

72. Cholera:

  • Grind 20 grams pure camphor, 12 grams toasted asafetida, 10 grams pure opium, 5 grams red pepper and 5 grams spogel seeds with water and make tablets equal to gram of it. Take one tablet with rose water or fresh water at the regular interval of one hour. Its use stops vomiting and loose motions after taking only 2-3 dosages.
  • If there is preliminary stage of cholera in a person, he should take camphor juice mixing with spongy cake (batasa) many times a day.  Its use provides relief in this stage. This process is stimulant for breathe, heart and blood circulation.
  • Mix equal quantity of camphor, caraway juice and peppermint together. Take one drop of this mixture by pouring on a spongy cake (batasa). Its use provides relief.
  • Tie camphor in a thin cloth and soak into water. This water is called “Karpurambu’. Take this water in the preliminary stage of cholera. It should be taken in the quantity of 30 to 50 milligrams.

73. Arthritis: Mix 10 grams camphor in 500 ml sesame oil and fill into a bottle then close its cap and put it in the sunshine. When camphor dissolves in oil properly then rub it on the affected part. Its use gets rid of arthritis.

74. Itching and scabies: Mix camphor in jasmine oil and rub it on the body. Its use gets rid of itching and scabies.

75. Hands and feet spasm

  • Mix camphor in four folds mustard oil. Rubbing this oil on the hands and feet gets rid of spasm of the hands and feet.
  • Take camphor to get rid of spasm of the hands and feet.

76. Hysteria: Take about 28 milliliters juice of aerua lanata (Kapoor Kachri) twice a day. Its use gets rid of hysteria.

77. Guineaworms: Take 1.50 grams camphor mixing with curd regularly for 3 days. Its use gets rid of guineaworms. A person remains far from the sores in the bones by its use.

78. Nail problems: Make a paste by mixing 1 gram camphor and 1 gram sulphur with kerosene oil. Apply this paste on the nails twice or thrice a day. Its use provides quick relief.

79. Chicken pox: Take about 120 to 240 milligrams camphor or 5 to 20 drops camphor juice or 28 to 56 milliliters camphor water (Karpurambu) regularly. Its use brings excessive sweat out and abates fever. Tie camphor in a thin cloth and immerse in water. This water is called “Karpurambu”.

80. Ribs pain: Rub camphor oil on the chest and ribs. Its use gets rid of ribs’ pain.

81. Ringworms: Grind equal quantity of camphor, sulphur and sugar-candy with water. Apply this preparation on the ringworms. Ringworm disappears by its use.

82. Boils and pimples: Grind 20 grams camphor, 20 grams resin, 10 grams blue vitriol, 20 grams wax and 20 grams vermillion together. Mix ghee in this mixture to prepare a paste. Apply this paste on the boils and pimples. Its regular use provides relief.

83. Roughness of the hands: Mix a little camphor and pure wax in sesame oil and heat it. Fill into a bottle. Apply this mixture on the hands daily at night. Its use ends the roughness of the hands.

84. Dry itching: Mix 10 grams camphor in about 58 grams jasmine oil to prepare a paste. Apply this paste on the affected portion. Its use gets rid of dry itching.

85. Lips problem: Wash cow ghee 100 times with water and mix camphor in it. Apply this mixture on the lips to get relief in cracked lips and other problems of the lips.

86. Bleeding: If there is bleeding from a body organ, take camphor with red sandal regularly for some days. Its use prevents bleeding.

87. Chordee (Lingodreak): Take 120 to 240 milligrams camphor twice a day. Its use reduces the excitement of the penis.

88. Skin diseases: Grind sandal with rose water and mix camphor in it. Apply this mixture on the skin to reduce swelling and to soften skin.

89. Measles:

  • Give 120 milligrams camphor or 5 to 20 drops camphor juice to the child. Its use provides relief in measles.
  • When measles’ blister dry itself then mix camphor in coconut oil and apply it on the blisters. Its use reduces the burning sensation.

90. . Neural problems:

  • Take 120 to 240 milligrams camphor or 5 to 20 drops camphor juice. Blood circulation and pulsation of heat beating become fast by its use.
  • Mix one piece of camphor in eight folds milk. Take ¼ spoon of this mixture at the regular interval of 4 hours. Its use makes the pulsation of nerve normal.
  • Mix camphor in four folds sesame oil and rub it on the body. Its use makes nerves pulsation normal.

91. Children diseases: Grind 3 grams camphor and 1 gram pathani lodh together and make a packet of it. Immerse this packet in water for an hour and then apply it on the child’s eyes. Its use provides relief in pain, swelling and inflammation of the eyes.

92. Swelling of the body:  Make a paste by mixing camphor with cow ghee. Rub this paste on the body. Its use reduces swelling.

93. Useful in other diseases:

     Melt camphor in 4 folds coconut or pure sesame oil to prepare oil. This oil is used to cure rheumatism, joints’ swelling, body tumours and wounds. It also gets rid of joints’ pain and heals the wounds up.

Camphor (Kapur) Side Effects :    


Its over quantity stays poisonous effect on the body and because of which such types of symptoms appear as stomachache, vomiting, illusion, delirium, paralysis, retention of urine, numbness, insanity, unconsciousness, night blindness, blueness on the body, swelling on the face, diarrhoea, impotence, sleepiness, weakness and blood deficiency.

 इस लेख का हिंदी अनुवाद यहाँ पढ़ेंकपूर के 93 लाजवाब फायदे और उपयोग

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional before starting any new herbal treatment.

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