Durva (Doob) Grass 56: Uses, Benefits, Dosage and Side Effects

Last Updated on May 27, 2024 by admin

Introduction : 

According to Hindu religion, the durva (doob) grass (Cynodon dactylon) is holy. It is used for worshipping in every holy works or festivals. The God and goddes, humans and animals like to the durva grass (Cynodon dactylon). It grows in play-fields, temples and especially in gardens, while it grows itself everywhere. Its stem has many burls and its small branches are up from the earth and 2-4 inches long, greasy and have thin leaves. It is green whole year, but it dries in the summer season. Especially, there are many types of it as- White or Green. Blue and Green durva grass is also found somewhere.

Structure :

Durva  Grass is found all over India. Its plant spreads over the earth. Its knots also gripped root itself. Normally, it is found in forests, mountains and ponds of villages.

Types of Durva Grass : 

There are three basic types of durva grass

  • Blue grass: Blue grass is useful to end Vaata disorder, Pitta disorder, fever and illusion. It quenches excessive thirst and melts the iron too.
  • White grass: White grass increases Kapha and Pitta disorders and burning sensation. It is bitter, cool, pungent and sweet. It ends erysipelas, blood disorders, cough and burning sensation.
  • Green grass: Green grass is useful to prevent loose-motion, vomiting and ends blood disorders. It cures fever and other diseases.

Durva (Doob) Grass Name in Different Languages :

  • English    –    Cynodon dactylon
  • Hindi       –    Green grass (Doob), Blue grass, Ram grass, Durba
  • Sanskrit   –    Amri, Amrita, Ananta, Neel, Durwa, Rooha
  • Bengali    –    Neeldurwa
  • Tamil      –    Arugam-Pillu
  • Telugu     –    Dhoricha, Goricha, Guddi
  • Marathi     –    Neeldurba
  • Arabic     –    Ushann
  • Parsian   –    Marg
  • Gujarati       –    Neelidhro

Durva (Doob) Grass Medicinal & Ayurvedic Properties :

  • Color: It is green and white.
  • Taste:  It is pungent and bitter.
  • Nature: It is cool in nature.

 Durva  Grass is useful to cure leprosy, mouth blisters, toothache, bile warmth and cholera. Its paste ends itching. Apply this paste on the forehead provides relief in nose-bleeding. 

 According to Ayurveda –

  • It is sweet, pungent, bitter, small, greasy and cool in nature, is useful to cure Kapha and Pitta disorders.
  •  It enhances blood eliminates and urine. 
  • Its is anti-septic because of which cures  blood disorders, bleeding, burning sensation of urine, fever, bloody leucorrhoea and Anuria and Dysuria, cough vomiting, loose motion and ringworm.

 According to Unani –

  •  Durva (doob) grass is cool in nature and decreases sexual power, so Sadhu and Sanyasi uses it in much quantity. 
  • It decreases sperm count.
  •  Taking it quenches over thirst and brings urine easily. 
  • It is useful to end itching and cure blisters.

 According to Scientists –

  •  After researching of durva (doob) grass, it is found that it has 28.17 percent fiber, 10.47 percent proteins and 11.75 percent ash.
  •  Its ash contains little quantity of phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium.
  •  Different experiments explains that durva (doob) grass is a power growing medicines because it has rich amount of Glaicoside, alkaloid, vitamin A and C.
  •  Taking it regularly keeps the body fresh and ends tiredness caused by hard working.

Dose : 

  • One should take 10-20 milliliter juice and 40-80 milliliter decoction. 
  • Take 1-3 grams its leaves powder and
  •  3-6 grams root powder.

Durva (Doob) Grass Uses and Benefits :

1. Bloody piles:

  • Boil durva (doob) grass (nearby the pond) with some water in a soil pot. Prepared mixture can be used to cure bloody piles.
  • Grind durva (doob) grass leaves, stem, branches and roots with curd after that apply it on the warts and anus and take one cup of it twice a day. It provides relief in bloody piles.

2. Bleeding caused by injury:

  • If someone has been suffering from bleeding caused by any injury, you should apply a paste made from durva (doob) grass on the affected parts afterwards tie bandage. It stops bleeding and recovers wound.
  • If the patient has been suffering from bleeding caused by injury, grind durva (doob) grass and extract juice of it and after that apply it on the affected parts, it stops bleeding.

3. Nose-bleeding: Dripping 2 drops juice of green and fresh durva (doob) grass into nostrils is useful to get relief in nose-bleeding.

4. Mouth blisters: Gargling with its decoction 3-4 times a day is useful in mouth blisters.

5. Skin diseases: Mix juice of durva (doob) grass with equal mustard oil and cook it until it turns into thick then put down. After that, applying prepared mixture on the affected parts twice or thrice a day is useful to get relief in the skin diseases.

6. Ringworm, itching and scabies: Grind turmeric with equal durva (doob) grass to make a paste. This paste should be applied thrice a day to get relief in ringworm, itching and scabies. It is also useful to remove pimples.

7. Mentally disorders: If someone has been suffering from excessive warmth or burning sensation, should apply durva (doob) grass juice over the whole body. It provides relief in mentally disorders.

8. Headache: Grind three spoons juice of durva (doob) grass with barley. One should rub this mixture on the head to end headache.

9. Hiccup: Drink one spoon juice of durva (doob) grass mixed with one spoon honey, it prevents hiccups.

10. Anuria and Dysuria (burning sensation of Urine): Taking four spoons juice of durva (doob) grass with one cup milk is useful to cure disease.

11. Urination pain: Ten grams root of ground durva (doob) grass with one cup of curd can be used to get relief in urination pain.

12. Over thirst: Two spoons juice of durva (doob) grass can be used 3-4 times to quench thirst.

13. Stone: Uproot durva (doob) grass with root and after that pluck its leaves and grind it with water. Thereafter, mix sugar-candy according to taste in it and filter it. Taking one glass of preparation regularly is useful to break stone and throws out by urine way.

14. Boil: The paste made from durva (doob) grass is an effective remedy so it should be applied on the boils.

15. Eyes burning sensation: Grind fresh durva (doob) grass and make two plain tablets. Put prepared tablets over the eyelids to end burning sensation and pain.

16. Eyesight: Walking foot on the green durva (doob) grass every morning can improves eyesight.

17. Anuria and Dysuria: Taking ground root of durva (doob) grass is useful to cure anuria and dysuria.

18. Menses disorders: Grind white durva (doob) grass, pomegranate buds and ash with soaked rice (at overnight). Taking this mixture regularly for one week makes the menses disturbance normal.

19. Swelling: Mix durva (doob) grass juice with black pepper powder afterwards give to the patient. It provides relief in different types of swelling.

20. Diarrhea: Fresh juice of durva (doob) grass is contractive, so one can take it to check diarrhea and loose-motions.

21. Abortion: If someone has been suffering from leucorrhoea, bleeding or abrasion; should use durva (doob) grass. It stops bleeding and provides power to the uterus. It also makes the embryo strong.

22. Urination problems:

  • A decoction made from durva (doob) grass root increases urine quantity and eliminates urination pain. So, it is very useful medicine to end abdomen swelling (Navel below part), gonorrhoea and anuria and dysuria.
  • Taking ground durva (doob) grass with sugar-candy prevents hematuria.
  • Grind durva (doob) grass with milk then filter it. Prepared medicine can be used to end anuria and dysuria.

23. Malaria: Mix durva (doob) grass juice with Indian atees powder. Taking this medicine 2-3 times is useful to get relief in malaria.

24. Sexual power: White durva (doob) grass decreases sperm count and sexual power.

25. Children diseases: The durva (doob) grass which has long branches that are circulated on the walls should be ground and filtered. After that, extract juice from these branches and keep safe. Grind cobra’s saffron with seeds of small cardamom and make the powder. Mix 2-3 grams this powder with durva (doob) grass branch’s juice and drip this preparation in the suffered child nose that has suffered from the palate to be moved up to smell before sun-rising. It provides relief in this disease and hoarseness. Taking this medicine increases the body energy and cures milk-vomiting of the child. It is also useful to make the child strong.

26. Eyes pain: Applying the juice made from green durva (doob) grass on the eyelids or tying its paste over the eyes sleeping time at night is useful to get relief in pain and burning sensation. It is also useful to remove darkness from the front of eyes. One should use this medicine regular for some days.

27. The treatment of eyes disease: Walking foot on the green grass every morning increases eyesight.

28. Flatulence fever: Taking durva (doob) grass juice mixed with Indian atees powder is useful to cure fever caused by flatulence.

29. Allergic fever: One should apply ground durva (doob) grass with turmeric on the body to cure fever caused by Uriticaria.

30. Dryness of mouth and tongue: If someone has been suffering from mouth or tongue dryness caused by increasing bile, should mix 10-20 ml juice of white or green durva (doob) grass with sugar-candy and take it. The medicine is effective remedy to get relief.

31. Vomiting:

  • If someone has been suffering from old vomiting, should mix sugar-candy with durva (doob) grass juice, and should take in the morning and evening.
  • Taking the juice of white durva (doob) grass with rice water is useful to get relief in vomiting.
  • Grind black pepper in one spoon juice of durva (doob) grass. Taking it is beneficial to prevent vomiting.        

32. Amoebic dysentery:

  • Boil durva (doob) grass, dry ginger and aniseed with water afterwards give it to the patient, it cure dysentery.
  • Boil durva (doob) grass and mango together to make a decoction and take, it cures amoebic dysentery.

33. Abortion: Taking ten ml juice of green durva (doob) grass mixed with sugar-candy twice a day regularly for some days is useful to prevent abortion.

34. Loose-motion: Ten ml juice of green durva (doob) grass can be used to check loose motion.

35. Deafness: Fry durva (doob) grass (dhobi doob) with ghee and make it lukewarm. Dripping 2-2 drops of it in the ears is useful to end deafness.

36. Otorrhoea: Extract the juice of green durva (doob) grass and filter it. Dripping 2-3 drops of it in the ears 3-4 times a day regularly is useful in otorrhoea, and deafness.

37. Piles: Mix sugar in 50 ml juice of coach gram and giving it to the patient cures bloody piles.

38. Wound:

  • One should apply ground leaves of green durva (doob) grass on new wound and tie its leaves on the same part. It stops bleeding and recovers the wound quickly.
  • Applying ground durva (doob) grass on the wounds is useful to stop bleeding.

39. Stone:

  • Wash well root and stem of durva (doob) grass with water and grind it to make a paste. Mix five grams prepared paste with one glass of water and give it to the patient regularly for 15-20 days. It breaks stone and throws out.
  • Wash well root and stem of durva (doob) grass with water and grind it with water to make syrup and filter it. After that, mix sugar-candy in it and take twice a day regular, it breaks stone and provides relief.

40. Dropsy: Ten ml juice of green durva (doob) grass can be used twice a day to get relief in dropsy.

Increasing bile: If someone has been suffering from increasing bile, should take ten ml juice of green durva (doob) grass with sugar-candy twice a day. It provides benefit. During the condition of increasing bile, using green durva (doob) grass except white durva (doob) grass is very beneficial.

41. Blood leucorrhoea:

  • Mix half spoon powder of sandal wood and ground sugar candy in two spoon juice of durva (doob) grass and take, it cures blood leucorrhoea.
  • Taking ten ml juice of green durva (doob) grass regular thrice a day is useful to cure blood leucorrhoea.
  • If someone has been suffering from excessive bleeding in menses period, should take durva (doob) grass juice mixed with sugar-candy twice a day. It provides quick relief. Along with, during treatment of this disease, mix rice water in this juice and take it, it excessively provide relief.

42. Uriticaria: Grind durva (doob) grass with turmeric to make a paste and apply it on the affected, it ends uriticaria early.

43. Blood disorder due to bile:

  • Mix durva (doob) grass juice, juice of pomegranate flowers, juice of cow-dung and juice of horse-dung together. After that, taking it ends blood disorder due to bile.
  • Drinking 30 ml juice of durva (doob) grass is useful to get relief in blood disorder due to bile and stops tuberculosis bleeding.  

44. Nose diseases:

  • Taking 40 ml decoction of Rohit grass twice a day is useful to cure catarrh and phlegm.
  • Extracts one litre juice of durva (doob) grass and pour it and 4 litre mustered oil in the pan. Cook it on flame until remain only oil then put down. Dripping this oil in the nose is useful to remove the foul smell of mouth and nose.

45. Penis skin diseases: Grind green durva (doob) grass, turmeric and Neem leaves together and extract the juice of it. After that, pull the skin of penis and apply this juice on this part and massage slowly. It cures the diseases of penis skin.

46. Nose-bleeding:

  • Extracts the juice of durva (doob) grass and drip it in the nose, it prevents nose bleeding.
  • Uproot the green durva (doob) grass and wash with water. Grind it and extract juice. Dripping 2-2 drops of this juice in the nostrils is useful to prevent nose-bleeding.
  • Mix two spoons juice of durva (doob) grass with sugar and after that drip it in the nose. It prevents nose-bleeding.

47. Syphilis: The decoction made from durva (doob) grass root is useful to cure syphilis.

48. Arthritis: Rubbing with oil of Rohit grass’s leaves on the affected parts is useful to get relief in arthritis.

49. Itching: Mix two spoons durva (doob) grass juice in 100 ml sesame oil. After that, apply it on the affected parts, it removes itching.

50. Cholera: Grind 10 ml durva (doob) grass with equal unripe rice (Arba rice). Taking this medicine is useful to cure cholera.

51. Epilepsy: Ten ml juice of green durva (doob) grass should be taken twice a day to cure epilepsy.

52. Pimples and boils: Grind durva (doob) grass to make a paste and apply it on the affected parts, it cures the pimples and boils.

53. Face black spots: Taking 40 ml decoction made by green durva (doob) grass’s root twice a day cures the skin diseases.

54. Leprosy: Applying dew of durva (doob) grass on the affected parts is useful to cure leprosy.

55. Face marks and acnes: Mix green durva (doob) grass with turmeric and grind it to make a paste. Apply this paste on the body; it ends itching, scabies, ringworm and other diseases of the skin.

56. Chilblain:

  • Ground green durva (doob) grass can be applied on affected parts cures chilblain.
  • Apply the durva (doob) grass paste on the affected parts, it provides relief in chilblain.
  • If your skin has cracked from anywhere and bleeding is starting from them, grind green durva (doob) grass and some turmeric with water. Filter this mixture with the help of a clean cloth. Mix some coconut oil in prepared mixture and rub it on the body. It is useful to cure all the diseases of the skin.

Durva (Doob) Grass Side Effects :    

Precaution: Taking excessive quantity of durva (doob) grass may be harmful for stomach and decreases sexual power too. Excessive quantity of green grass is the cause of women vomiting.

Removing bad effects: – Black pepper and cardamom remove its bad effects.

इस लेख का हिंदी अनुवाद यहाँ पढ़ें दूर्वा घास के 56 चमत्कारी फायदे

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional before starting any new herbal treatment.

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