Red Chilli (Lal Mirch) 26 Amazing Uses, Benefits, Dosage and Side Effects

Last Updated on July 4, 2024 by admin


The plants of red chilly are 60 to 90 centimeters high. Its leaves are long and green. Its flowers are white. Its raw fruits are green and ripe fruits are light yellow and red. Every red chilly has many seeds which are like brinjal seeds.

     The taste of red chilly is spicy. Red chilly is very famous. Both raw and ripe red chilly are used to prepare pickle. It is also used as spice.  

Testing the Authenticity of Ground Red Chili:

Some shopkeeper mix wood-powder and colour in ground red chilly therefore you want to identify good red chilly, mix one-teaspoon ground red chilly in one cup of water consequently, the wood powder will float on water surface and water will be coloured. 

Red Chilli (Lal Mirch) Name in Different Languages:

  • Sanskrit   –    Lanka, Katuvira, Raktmarich, Pitt karirani
  • Hindi       –       Lal mirch
  • English    –       Pepper, Red chilly
  • Marathi    –        Muluk, Mirchi lal
  • Telugu      –        Mirchakaya
  • Bengali    –        Lanka, Maarich, Gachh marich
  • Gujrati      –       Marchan
  • Persian    –       Philhile surkh
  • Arabic      –       Philhile Ahamar
  • Urdu        –       Surkh mirch
  • Latin        –       Capsicum annunum

The Nutritional Composition of Red Chilli (Lal Mirch):

Elements                           Quantity
Protein                               2.9 grams
Carbohydrate                     31.6 grams
Calorie                               264
Calcium                             160 milligrams
Phosphorus                        370 milligrams
Carotene                           34.5 milligrams
Vitamin-C                          50 milligrams

Red Chilli (Lal Mirch) Medicinal & Ayurvedic Properties:

  • Red chilly is hot, dry in nature, spicy and pungent. 
  • It causes inflammation and alleviates poisoning.
  •  It cures stomach diseases, wound, anorexia, hoarseness, indigestion and spermathorrhoea.
  • It increases saliva gland and causes stomach warmth. 
  • Taking over quantity of red chilly excites the heart and blood arteries.
  • It also increases urine quantity.  

Red Chilli (Lal Mirch) Dosage:

 Dosage: 2 grams

Red Chilli (Lal Mirch) Uses and Benefits

1. Anuria and dysuria: Mix 3 grams husk of spogel seeds with 5 to 10 drops oil of red chilly. Taking this mixture with water is useful to end burning sensation of urine and other urinary problems.

2. Stomach pain:

  • Mix 1 gram powder of red chilly with 100 grams jaggery and make tablets from it. After that, take these tablet provides relief from stomach pain.
  • Taking half gram red chilly with 2 grams powder of dry ginger ends stomach pain.

3. Anorexia: If the patient does not feel hunger due to bile disorder, mix 5 to 30 drops oil of red chilly seeds with puffed sugar cakes. Giving these puffed sugar cakes to him is useful to cure anorexia and increase appetite.

4. Cholera

  • Throw out seeds of red chilly and grind its peels to make the fine powder. Mix some camphor, asafetida and honey in it. Make tablets of 240 milligrams from the above mixture. Taking this tablet regularly cures cholera.
  • One teaspoon oil of red chilly should be taken after every loose motion and vomiting. It cures cholera within 3-4 times.
  • Drinking decoction of red chilly after taking tablet of opium and toasted asafetida is useful to cure cholera.
  • Grind red chilly finely and make tablets equal the straw berry from it. Taking one tablet with seven cloves after every an hour is beneficial to cure cholera. 

5. Hoarseness: Mix almond and sugar with powder of a little quantity of red chilly and make small tablets from this mixture. Taking this tablet regularly cures hoarseness.

6. Spermatorrhoea: Mix one drop oil of red chilly seed with puffed sugar cakes. Taking these puffed sugar cakes with milk or whey provides relief in spermatorrhoea.

7. Back pain: Rubbing oil of red chilly or applying paste of burnt fruits of red chilly on the body provides relief from back, thigh and others pain. 

8. Diphtheria: Apply oil of red chilly on the afflicted part, it ends throat pain and cures diphtheria.

9. Dog bite

  • Grind red chilly with water and apply it on the bitten part, it alleviates poisoning within some time. It also ends burning sensation consequently; pus does not occur in wound. It also ends pain.
  • Applying oil of red chilly on the affected part ends itching, scabies and joints swelling. It alleviates dog bite and wasp poisoning.

10. Boils, pimples and itching:

  • Take oil of red chilly; it ends itching, cures boils and pimples, which occur in rainy season.
  • In the summer season, if someone suffers from blisters or pimples on the body, apply red chilly oil on the body, it cures blisters and pimples and, ends itching.

11. Wine intoxication and illusion: Mix 1 gram powder of red chilly in 20 ml lukewarm water and drink this water 2-3 times a day to end wine intoxication and check illusion. It is also useful in collapse fever (sannipat).

12. Rheumatism: Rubbing oil of red chilly on the joints is useful to end joints pain.

13. Throat diseases: Mix 10 grams ground red chilly in one liter water and prepare decoction from it. Gargling with this decoction cures mouth blisters and throat wound.

14. Eyes pain: Make a thick paste by grinding red chilly. After that, apply this paste on toe’s nail, it provides relief from eyes pain. If the patient suffers from pain of both eyes, apply this paste on both the toes’ nail.

15. Identification of snake biting: If someone does not feel bitter taste of red chilly by eating, it should be considered that snake has bitten to him.

16. Scorpion poison: Apply ground red chilly on bitten part; it provides relief in burning sensation.

17. Bugs killer: Boil dry red chilly with water and spray this water on bugs place, bugs will not come there.

18. Fever: In child fever, if someone feels possibility of feet paralysis by airing, mix fine powder of red chilly in oil and rub it on the affected part, it provides relief.

19. Malaria: Grind 3 red chilies with their stalks in water and apply it on the left hand finger (Anamika) then tie a muslin cloth on it. Keep dripping water on this cloth. This process should be done minimum 2 hours before fever, by it malaria does not occur.

20. Toothache: Grind red chilly finely and mix water in it. Filter this mixture and boil it lightly on fire. Dripping 2 to 4 drops of this mixture in the ears ends toothache. If pain is in right tooth then drip in the left ear and if pain in left tooth then drop in the right ear.

21. Mouth blisters: Mix red chilly in water or prepare decoction from red chilly and drink, it cures mouth blisters and wound quickly.

22. Dropsy: Boil 20 grams leaves of red chilly plant with 10 seeds of black pepper then make it cold. Mix 1 gram rock salt and one gram sal-ammonic in the above mixture. Taking this preparation provides relief.

23. Itching and scabies: Apply boiled oil of red chilly on the skin, it provides relief in swelling, itching, scabies and other diseases of the skin. This remedy is also useful in pimples, which occur in the rainy season.

24. Skin diseases: Boil 125 grams red chilly with 375 ml mustard oil properly then put it down and filter. It is called “Lal mirch ka tel”. It cures the chronic pimples and all diseases of the skin.

25. Headache: Make the paste by grinding equal quantity of small and big red chilly with milkhedge’s milk. After that, apply this paste on the forehead ends all the types of headache.

26. Body swelling: Boil 125 grams red chilly with about 375 ml mustard oil and filter it. After that, apply this mixture on the swollen part of the body, it ends swelling.

Red Chilli (Lal Mirch) Side Effects:

Precautions: Taking over quantity of red chilly is harmful for the bile natured person. It may be harmful for the stomach, lungs and bladder.

Removing side-effects: Ghee and honey remove all side-effects of red chilly.

इस लेख का हिंदी अनुवाद यहाँ पढ़ेंलालमिर्च के 26 औषधीय उपयोग, फायदे और दुष्प्रभाव

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional before starting any new herbal treatment.

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